After listening to Jean Ann Harrison’s discussion about how important critical thinking is in the context of software testing and quality assurance on an episode of Test Talks, I wrote a post about The Limits of Automated Testing. Although Harrison’s explanation was great, I had a few remaining questions and this week chose to look for more information on automated testing. I came across a post by Martin Jansson from March 2017 titled Implication of emphasis on automation in CI, and it seemed to provide me with the more comprehensive view of testing automation that I was looking for.
Jansson starts out on a positive note, stating that he “less frequently see[s] the argumentation that testing is not needed.” To me it is almost comical to think about someone arguing that testing is unnecessary. While I completely understand that managers and executives are enticed by the possibility of saving time and money by not testing software, this is an extremely risky and careless method of creating a product. I doubt that anyone releasing untested software lasts very long or makes any money in the industry.
So if not testing at all is not an option, what are the options? Going with the bare-minimum for testing would be running only automated tests, a method that Jansson says is actually used. I have to agree with Jansson, however, when he says that this is not testing, rather it is simply checking. Instead of exploring parts of the code that are likely to contain bugs, you will simply be checking acceptance criteria. By not exploring the code fully, you are failing to find anything that might be outside the scope of the specification or the requirements. I feel that the following graphic provides an excellent representation of how few tests are actually performed when following a testing strategy that relies solely on automation.
What constitutes the perfect blending of automated and manual testing may be impossible to know. What is certain, however, is that automated testing cannot be relied upon as the sole method for testing. Jansson puts it in layman’s terms when he says that “you rarely automate serendipity.” Just as Jean Ann Harrison points out in the Test Talks podcast mentioned earlier, automation is not and will never be a replacement for thought. It is a bit of a relief to know that the software development companies are maturing and beginning to understand the importance of having testers who use a combination of automated and manual testing. As long as there continues to be humans writing code, there will need to be humans who test that code.
From the blog CS@Worcester – ~/GeorgeMatthew/etc by gmatthew and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.