The objective of any scrum project management framework is to provide structure, fluidity, values and principles when completing a project. But all members of the project must equally pull their weight as well as know their role for the use of scrum to be efficient. A famous saying that relates to this is that “a team is only as good as its weakest link”. This phrase can be applied to basically any team, or group of people pulling for the same cause, in life. I think a scrum team is no different. This article I read by Dave West goes in detail about each role in a scrum team and how they tie in to each other for the team to collectively succeed.
Scrum Team Roles
Previously stated in class, the three roles of a scrum team are: the development team, the product owner, and the scrum master, with each role being just as important as the other. Starting with the development team, the developers are the ones responsible for working on the product. They are the ones bringing the blueprints and requirements, brought from the product owner, to fruition, essentially doing the dirty work of the team. The product owners show them what needs to be done and the deadline by which it needs to be done, and the developers take it from there. They self-organize and make their own decisions on how to complete the task. The development team could be of any occupation from writing, designing, programming, etc. The prime responsibility of a product owner is understanding business requirements and customer feedback. Based on those two things, the product owner is able to set the focus of the team based on meeting deadlines and release dates. It can sometimes be stressful and overwhelming for developers and product owners having to avoid falling behind. This is where scrum masters come in. The scrum master is the overseer, the piece holding everything together. The scrum master must have knowledge in development and product ownership. The development team and the product owner must be able to count on the scrum master for help and support. The scrum master is responsible for the scrum working as one and keeping the values strong in the team, sort of like a coach. The scrum master is usually the most active member of the scrum team.
As previously stated, I think for scrum to work, all members should be on the right pace. The minute that one role falls behind is the minute the framework fails. With much communication, and all members collectively on the right track, scrum is a very strong framework.
Article I Used
From the blog CS@Worcester – William's Blog by William Cordor and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.