A while ago, we used the Mockito framework in Java during an in-class activity. If I’m being honest, I wasn’t paying full attention to the material, and so I wanted to review some of the material in addition to looking into mocking more.
The idea with mocking is that unit testing without the actual classes being written is problematic solely because we can’t actually test stuff that isn’t written. This mostly applies to a specification-based testing environment, a subset of black-box testing. Mocking solves this by simulating the construction of objects and allowing set values to pass through for tests, which can then be refactored once the classes are actually created. As such, we can have tests created for the behaviors we want in our project, without having written the project yet, which is great if we’re applying specifications to tests.
This contrasts with stubs, pieces of code that are written as minimally as possible to get the test suite to function. Stubs are useful in that they can quickly provide the correct result for a test without the need of an outside resource, but what seems to happen is that as you write more tests, you end up writing the actual program in the process to make the tests match. This is good for test-driven development, where we actively write tests while we code the actual program, but if our interest is solely on writing the tests based on specifications, this isn’t a great approach.
According to a blog post by Rohit Khankhoje, mocks are great in that they are more cost-effective, acccessible and efficient than writing stubs or creating fakes. By setting up mocks, you have less set-up time for tests because you don’t need to have the system accessible in order to have a fully functioning test suite. While this is great, there are some obvious drawbacks. For example, tests that utilize mocking will still frequently have to adapt to new code changes when functionality is added to the project. This is more pressing with the idea in mind that tests will continue to pass with mocks despite code in the actual project changing, and so mocked tests need to be developed side-by-side with the actual code, otherwise the testing suite isn’t actually portraying accurate information regarding the accuracy and performance of the system.
As such, while mocking is a very strong tool, it seems to only be very useful in an environment where we don’t have access to code, and when we do have access to code (or we are also the coders ourselves, not just testers) it seems much more efficient to implement test-driven development.
From the blog CS@Worcester – V's CompSCi Blog by V and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.