Category Archives: CS-443

Old Blog, New Year

Hi! I believe we’ve already met before, my name is Rai, and Im a student at Worcester State University. Im writing a new introductory post to welcome myself into the new year and to welcome myself into my new courses.

As for a little about me, I’m huge into video games and anything that flexes my creative muscle, which is why I’m going into a focus of Software Design and Development for my Junior year. I’ll be taking CS-443, Software Quality Assurance & Testing, with Professor Wurst, and as a part of that course, I’ll be writing for this blog ?

I hope to utilize this blog throughout my career, but for now I’ll simply be using it for this course and any other courses I take with Professor Wurst.

From the blog CS@Worcester – You're Telling Me A Shrimp Wrote This Code?! by tempurashrimple and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Introduction Post CS443

CS443 – Software Quality Assurance & Testing is a course I was very excited to take this semester. The topics that we will learn about will pair nicely with CS497 – Programming Language Design & Implementation as they both involve running test cases. Looking at the syllabus, I noticed that one of the tools we will utilize in the course is GitPod, having no experience with GitPod, I’m eager to experiment with its various features.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Through a Junior by Winston Luu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Re-Introduction: SP24

Hello my name is Andrew George and I am a student at Worcester State. Currently I am a Junior and nearly at the finish of my academic program, that being Computer Science. The road to reaching this point has been a long one, however through my struggling I’ve gained insight that I would have otherwise lacked. I speak about my academic progression here (in my original introduction post), so if you are interested in how I’ve reached this point you may read that attached blog post.

Within the three months of last semester I’ve learned so much more about Computer Science, and frankly it was both eye-opening and relieving. Up to this point my only experience with CompSci was the programming aspect of it. While yes programming is completely fundamental, I was craving something more from my studies. Fortunately this hunger was satiated by three of my classes last semester.

The first was a Computer Architecture class, which provided deep analyses on how hardware processes user input, and what that input looks like with machine language. Overall I found this to be the most fascinating of my courses thus far as the concepts we were learning helped click in place with information I’ve learned outside of school. I even found myself working with ‘virtual memory’ through increasing the maximum page size of my PC’s memory.

The next of these classes was a Database Design course. My experience with databases was little to none prior to entering this class. The closest experience I had was working with pseudo big data sets in my AP Computer Science class many years back in high school, which even that didn’t explain much. Needless to say everything I was learning in this course was completely new to me. I found that working with SQL was a nice change of pace, as I primarily only worked with Object Oriented Languages up until that point. My greatest accomplishment from that course was creating my final project around a java program which allowed integration from a database that I created. While yes the Java part of the project did need more time to finish, I was incredibly impressed with my progress and the product.

The last new course I took was a Software Management course, which I had little to no idea what to expect from it. Despite having little initial expectations for the course, I was able to take away many valuable lessons (and tools) from the course. I think taking this course was imperative for preparing me for working in the industry, as it familiarized me with both the tools and processes teams work with. Some content was familiar such as Agile, as I learned the basics of it at a previous college, but other topics such as repositories were completely new. Most topics covered in this course help serve as the glue to keep team-based projects together.

With all these classes considered I had a really effective previous semester in terms of learning new things. It taught me a very important lesson that was ‘maybe it’s important to step away from the compiler every now and then’. I could’ve used the time spent in these classes to focus on my direct coding skill, but instead I learned that will come with time. It’s very important to learn about Computer Science as a whole, rather than pin-holing my focus into ‘just coding’.

Until Next Time

– AG

From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Progression by ageorge4756 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


This will be my log for the course CS-443.

From the blog Mikes CS Journey by Michael St. Germain and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Ensuring Quality Code

Hello. If you don’t know, I’m Anthony Cao. I’m writing this post because I’ve started a new course in ensuring quality code and testing. Since my original introductory post, not much has changed other than understanding what my life is going to consist of. I will document that here.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Cao's Thoughts by antcao and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Here’s to another round of blog posts.

My name is Kyler and I’ll be making quite a few blog posts over the course of this semester. I look forward to both my class as well as the future posts I’ll be making.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Kyler's Blog by kylerlai and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Another Introduction!

Hi everyone!

My name is Josh and the use of this blog going forward will be to discuss topics we are covering in my Software Quality Assurance & Testing class. I hope to discover and learn new things and share them with you here. Have a great day!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Josh's Coding Journey by joshuafife and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Software Quality Assurance and Testing

Well, here we are again. My final software class which no offense to professor Wurst as he is great I am just happy with because I am in the Big Data Analytics concentration and I realized early on in my CS career that coding and software were not my specialties. This semester you can expect not just 4 BUT 8 EIGHT WHOLE BLOG POSTS. I am going to have to write this in a calendar to keep this on track. To whoever is reading this I will see you soon not just because I have to write these but because I will have plenty of questions and things I struggle with throughout this class.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Josies Notes by josielrivas and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Introductory Post

Welcome to my blog, where I will look into various exciting new developments in the computer science field, and share my thoughts. I plan to share any thoughts or ideas regarding news I find and potentially test out small projects using them depending on my interest. Anything I create during my explorations will be shared here. I am new to blogging, so my designs and presentation will improve over time, I hope this proves interesting!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Exploring Computer Science: Ben Gelineau by Ben Gelineau and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

About my blog for CS-443

Hi everyone,

This is Tianyuan Wang, you can call me Ty.
Here is the blog I just created, which will be used for me to learn and record knowledge about CS-443 Software Quality Assur & Test.

I will post and share my questions, experiences and learnings here.

First of all, before learning how to test software specifically, I would like to talk about my understanding and expectations for this course. My understanding of software testing is the process of verifying that the software logic is correct, the functions are complete, the system is safe and the quality is reliable. These are necessary for any software, whether old or new. For example, before a brand new software is released or after an old software is upgraded, professionals must operate the software under specified conditions to discover program errors. The process of measuring software quality and evaluating whether it meets design requirements.

That was my first impression of the CS-443, and I was ready to learn more about it.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Ty-Blog by Tianyuan Wang and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.