Yesterday was my final class meeting for CS-443. In it, I was briefly introduced to the concept of Software Quality Assurance (SQA). The presentation on it was mostly focused on Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), which is one set of standards that is often used in SQA to ensure that an organization is capable of developing software well. While I received plenty of information on CMMI from the presentation, I felt that I did not gain a great understanding of SQA in general. For this reason, I decided I would do my own research into SQA to help me prepare for the final exam tomorrow.
I eventually came across this article from which I think provides a fantastic introduction to SQA. The article starts of by defining SQA as “a process which assures that all software engineering processes, methods, activities and work items are monitored and comply against the defined standards.” This definition has helped me understand exactly what SQA is much better than the class presentation, which focused on CMMI. In fact, the article’s explanation has clarified to me that SQA can use any set of standards as defined by the organization, and that CMMI is only one possible example of these standards.
While the article emphasizes that SQA is a much broader concept than I previously thought, it also lists several activities and techniques that are generally used in SQA regardless of the selected set of standards. Some of the activities listed include having multiple testing strategies, measuring change impact, and maintaining records and reports. These techniques have all been discussed either in CS-443 or in other classes that I have taken, and seeing them listed here has helped me better understand exactly what happens when SQA is used during a software’s development. The article also discusses several techniques used to enforce SQA during a development process. The main technique that is used is auditing, which involves regular inspection of the products of development to make sure they follow the standards. Other techniques discussed in the article include code inspection, design inspection, and static analysis, all of which I have also been exposed to previously.
This article has made it clear to me that SQA is not simply the enforcement of CMMI, but a much broader concept that can enforce any set of standards using a variety of techniques. Reading this article has helped me better understand what SQA is and what it looks like to use it during development, and I definitely recommend it to anyone who is also having trouble understanding SQA.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science with Kyle Q by kylequad and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.