Category Archives: CS-443

Gradle Clover Part 2

Before we get started there a couple of assumptions I am making: You have a current Gradle project and you want add Code Coverage testing You are using Junit 5 (Jupiter) for testing Ok first and for most backup your existing project. If following my steps causes you to screw something up that’s on you. Especially since my first step in this adventure clearly states backup your existing project! Backup complete? Ok lets move on. Go to github and fork the gradle-clover-plugin repository: Now open your projects build.gradle and the plugins build.gradle. Wildly different right?! Now merge the two. My project didn’t have any funky dependencies or imports so I literally copied the plugins build.gradle and overwrote mine. There are about nine different plugins used for the Gradle Clover Plugin. Read the projects build.gradle and understand it. This will help assure there are no failures. Remember I did tell you to backup your project before starting. Once you sort out your build.gradle look in the Gradle Clover Plugin repository and open up the gradle folder. Copy the six *.gradle files to your projects gradle folder. These should be: additional-artifacts.gradle documentation.gradle functional-testing.gradle integration-test.gradle publishing.gradle release.gradle Now back to the Gradle Clover Plugin repository copy the src folder to your project and overwrite your src folder. You will now have three folders in your src folder: funcTest main test funcTest contains all the functional testing scripts while main and test contain an additional groovy folder with scripts specific for Groovy. Now if you just overwrote your src directory your code should still be in the java folders under main and test. If not go to your backup and copy them over. This is why we do backups. Now once again back to the Gradle Clover Plugin repository. Copy the file over from the root of the repository to the root of your repository. Open it up with your favorite editor (I like to use Notepad++ ) and check it out. What are we looking at here? Well this sets your current Gradle version build level and the testing versions as well. You can modify this to test against specific versions of Gradle. TIP: Keep gradleTestingVersion list short and only test against the version of Gradle you need to. This will reduce your build time. Now open a bash terminal and fire off a gradle build. Oh your code failed with a compilation error because of javaDocs and GroovyDocs? Clean up your code! No seriously, I was shocked the first time I ran it that I had 12 errors all related to java docs. Now these were errors that JaCoCo, Spotbugs, Checkstyle and PMD did not report. One of which was: @param firstName was missing a description. It was helpful to have the line numbers right there on the screen and I was quickly able to resolve my issues. Now that you’ve cleaned up your code do another gradle build. Once your build succeeds navigate to the $repository_name/build/reports/tests folder you will see two sub-folders test and functionalTest. Drill into these folder and open the index.html file to see your test results. Now that you are all setup head over to OpenClover and to the gradle-clover-plugin repository and learn how to tweak the setup for your use. #CS@Worcester #CS-443

From the blog Michael Duquette by Michael Duquette and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

OpenClover vs. JaCoCo

This is the first in a series of two posts. First we’ll cover the why and the second post will cover the how. Getting OpenClover setup on an existing project took some massaging that will be rather lengthy to explain. OpenClover is based on Atlassian’s Clover product. Atlassian released the source code for Clover and offers OpenClover as a free and open source product. Why OpenClover instead of JaCoCo? Well the code coverage is more complete then JaCoCo and the other alternatives. OpenClover provides plugins for CI servers like Jenkins, Bamboo and Hudson and integrates with ANT, Maven, and Grails. OpenClover also integrates with IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse. OpenClover covers Java, Groovy and AspectJ while tracking global coverage and per-test coverage. Reports are generated on three kinds of metrics: method coverage, statement coverage, and branch coverage. For a complete list of features see the features page at I find the ability to integrate OpenClover with my IDE (IntelliJ or Eclipse – I use both) appealing. Being able to run tests from the IDE would be very helpful. I’m not sure if any of the other products available for Code Coverage testing can integrate with an IDE. Follow this link for a general comparison on Code Coverage products. I found it helpful when researching alternatives to JaCoCo. Unlike most reviews/comparisons I have found on line this one includes links to each of the products discussed. Stay tuned for my second post on Implementing OpenClover with an existing Gradle project. #CS@Worcester #CS-443

From the blog Home | Michael Duquette by Michael Duquette and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

OpenClover vs. JaCoCo

This is the first in a series of two posts. First we’ll cover the why and the second post will cover the how. Getting OpenClover setup on an existing project took some massaging that will be rather lengthy to explain. OpenClover is based on Atlassian’s Clover product. Atlassian released the source code for Clover and offers OpenClover as a free and open source product. Why OpenClover instead of JaCoCo? Well the code coverage is more complete then JaCoCo and the other alternatives. OpenClover provides plugins for CI servers like Jenkins, Bamboo and Hudson and integrates with ANT, Maven, and Grails. OpenClover also integrates with IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse. OpenClover covers Java, Groovy and AspectJ while tracking global coverage and per-test coverage. Reports are generated on three kinds of metrics: method coverage, statement coverage, and branch coverage. For a complete list of features see the features page at I find the ability to integrate OpenClover with my IDE (IntelliJ or Eclipse – I use both) appealing. Being able to run tests from the IDE would be very helpful. I’m not sure if any of the other products available for Code Coverage testing can integrate with an IDE. Follow this link for a general comparison on Code Coverage products. I found it helpful when researching alternatives to JaCoCo. Unlike most reviews/comparisons I have found on line this one includes links to each of the products discussed. Stay tuned for my second post on Implementing OpenClover with an existing Gradle project. #CS@Worcester #CS-443

From the blog Michael Duquette by Michael Duquette and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Path Testing & Graph

what is Path Testing? It is a way or a method of testing to ensure that all the lines in the program is executed once at least. There is Program Graphs, Decision-to-Decision (DD) Paths, Test Coverage with Program Graphs and DD-Path Graphs

From the blog CS@Worcester – Shams's Bits and Bytes by Shsms Al Farees and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Making Sense of Static Testing

Last week in CS-443, we did a class activity on static testing tools. These tools are able to detect issues in a program without executing the code. Previous activities had focused on dynamic testing, which does involve code execution, so static testing was definitely new to me. However, I had a hard time learning about the tools due to problems I had with the activity. One of its early parts involved building and running a batch file for the project we were working with. This batch file refused to run properly on my computer, so I was unable to progress with the activity and thus did not get to work with the static testing tools for myself. I observed what my group’s technician did with the tools, and it was interesting to see them in action, but I had a hard time understanding what the tools were doing since I was not working with them myself. Today, I decided to address this problem by revisiting the activity on my own and doing extra research into static testing.

Unfortunately, I was unable to get the batch file to run on my computer. No matter what I tried, it always failed to find or load the main class of the project. After about an hour of messing with file directories, I decided it was not worth spending more time trying to get the batch file to work. I was able to run the project using the gradle run command, and I decided to move on so I could actually try working with a static testing tool. The tool I worked with was Checkstyle, which looks over the code and makes sure it complies with the style guidelines specified in an xml file. I found it interesting that the tool is fully customizable, as the guidelines it checks for can be changed by altering the xml file that the tool uses. The tool is also extremely simple to add to a project, as it only requires a few extra lines in the build.gradle file: one to add the plugin, one to state which version to use, and one to declare which xml file contains the style guidelines.

Although I was able to figure out Checkstyle, I still was not sure I understood the fundamentals of static testing. I decided to do more research instead of continuing with the activity, and I came across an article from about the basics of static testing and testing review. I think the article does a great job introducing the concept of static testing and explaining why and how it is used. It is from reading this article that I learned the difference between static and dynamic testing. It also explained to me why static testing is used and introduced me to different types of static testing, such as manual reviews. I won’t go into every detail about the article here, but it definitely helped me make more sense of static testing and I certainly recommend it to anyone who is also confused by it.

You can find the article here:

From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science with Kyle Q by kylequad and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Are you Mocking me?

The idea of mock objects used for testing makes me very excited. After struggling through an assignment on mocking in the very class I am writing this blog for, my excitement started to waver. Luckily I was able to get everything working after messing with gradle dependencies and the locations of files within the project and it was really a joy to see just how powerful mocking could be. I decided to look at mocking in greater detail for this blog post, because while the assignment we did in class did set up a good introduction, I feel like most of the assignment was spent setting up mockito, a really handy java mocking framework.

I found a really thorough article about mock testing written by Michael Minella (over a decade ago!) over at While this article is ancient in terms of how quickly technology changes, I feel like all of the information given is still very relevant today, even if frameworks have changed a bit since then.

In the real world it is almost impossible to program without having to use dependencies. Mocking is one way to make sure that tests are only testing what needs to be tested, rather than testing the method in question and all of its dependencies. It allows you to create “Mock” objects that return desired outputs for their methods since tests should assume that any other methods that need to be called are working as intended. To reiterate what was said in the article, If a method has a dependency that returns an ArrayList, you most likely aren’t testing that ArrayList works as intended. You should assume that it works and test the method under that assumption. Mocks are proxy objects that only return what is necessary, eliminating any potential issues where the dependency could have an issue that would muddle the usefulness of the tests.

The article doesn’t go into detail about any specific frameworks but does talk about the how exactly the different types of frameworks work. According to the article, Mocking frameworks that use proxy objects, objects that are injected into the test file without modifying any other code, are far more popular than any other types of mocking frameworks.

This article is a must read for anyone looking to start using mocking in their unit tests. I feel like dealing with dependencies in my unit tests is something that I find myself struggling with and Mocking is most certainly a good solution to that.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Your Friendly Neighborhood Programming Blog by John Pacheco and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Should Tests Drive Development?

After spending many hours reading about the benefits of TDD, Test Driven Development, I thought for sure that anyone attempting to program any other way was putting themselves at a huge disadvantage. I mean, who wouldn’t want to get work done faster, cleaner, and with more test coverage? While searching the internet for information about TDD I stumbled upon Robert C. Martin, one of the founders of Agile and writer of Clean Code‘s, blog. On his blog he wrote a post about a study done on TDD that actually proves that TDD brings no benefits into the workplace. As someone who read both Clean Code and Clean Coder I thought that Martin would disprove the study with an iron fist, yet that wasn’t the case.

Martin’s blog post was written in dialogue format which does make it pretty easy to follow along with his main points. Martin doesn’t outright deny the claims made by the writers of the study, rather he claims that their study wasn’t really testing two different ways of programming. The study had two groups work by programming in small chunks while one writes unit tests before, TDD, and the other writes their tests after, TLD, or Test Last Development. While it may seem like both of these ways of programming would yield massively different results there is an inherent problem with the way the study was carried out.

In order to program in small chunks, no matter when the tests are written, one has to think about the tests before writing the code. It is nearly impossible to know what a “small chunk” is for testing unless a test is already in your mind. This is the problem with the study. Both groups were essentially doing TDD except one group was writing the tests prior and one group was committing to the tests that would be written later prior.

The study shows that TDD doesn’t make you any faster or less prone to error than TLD, yet it seems like the two groups that were being studied were both doing a form of TDD, just one was using a less formal version. If there is anything that it seems one could take away from this test its this: writing code in small chunks, even if you aren’t writing the tests before, is the most efficient way to program. This study didn’t disprove TDD, rather it proved that one of the most important principles of TDD, writing code in small chunks, is extremely beneficial to all programmers.

One of my biggest issues when programming, and something that I find happens to me all to frequently, is I’ll have an idea for a way to solve a problem and I’ll chug away writing code until I think I have the whole problem solved. One “full send” later and a couple erroneous outputs and I’m lost as to what I should change in order to make my code passable. I feel like even if I am not using TDD completely when programming for things such as programming challenges, I should try and write in small chunks with the tests I will be writing in mind.

Overall a very fun read by “Uncle Bob” Martin. I am extremely glad I stumbled upon his blog because I enjoyed reading his books a great deal.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Your Friendly Neighborhood Programming Blog by John Pacheco and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Imagine Getting Trash Talked By a Robot?

Alright everyone, I decided that for this week, I am going to move away from a QA article and talk about a general CS article. To be more specific, this article was about robots, and how even the words that they say can affect us humans. On first glance of the article, I read the title wrong and thought that humans were just bullying robots and seeing their reaction, but it is the opposite, robots are bullying humans.

The study conducted recently is a study about how human performance is affected by discouraging or encouraging words coming from a robot. They used a video game and the robot would comment on how the player was doing. It turns out that the robot saying mean things to the player about his performance caused the player to actually score lower than that of a player who was praised. As someone who dabbles in video games, I understand that people will talk about my bad skill, and I do believe that it makes players worse at what they are playing, but I didn’t think the words of a robot could have such an effect.

The test was conducted by Aaron M. Roth on about 40 participants. This test was important because most tests take a look at how humans and robots can cooperate, but this test looks at how they are when they are uncooperative. This isn’t tested as much so I fell that it is important to test this because as AI continues to develop and get better, we may see ourselves in a situation where a robot can become uncooperative. This study was done just to show that while human words definitely affect human performance, the words of a robot who is programmed to say such things can also be detrimental to us humans. We really are a weak race if I’m being honest.

I really enjoyed reading this article. The reason I chose to write this article over another QA article is that there are more ideas to write about in general CS where as QA articles are almost all the same. It is usually about the trends of 2019 or 2020. This was the first article I saw in the CS articles, and it was about robots bullying humans. This was really easy to read, and it was even easier to write about. My next blog is my last blog for the semester I believe, so hopefully there will be a great article for me to write about next week.

From the blog CS@Worcester – My Life in Comp Sci by Tyler Rego and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Mock testing

Mocking, or mock testing, is a really well known method in writing unit tests. With “mock” in English is to imitate or replica something, a mock object in programming can be seen as a place holder for another object that has the exact same behavior. With that being said, mocking would enable developers to use the mock object to simulate the real behavior of the real object in order to perform without having to worry about dependencies of the real object.

With a little help from mock frameworks that available for the majority of the languages, mock testings has become easier and more efficient to use. The first type of mock framework is Proxy based frameworks, and it would usually creates a mock object to be called by the test, and it can handle that call by delegate it to the original object, or do operations by itself. This type of frameworks is commonly used as because of its simplicity but still does have its own drawback. For instance, proxy based frameworks can neither be able to intercept static method calls, private method calls, final method call nor build a proxy for a final class. The second type of mock frameworks is classloader mapping as the program would tell the class loader to remap the reference to the class file it loads, so essentially it would load the mock class instead of the actual class.

Article reference can be found here.

From the blog #Khoa'sCSBlog by and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Mock Testing

Recently in CS-443 I was introduced to testing using
mocking. Mock testing makes use of a mocking framework (we used Mockito in class)
to create mocks which the place of regular objects. A mock can call the methods
of its associated class or interface, but it will return a default value of 0
instead of actually running the behaviors specified in the class’ methods. It
is also possible to tell the mock to return specific values other than the
default to make sure that different methods return different results. It was
interesting to learn about implementing Mockito and working with mocks in my
projects, but there was one question that I kept asking myself: What is the
point? Why go through the trouble of setting up mocks when you could just
finish writing the code and test its actual behavior? I decided I would search
for an answer to these questions on my own, and in doing so I came across an
article by Michael Minella titled “The Concept of Mocking.”

The article can be found here:

Unlike the example in class, this article teaches mocking
and its purpose clearly and simply. This purpose, as the article explains, is
to test functions without executing other functions that they depend on. The
article demonstrates this with a simple example which includes a doLookup
method that calls a lookupByKey method. By using mocks, it is possible to test
doLookup without needing to make sure lookupByKey is also working correctly. This
extremely simple example has helped make the point of mocking much clearer to
me. It still seems better to me to write tests based on the actual code of a
project, but I can see mocking being useful in situations where the code a project
depends on is not all accessible. I think the example in class may have been
too complex an introduction to mocking, and the difficulties I had getting the
example code to work made it difficult for me to understand the basic concepts behind
mocking. The simplicity of this article enabled me to see the purpose of
mocking, which I think will make it easier for me to apply what I learned from
the class activity.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science with Kyle Q by kylequad and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.