Category Archives: Favorite Quotes

Up and Running with Public Data Sets

NOTES FROM Up and Running with Public Datasets Curt Frye 1. U.S. Census Bureau and Securities and Exchange Commission American FactFinder link: Most US residents know the United States Census Bureau as the government organization that counts the American … Continue reading

From the blog CS@Worcester – thewisedevloper by thewisedeveloper and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Notes From Hadoop Fundamentals

  NOTES FROM Hadoop Fundamentals Lynn Langit Why Move Away from Relational Databases? Understanding the limits of relational database management systems The downfalls of relational databases such as SQL Server, Oracle, or My SQL is that as more and more … Continue reading

From the blog CS@Worcester – thewisedevloper by thewisedeveloper and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.