For this week, I wanted to look at what some websites consider helpful tips when it comes to testing software in Java and compare that to what we have learned in class. By looking at each tip one by one and comparing it to the things Professor Wurst has taught us during our lectures.
For this, I will be looking at this website:
Tip Number 1 is to “Compose Tests before Writing Code”, which is actually what we have been focusing upon for the last few weeks, so it’s good to see that this is being reaffirmed
Number 2: Keep tests small and concentrated. This is another subject that we’ve been looking at as well, as we’ve been looking at strategies on how to concatenate code for test.
Number 3: Defining your Code Coverage. This isn’t actually something I believe we’ve spoken about in this class, however, we have discussed similar things in my previous classes with Process Management.
Number 4: Isolating Tests from External Sources. This one Im not sure if we have discussed it, but it also seems like a given, considering we have been taught to always only use tests in test classes and to pull from testing packages when importing.
Number 5: Automate wherever possible. I don’t actually think we’ve done this yet in Testing, however, this is something we have discussed previously in another class, I believe in Software Design. If you can automate something, always try to.
Number 6: Creating Mock Dependencies. This isn’t something in specific we’ve touched upon yet I feel, however it makes sense. I feel as though when I did our first homework, I kind of did something similar to this.
Number 7: Use Assertions. Yes. Absolutely we have done this in class. All if not most classes we have written use assert.equals(), assert.true(), or assert.false(), amongst others.
Number 8: Using proper names to test methods. This is something we learned way back in CS101. Always name your methods something understandable for you and your team to instantly know what it does. Never write gobbledygook names for methods, be concise.
Number 9: Keep Unit Tests Up to Date. I don’t believe this has been taught yet as most code we have worked with has been static and unchanging. However, Im sure we will have assignments where we focus on this harder. It definitely seems like something that is extremely important, as code changes so too should the tests, or else they wont work properly or even give false positives.
Number 10: Don’t Focus on Implementation. This one is interesting to me. We haven’t really spoken about implementation of code when it comes to testing. It’s very interesting to me because I have never really thought about this before, but it definitely makes a lot of sense to me. Something good to keep in mind for the future.
And lastly number 11: Create independent test cases. I actually unfortunately learned this myself the hard way with the first homework, as each class was accidentally dependent of one another if ran back to back. It’s something I definitely need to keep in mind going forwards.
And thats it! It’s definitely a lot of overlap which is great to see. Until next week!
From the blog CS@Worcester – You're Telling Me A Shrimp Wrote This Code?! by tempurashrimple and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.