Category Archives: medium length

Quality Software Design

Note: I don’t use Emojis in plain text, so I label my reactions a specific way
I denote it the following way as to give the reader a sense of my personal mental thoughts or reactions towards something. It’s kind of like an Emoji… Except its just boring text! [:laughing:]

Sub-note: Apologies for not updating for this class for a few classes. I’m working to get back on track!
We begin today by speaking of good software design. Lets talk about it.

Some qualities of good software design? One quality that well-made software have against poorly-made software is that it shows a large variety of functions and features related to its purpose. Another is the ability to add new features seamlessly. Java allows us to do this throughout its classes. These classes can interact with one another, have many variables and many different methods (or functions.)

Java is a well chosen example of a good software designer, as it allows for easy creation of objects and systems that work together to make one whole large system. It also allows for massive levels of modification and for addition or deletion of content on a whim. It is all up to the programmer!

There are also difficulties to come with the advancements seen in Java. One must learn of its many ins and outs to be able to successfully conjure up oneself a piece of beautiful software!

Lets say we have a player class, and it has methods that pertain to a player of a video game. Then, a character inherits or extends this class, but overrides unnecessary methods within the class. The player class is a interface if its subclass inherits from it, and if a subclass inherits from it, its an interface.

Otherwise, the player class is an abstract class. An abstract class has its subclass extend from it.

In the big picture (according to our professor Dr. Wursts slide) there are two main things to consider: the IS-A relations and the HAS-A relations. The person class is a class. The person class has a method/s and variable/s.

Mainly, today we have been talking a lot about the things we can do in a Java-based system. I know I haven’t been as detailed as my last few posts, but regardless, I hoped you enjoyed the read!
(goodness even the caffeine could not drive me to write well today! [:laughing:] )

From the blog CS@Worcester – Sean Raleigh's CS Blog by sraleigh62 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.