For those that haven’t been keeping up with the blog, I joined the OpenMRS team as part of a class project. Over time, I have encountered some issues with the software.
3 weeks ago, Ivo, a member of the OpenMRS Radiology team from Austria, showed us how to run the OpenMRS software properly. I found the Skype tutorial somewhat interesting, and I figured I’d use his information to help me with the ticket we were given recently.
2 weeks ago, I started catching up to the rest of my team by installing the software necessary to install the OpenMRS Radiology code as well as the puppet software. Although I had no problems installing, part of the conflict for that Monday was mainly the wireless network and its slow download speed at the time.
Last week, I tried to run the puppet software through Vagrant and VirtualBox, the 2 programs I needed to run the software. Unfortunately, after about 2 minutes of getting the virtual machine running, the Vagrant software times out trying to boot. A discussion with a classmate and Dr. Wurst later, we thought my issue had to deal with the internet connection. I was running my PC on the school’s wireless connection at the time.
As soon as I got home that Friday, I tried running Vagrant again, only to have the software time me out again trying to boot the virtual machine. This time, I was running the software from my home’s wireless connection. I hope next week, if problems persist, I can try running the software on a wired connection. I’ll keep up to date next week.
From the blog cs-wsu – jdongamer by jd22292 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.