Considering this week we only had one day of class it’s good to reinforce the ideas we learned to spread out in separate classes. I was in a search this week for an article that went into depth about software technical reviews. Software technical reviews are very important; understanding the fundamentals is a key component in the field.
The main function of a software technical review is to examine a document either in a group or alone and find errors or any defects inside the code. This is done to verify various documents to find if they reach specifications, system design, test plans, and test cases. An important thing to consider is this is a step to make sure the client gets clarity of the project and stays informed on how it’s going. In addition, finalize any changes to reach the requirements before being released to the market. This allows for improved productivity, makes the testing process cost-effective, fewer defects to be found outside the team, and reduces the time it will take to create a technically sound document. The main three types of software reviews include software peer review, software management review, and software audit reviews. The process of software review is simple if you are informed of the implementations taking place. First is the entry evaluation which is just a standard checklist to know the basis for the review. Without a checklist, you will be pulling on strings to find what is wrong with the code or what it’s missing. Then comes Management preparation ensures that your review will have all the required resources like staff, time, and materials. Next is review planning where you create an objective that comes from the team. You then move on to preparation where the reviewers are held responsible for doing their specific task. Lastly, examination and exit evaluation where the group meets up and is discussed to make the team on the same page and verify any discoveries.
Reading this article allowed me to see other steps that are taken to do a software technical review. If we as a team were able to create an objective of what to search for inside the code last week it would have been more goal-oriented instead of randomly searching for faults in the code. As a team, it would have been great to have a more organized group so then when we come together we have an understanding of what we should all find. I would like to see how it would work trying to explain to someone who doesn’t code what has been done and show them that their money is being placed in the right place. Other than that this is a great way to reduce time and be in unison with your team.
From the blog cs-wsu – DCO by dcastillo360 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.