Category Archives: Reading

Apprenticeship Patterns – What I Learned

For my capstone course this semester, I was assigned to read and review a book from authors Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye, known as Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman by our professor, Karl Wurst. The intention of reading this was to ready and prepare myself for the challenge within this course, specifically about my skills in a field and how to cultivate and grow within said field, or “craft” as the book puts it.

To me, the most interesting part about this reading is how they attributed software development to craftsmanship. When I first thought about it initially when it discusses it in the first chapter, I immediately went “yeah that makes sense” but upon reading further and it digging at specific concepts like “what is craft” and “what makes an apprentice an apprentice”, it made me think a lot more about what a “craft” really is. Being an art minor, this definition was one that was important to me, as art in it of itself is synonymous to craft. Being able to compare my work when coding things and my work when I physically create artwork was an interesting turn of events and an epiphany I wasn’t expecting when dropping into this book. The individual breakdowns of each part of what makes craftsmanship what it is was very impressive and made me able to stand in the shoes of the authors.

When reading, I also felt a bit called out on bad habits that I definitely do on a daily basis. For example, the story told in Chapter 2’s introduction, discussing a cup already full, it reminded me of how I tend to get carried away when it comes to discussing what I know and want to share. This comes at, unfortunately, a disregard for the new information I would be trying to learn, much like how the analogy of the story goes. Another thing I felt was important and reflected on my own actions was Chapter 5, discussing how it is important to not use the internet as your only source of learning and information. Initially, I was quick to disagree with this point, as I do NOT enjoy reading in the first place (a.e. look at how long it took me to write this up) but then I sat down and realized that was another bad habit kicking in, as well as my ADHD. While yes, its true that written works contain many important informations regarding to one’s craft, especially in software development, one must also remember that “reading” isn’t the only way to absorb this information, you could find an audio transcript, as an example. Thus did I realize that this point was actually one that was really strong and heavily agreed with.

Overall, I feel further reading may be necessary for me, as this has changed a lot about the way I am thinking not only about this class and working on a development team, but also about myself and habits that I could be working on and improving. If you also would like to read the book, it is hosted here, for free:

Until next time! (Which is, soon, because Ill be writing up another post right after this, haha)

From the blog CS@Worcester – You're Telling Me A Shrimp Wrote This Code?! by tempurashrimple and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

My Thoughts After Reading The First Few Chapters of Apprentice Patterns

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on

Hello, Deubg Ducker here, and I recently read the first few chapters of Apprenticeship Patterns by Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye. Let me say that I found it a very interesting read.

The basic gist of the book is that it takes the idea of being an apprentice as a Software developer and you being the software craftsman that will build their skills over years, and the books helps you understand how this process would go. its a guide for someones software development journey and introduces several good ideas for a developer like me.

An example of one of theses ideas is to focus on a The Second chapter’s “First Language”, which basically means hones your skill for one languages. Its more of a guide for those starting off but I feel in a way I follow this advice a lot. I tend to solve problems in languages that I am currently developing for, as of now Java, whether it be school or personal projects which help with honing my own skills for it. Also as I code more in the language I can see my skills improving which is what the book suggest. This part of the book speaks a lot to me as a developer and I think it will help many newcomers.

I say that is one of the most important chapters in the books but Chapter 4 feel is important for others on their journey. “Accurate Self-Assessment”, I think is a self-humbling exercise. It basically puts you the developer in a position of recognizing that you only know so much and can still build your skills. You can be competent in something but it may take a while for you to be an expert on it, saying that you are still on a long road. It reminds you that the journey doesn’t end when you fine the “I made it” phase, as you still have a lot to learn and I feel that this chapter reflects that.

This books is great and I wish I had this when I first started out, it would of probably helped me a lot on my journey. Thank you all for your time, and have a nice day.

From the blog Debug Duck by debugducker and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

New Course Prep: Learning UML

I am preparing for a new (for me) course for the Fall 2017 semester: CS 343 Software Construction, Design, and Architecture. My intention is for this to be a course primarily about software design and I want to approach it through design patterns, software architectures, and modern software frameworks. These are all topics that I have read a little about, but not enough to really teach. So, I am spending my summer reading a lot about them.

For other courses, I’ve learned little bits of UML (mostly class diagrams, with a very small amount of use-case diagrams, sequence diagrams, activity diagrams, and state diagrams) and all very informal. So, I decided that, if I’m going to teach design, I need a representation for those design patterns and architectures and it’s time that I finally learned UML more formally.

I am currently working my way through the video series UML Fundamentals, Standardized Structural and Behavioral Modeling for System Design by Simon Bennett from O’Reilly Media (6 hours, 12 minutes). So far, it’s pretty good, although it seems almost more about how to create the diagrams in Enterprise Architect (a commercial product) than about UML itself. I’m going to have to read some books about UML also to supplement the videos, but it’s a good introduction.

Standardized Structural and Behavioral Modeling for System Design

The commercial tool he uses looks nice, but I would like to find a FOSS alternative to use, both for myself, and for the students to use in class. I’ve played around a little bit with some of the Eclipse tools for modeling, but I’ve not found them very easy to use. So, I’m still looking. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

From the blog CS@Worcester – On becoming an Eccentric Professor… by Karl R. Wurst and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sabbatical Reading Update

I wanted to post an update to my post Sabbatical Reading List.

To better keep track of my progress with my reading, I’ve started tagging the books on my LibraryThing account in different categories:

From the blog On becoming an Eccentric Professor... » CS@Worcester by Karl R. Wurst and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sabbatical Restart

Summer is over, and it’s time to really get to work on my Sabbatical project.

I did do some work this summer – I’ve read 3 of the books on my Sabbatical Reading List (and added a few more to the list) and I’ve finally de-lurked on the OpenMRS developer mailing list and in some of the online meetings, and I’ve made a decision to convert all of my course materials to Markdown (the better to track changes on GitHub – see a future post). But, it’s all been pretty passive.

So, the Friday before the Labor Day Weekend, I decided it was time to get back to the “develop code in OpenMRS” part of the project.

Since it had been a couple of months since I had set up  my development environment and tried to build the OpenMRS code, I decided that starting over from scratch (mostly) would not be a bad idea. Here is what I did:

  1. Read OpenMRS’s Getting Started as a Developer wiki page. I had already set up my OpenMRS ID, and signed up for the developer mailing list. I already had a GitHub account, as well.
  2. Read Development ProcessfromOpenMRS Developers’ Guide, and got the code:
    1. Fork openmrs-core repository.
    2. Clone my fork onto my computer.
    3. Set the OpenMRS repository as my upstream remote so that I can pull changes from the main project into my local working copy.
  3. Set up development environment based on Get Set Up from the OpenMRS Developers’ Guide. I chose the section on Manual Installation because Iwantto be able to develop code fortheOpenMRS core application. I followed the general outline of this section, but went about some of the software installations differently.
    1. Install MySQL. Because I am setting up my development environment on a Mac, I installed MySQL using Homebrew
    2. Install Maven using Homebrew
    3. Install Git using Homebrew (actually, I already had Git installed, but I made sure it was up-to-date)
    4. BuildtheOpenMRS code:
      cd openmrs-core
      maven clean install
    5. RuntheOpenMRS web app through the jetty server:
      cd webapp
      mvn jetty:run
    6. The first time you run the web app, it will take you through the Setup wizard
  4. Set up Eclipse. I already had Eclipse installed, but I made sure that my version was up-to-date. Eclipse had been updated to a new major version (Luna) since the last version I installed (Kepler). 1
  5. Git IDE Integration: Since EGit is already installed in current versions of Eclipse, and I’ve already forked and cloned the repository, I really only needed to do the To import as a Maven project section, to get the the projected into Eclipse.
  6. Build the OpenMRS code under Eclipse. I followed the steps in the following section:
    1. How to run the build
    2. How to run Junit
    3. How to Run Web Application

Now that I have a working environment that builds and runs, the next step is to choose a ticket to work on.

  1. In the past, I had just downloaded the newest version, and replaced what I already had installed. I figured that there must be a way to do the update without having to reinstall and reconfigure all of my plugins. It turns out that you can add the release’s repository to the Available Software Sites:

From the blog On becoming an Eccentric Professor... » CS@Worcester by Karl R. Wurst and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.