Category Archives: Software Testing

Automated Combinatorial Testing for Software (Week3)

Based on NIST website evidence suggests that nearly all software errors are triggered by the interaction of one to six parameters.This article posted by National Institute of Standards and Technology is saying that if faults in  systems can be caused by a combination of n or fewer parameters, then testing all n-way combinations of parameters can provide high confidence that nearly all faults have been discovered. NIST is creating methods and tools to generate tests for n-ways combinations of parameter values. They are using combinatorial testing algorithms for designing arrays and automated model checking. This work will have applications in high assurance software, security and safety. This research project is interesting because NIST is creating new ways of testing. In order to apply combinatorial testing it is required to find set of test inputs that covers all t-way combinations of parameter values and to match up each set of inputs with the expected output, this way of testing is traditional and difficult problems but the cool thing is that these problems can be solved with the new algorithms on currently available hardware. Some of the elements for this project/program are fault localization,  integration into the development process, improved covering array algorithms and distribution of interaction faults. I think Automated Combinatorial Testing is a very interesting process to solve problems especially when we use new algorithms to solve problems.

From the blog Table of Code by Andon S and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Key to INFINITE Testing!

Okay…I might have exaggerated the title a little bit. When I say infinite testing I really mean continuous testing, which in really broad context pretty much means the same thing (that is, if the continuous testing goes on forever).

Since we are currently learning about different testing methods and techniques in our Software Testing and Assurance course, an article about continuous testing peaked my interest. As technology continues to evolve so does our software, which is why it is important to keep up to date with testing to ensure that our programs are bug-free. The article on ( goes into details about which stages continuous testing plays a crucial role in. The objective of continuous testing is  to publish your code to customers as fast as possible with high quality releases which is achieved using several different testing methods, such as unit testing, automation testing, and manual testing.

Like almost every other program, continuous testing should start at the beginning of development and carry out throughout production. During the stage of development, unit testing is the primary use to debug and catch errors. Some companies even use test-driven development strategies where writing test code is placed before writing the program code. Once it hits the stage of production, it starts to become easier because at this point the test cases should already be fairly stabilized so automation testing is primarily used during this stage since only small feature changes are being made. Although automation test is commonly used, some companies recommend “smoke and sanity” tests as well which are tests that are manually ran to test the integrity of the core program flow to ensure everything is working properly.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tan Trieu's Blog by tanminhtrieu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

What Classes Should Be Tested

Testing on the Toilet: Prefer Testing Public APIs Over Implementation-Detail Classes

In this blog post by Andrew Trenk, Trenk goes over what code needs to be tested, and what doesn’t, when making a Public API. Trenk goes on to explain that if a simple piece of code has only one user or is used once in another class, you should create tests for the other class or not bother testing the simple code at all. He says that anything that is an implementation detail should not get it’s own test.
In fact if you do create tests for this implementation, it might make the code and tests harder to maintain over time, it could cause issues when trying to refactor, and it could also hide issues in your code that only show when using the API. Overall Trenk suggests testing your implementation details indirectly through your API classes. This way you see that they work with your API and you have fewer tests that will need to be updated.

From the blog CS WSU – Techni-Cat by clamberthutchinson and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Black-Box, Grey-Box, White-Box (Week 2)

Three important concepts in software testing: black-box, grey-box and white box and manual tests methods.
When tester doesn’t have access to the code and the code is executable this type of testing is called black-box testing. Here is a manual test method example, when we install an application into a device then we create the test case based on requirement and then execute the test in order to verify the expected required output.
When a tester has access to a partial source of code is called gray-box testing . An example of manual gray-box testing : When a tester manually input all parameters into SDK’s API and then manually check the output for the expected required results.
When a tester has full access to all the source code is called white-box testing. An example of manual white-box testing : When a tester checks the compiler  error warning or use static code analysis tool , check for null dereference, context leak, and resource leak.
All the examples that I provided above can be part of our future career and are very important to know the difference between the Black-box, grey-box, and white-box.

From the blog Table of Code by Andon S and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Black-Box, Grey-Box, White-Box (Week 2)

Three important concepts in software testing: black-box, grey-box and white box and manual tests methods.
When tester doesn’t have access to the code and the code is executable this type of testing is called black-box testing. Here is a manual test method example, when we install an application into a device then we create the test case based on requirement and then execute the test in order to verify the expected required output.
When a tester has access to a partial source of code is called gray-box testing . An example of manual gray-box testing : When a tester manually input all parameters into SDK’s API and then manually check the output for the expected required results.
When a tester has full access to all the source code is called white-box testing. An example of manual white-box testing : When a tester checks the compiler  error warning or use static code analysis tool , check for null dereference, context leak, and resource leak.
All the examples that I provided above can be part of our future career and are very important to know the difference between the Black-box, grey-box, and white-box.

From the blog Table of Code by Andon S and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Black-Box, Grey-Box, White-Box (Week 2)

Three important concepts in software testing: black-box, grey-box and white box and manual tests methods.
When tester doesn’t have access to the code and the code is executable this type of testing is called black-box testing. Here is a manual test method example, when we install an application into a device then we create the test case based on requirement and then execute the test in order to verify the expected required output.
When a tester has access to a partial source of code is called gray-box testing . An example of manual gray-box testing : When a tester manually input all parameters into SDK’s API and then manually check the output for the expected required results.
When a tester has full access to all the source code is called white-box testing. An example of manual white-box testing : When a tester checks the compiler  error warning or use static code analysis tool , check for null dereference, context leak, and resource leak.
All the examples that I provided above can be part of our future career and are very important to know the difference between the Black-box, grey-box, and white-box.

From the blog Table of Code by Andon S and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Black-Box, Grey-Box, White-Box (Week 2)

Three important concepts in software testing: black-box, grey-box and white box and manual tests methods.
When tester doesn’t have access to the code and the code is executable this type of testing is called black-box testing. Here is a manual test method example, when we install an application into a device then we create the test case based on requirement and then execute the test in order to verify the expected required output.
When a tester has access to a partial source of code is called gray-box testing . An example of manual gray-box testing : When a tester manually input all parameters into SDK’s API and then manually check the output for the expected required results.
When a tester has full access to all the source code is called white-box testing. An example of manual white-box testing : When a tester checks the compiler  error warning or use static code analysis tool , check for null dereference, context leak, and resource leak.
All the examples that I provided above can be part of our future career and are very important to know the difference between the Black-box, grey-box, and white-box.

From the blog Table of Code by Andon S and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Black-Box, Grey-Box, White-Box (Week 2)

Three important concepts in software testing: black-box, grey-box and white box and manual tests methods.
When tester doesn’t have access to the code and the code is executable this type of testing is called black-box testing. Here is a manual test method example, when we install an application into a device then we create the test case based on requirement and then execute the test in order to verify the expected required output.
When a tester has access to a partial source of code is called gray-box testing . An example of manual gray-box testing : When a tester manually input all parameters into SDK’s API and then manually check the output for the expected required results.
When a tester has full access to all the source code is called white-box testing. An example of manual white-box testing : When a tester checks the compiler  error warning or use static code analysis tool , check for null dereference, context leak, and resource leak.
All the examples that I provided above can be part of our future career and are very important to know the difference between the Black-box, grey-box, and white-box.

From the blog Table of Code by Andon S and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Black-Box, Grey-Box, White-Box (Week 2)

Three important concepts in software testing: black-box, grey-box and white box and manual tests methods.
When tester doesn’t have access to the code and the code is executable this type of testing is called black-box testing. Here is a manual test method example, when we install an application into a device then we create the test case based on requirement and then execute the test in order to verify the expected required output.
When a tester has access to a partial source of code is called gray-box testing . An example of manual gray-box testing : When a tester manually input all parameters into SDK’s API and then manually check the output for the expected required results.
When a tester has full access to all the source code is called white-box testing. An example of manual white-box testing : When a tester checks the compiler  error warning or use static code analysis tool , check for null dereference, context leak, and resource leak.
All the examples that I provided above can be part of our future career and are very important to know the difference between the Black-box, grey-box, and white-box.

From the blog Table of Code by Andon S and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Black-Box, Grey-Box, White-Box (Week 2)

Three important concepts in software testing: black-box, grey-box and white box and manual tests methods.
When tester doesn’t have access to the code and the code is executable this type of testing is called black-box testing. Here is a manual test method example, when we install an application into a device then we create the test case based on requirement and then execute the test in order to verify the expected required output.
When a tester has access to a partial source of code is called gray-box testing . An example of manual gray-box testing : When a tester manually input all parameters into SDK’s API and then manually check the output for the expected required results.
When a tester has full access to all the source code is called white-box testing. An example of manual white-box testing : When a tester checks the compiler  error warning or use static code analysis tool , check for null dereference, context leak, and resource leak.
All the examples that I provided above can be part of our future career and are very important to know the difference between the Black-box, grey-box, and white-box.

From the blog Table of Code by Andon S and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.