Category Archives: Software Testing

Coverage Testing

One of the trickiest things about software testing is knowing when we have tested enough. We could spend hours testing the software and believe that we have done a good job and later find have a bug show up that was triggered by an input that we did not think to test.

One way that we could quantify the amount of testing done is to use a coverage metric. The coverage metric is a score that based on the number of functions tested in the source code.

I used the EclEmma code coverage plugin for Eclipse and I used the code from my previous blog. The following was the output of the code coverage.



One thing that I noticed was that the coverage metric only tests to see if a particular method was traversed by a test case and not whether the test case passes. One of the test cases could have failed and the test coverage metric would stay the same. Obviously!

From the blog Software Testing – The blog about software by Sudarshan and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Mutation Testing

This week I decided to play around with mutation testing and the pitest system for mutation testing.

So what is mutation testing? The idea is to mutate your code and check to see if your tests still pass. If your tests fail that means that your tests were able to detect the mutant. In mutation testing terms this means that the mutant was killed. The quality of your tests can be gauged from the percentage of mutations killed.

If the test cases pass after the mutation, that may indicate an issue with the test suite. The whole idea of mutation testing is to test the effectiveness of the tests.

I decided to run the pitest tool on the tictactoe example I found on the Test-Driven java Development book by Alex Garcia.

I have attached a link to the code and the corresponding pitest results ( The mutation coverage was 95% and all the mutations were killed. I wonder why all of the mutations were killed?

From the blog Software Testing – The blog about software by Sudarshan and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Exploring Software

Imagine you are giving a large software system to test, how do you test the system? Where do you start? Chapter 4 of the exploratory software testing book (by James Whittaker) answers this question.

The author uses the metaphor of the tourist. Suppose you visit a city like London. How do you go about touring the city? Do you walk around? Use the bus? Use a guide? There are many ways to travel a city and so does exploring a large software system. There has to be some sort of structure to help us achieve our goals.

The following are the goals of exploratory testing:
1) Gain an understanding of how an application works, what its interface looks like and what functionality it implements.
2) To force the software to exhibit its capabilities.
3) To find bugs.

The author develops a tourist guidebook for software to help us explore software. The author separates software functionality into overlapping districts as follows:
1. business district (The main part or “where stuff gets done” in the software systems)
2. Historical district (Legacy code)
3. Tourist district (Many cities have districts where only tourists go. Software is similar in                                       that novice users will use certain features that experienced users would                                        not.)

4.  Hotel district (Every tourist needs a place to rest. Software is actually quite busy when it                                     is “at rest”, and testing tours need to test those features)
5. Seedy district (Places where illegal and bad stuff happen. Seedy tours find places of                                              vulnerability in the software)

The author goes on to explain how to test each of these “districts” and what kind of bugs they might release.

Tours is mechanism to organize a tester’s thinking about how to approach exploring an application and in organizing actual testing. The tours help testers make the myriad decisions about which path to choose, inputs to apply, or parameters to select.

From the blog Software Testing – The blog about software by Sudarshan and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Four main functional tests to ensure software quality (WEEK 11)

These post is about a collection of four most recommend tests that a developer must have knowledge. According to info-Tech report there are four functional tests that can ensure software quality. The six functional tests are unit test, regression test, system integration, tests  and acceptance test. 

To ensure every line of code executes correctly is recommender to use Unit Testing, Unit Testing is the process of testing each unit of code  in a single component. One unit is the smallest part in a software, one unit can be a single program or function.  

To ensure every function produces its expected outcome developers have to use Functional Testing. Functional testing indicates concerns about the correct decision of functional requirements. Functional testing is like a black box testing which don’t require any knowledge of the underlying implementation.

To ensure that all of the functions combine to deliver the desired business results developers have to use System testing. This type of testing executes end to end functional tests that can cross software units, in order to help become fully aware of the goals of assure that components deliver the desired business results. 

To ensure new changes did not adversely affect other parts of the system developers should use Regression testing. Regression  testing is used to ensure code modifications that have not accidentally introduced bugs into the system. When using Regression  testing is recommended to include plans from the original unit and system tests phases which can show that existing functionality behaves as planed. 

I wrote in my previous blogs posts about these four of these functional tests i really recommend you to read my previous posts because there you can find dip details about unit testing and etc.


From the blog Table of Code by Andon S and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Four main functional tests to ensure software quality (WEEK 11)

These post is about a collection of four most recommend tests that a developer must have knowledge. According to info-Tech report there are four functional tests that can ensure software quality. The six functional tests are unit test, regression test, system integration, tests  and acceptance test. 

To ensure every line of code executes correctly is recommender to use Unit Testing, Unit Testing is the process of testing each unit of code  in a single component. One unit is the smallest part in a software, one unit can be a single program or function.  

To ensure every function produces its expected outcome developers have to use Functional Testing. Functional testing indicates concerns about the correct decision of functional requirements. Functional testing is like a black box testing which don’t require any knowledge of the underlying implementation.

To ensure that all of the functions combine to deliver the desired business results developers have to use System testing. This type of testing executes end to end functional tests that can cross software units, in order to help become fully aware of the goals of assure that components deliver the desired business results. 

To ensure new changes did not adversely affect other parts of the system developers should use Regression testing. Regression  testing is used to ensure code modifications that have not accidentally introduced bugs into the system. When using Regression  testing is recommended to include plans from the original unit and system tests phases which can show that existing functionality behaves as planed. 

I wrote in my previous blogs posts about these four of these functional tests i really recommend you to read my previous posts because there you can find dip details about unit testing and etc.


From the blog Table of Code by Andon S and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Four main functional tests to ensure software quality (WEEK 11)

These post is about a collection of four most recommend tests that a developer must have knowledge. According to info-Tech report there are four functional tests that can ensure software quality. The six functional tests are unit test, regression test, system integration, tests  and acceptance test. 

To ensure every line of code executes correctly is recommender to use Unit Testing, Unit Testing is the process of testing each unit of code  in a single component. One unit is the smallest part in a software, one unit can be a single program or function.  

To ensure every function produces its expected outcome developers have to use Functional Testing. Functional testing indicates concerns about the correct decision of functional requirements. Functional testing is like a black box testing which don’t require any knowledge of the underlying implementation.

To ensure that all of the functions combine to deliver the desired business results developers have to use System testing. This type of testing executes end to end functional tests that can cross software units, in order to help become fully aware of the goals of assure that components deliver the desired business results. 

To ensure new changes did not adversely affect other parts of the system developers should use Regression testing. Regression  testing is used to ensure code modifications that have not accidentally introduced bugs into the system. When using Regression  testing is recommended to include plans from the original unit and system tests phases which can show that existing functionality behaves as planed. 

I wrote in my previous blogs posts about these four of these functional tests i really recommend you to read my previous posts because there you can find dip details about unit testing and etc.


From the blog Table of Code by Andon S and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Four main functional tests to ensure software quality (WEEK 11)

These post is about a collection of four most recommend tests that a developer must have knowledge. According to info-Tech report there are four functional tests that can ensure software quality. The six functional tests are unit test, regression test, system integration, tests  and acceptance test. 

To ensure every line of code executes correctly is recommender to use Unit Testing, Unit Testing is the process of testing each unit of code  in a single component. One unit is the smallest part in a software, one unit can be a single program or function.  

To ensure every function produces its expected outcome developers have to use Functional Testing. Functional testing indicates concerns about the correct decision of functional requirements. Functional testing is like a black box testing which don’t require any knowledge of the underlying implementation.

To ensure that all of the functions combine to deliver the desired business results developers have to use System testing. This type of testing executes end to end functional tests that can cross software units, in order to help become fully aware of the goals of assure that components deliver the desired business results. 

To ensure new changes did not adversely affect other parts of the system developers should use Regression testing. Regression  testing is used to ensure code modifications that have not accidentally introduced bugs into the system. When using Regression  testing is recommended to include plans from the original unit and system tests phases which can show that existing functionality behaves as planed. 

I wrote in my previous blogs posts about these four of these functional tests i really recommend you to read my previous posts because there you can find dip details about unit testing and etc.


From the blog Table of Code by Andon S and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Four main functional tests to ensure software quality (WEEK 11)

These post is about a collection of four most recommend tests that a developer must have knowledge. According to info-Tech report there are four functional tests that can ensure software quality. The six functional tests are unit test, regression test, system integration, tests  and acceptance test. 

To ensure every line of code executes correctly is recommender to use Unit Testing, Unit Testing is the process of testing each unit of code  in a single component. One unit is the smallest part in a software, one unit can be a single program or function.  

To ensure every function produces its expected outcome developers have to use Functional Testing. Functional testing indicates concerns about the correct decision of functional requirements. Functional testing is like a black box testing which don’t require any knowledge of the underlying implementation.

To ensure that all of the functions combine to deliver the desired business results developers have to use System testing. This type of testing executes end to end functional tests that can cross software units, in order to help become fully aware of the goals of assure that components deliver the desired business results. 

To ensure new changes did not adversely affect other parts of the system developers should use Regression testing. Regression  testing is used to ensure code modifications that have not accidentally introduced bugs into the system. When using Regression  testing is recommended to include plans from the original unit and system tests phases which can show that existing functionality behaves as planed. 

I wrote in my previous blogs posts about these four of these functional tests i really recommend you to read my previous posts because there you can find dip details about unit testing and etc.


From the blog Table of Code by Andon S and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Four main functional tests to ensure software quality (WEEK 11)

These post is about a collection of four most recommend tests that a developer must have knowledge. According to info-Tech report there are four functional tests that can ensure software quality. The six functional tests are unit test, regression test, system integration, tests  and acceptance test. 

To ensure every line of code executes correctly is recommender to use Unit Testing, Unit Testing is the process of testing each unit of code  in a single component. One unit is the smallest part in a software, one unit can be a single program or function.  

To ensure every function produces its expected outcome developers have to use Functional Testing. Functional testing indicates concerns about the correct decision of functional requirements. Functional testing is like a black box testing which don’t require any knowledge of the underlying implementation.

To ensure that all of the functions combine to deliver the desired business results developers have to use System testing. This type of testing executes end to end functional tests that can cross software units, in order to help become fully aware of the goals of assure that components deliver the desired business results. 

To ensure new changes did not adversely affect other parts of the system developers should use Regression testing. Regression  testing is used to ensure code modifications that have not accidentally introduced bugs into the system. When using Regression  testing is recommended to include plans from the original unit and system tests phases which can show that existing functionality behaves as planed. 

I wrote in my previous blogs posts about these four of these functional tests i really recommend you to read my previous posts because there you can find dip details about unit testing and etc.


From the blog Table of Code by Andon S and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Four main functional tests to ensure software quality (WEEK 11)

These post is about a collection of four most recommend tests that a developer must have knowledge. According to info-Tech report there are four functional tests that can ensure software quality. The six functional tests are unit test, regression test, system integration, tests  and acceptance test. 

To ensure every line of code executes correctly is recommender to use Unit Testing, Unit Testing is the process of testing each unit of code  in a single component. One unit is the smallest part in a software, one unit can be a single program or function.  

To ensure every function produces its expected outcome developers have to use Functional Testing. Functional testing indicates concerns about the correct decision of functional requirements. Functional testing is like a black box testing which don’t require any knowledge of the underlying implementation.

To ensure that all of the functions combine to deliver the desired business results developers have to use System testing. This type of testing executes end to end functional tests that can cross software units, in order to help become fully aware of the goals of assure that components deliver the desired business results. 

To ensure new changes did not adversely affect other parts of the system developers should use Regression testing. Regression  testing is used to ensure code modifications that have not accidentally introduced bugs into the system. When using Regression  testing is recommended to include plans from the original unit and system tests phases which can show that existing functionality behaves as planed. 

I wrote in my previous blogs posts about these four of these functional tests i really recommend you to read my previous posts because there you can find dip details about unit testing and etc.


From the blog Table of Code by Andon S and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.