Created a separate branch from the frontend to solve the CORS/SSL issue
Created epics for larger tasks and broke them down
Organized tasks into issue boards
Prepared for Sprint 2 by adding new tasks
Documented important information regarding issues and how they were solved
In sprint 1, we were able to mostly complete everything we planned out; needing some revisions in certain areas. As a team, we performed well with eachother and communicated effectively to ensure all tasks were progressing at a timely manner. Additionally, we looked to eachother for help when we were stuck and didn’t know how to progress further, preventing teammates from falling behind in their tasks. What didn’t work well ocurred near the end of the sprint, where a teammate didn’t fully complete their task like they were supposed to, requiring one person to complete their task in sprint 2. This problem could have been solved if the team incorporated weekly code reviews to ensure that all areas of the task is looked over and nothing is forgotten. As the scrum master for the team, I plan to push for this element in future meetings.
Another improvement for the team that will be implemented in sprint 2 is better meeting time management. Since we only meet twice a week as a team, we should take this time to share progress we have made to the whole team. This could be any code written or any interesting articles that are useful to know. The primary goal of the capstone is to simulate a real development environment and solve tasks effectively. Equally important, however, is the opportunity to absorb and learn as much as possible. Something your teammates discover may prove valuable to you in your future career.
To improve as an individual, I want to get involved in other peoples tasks and try to offer my input in any way possible. Instead of being preoccupied by my own assigned tasks, widening my scope of work to my teammates tasks will allow me to grow as a developer and expose me to various tasks.
One pattern from Apprenticeship Patterns, that aligns with this sprint is “Confront Your Ignorance”. The pattern emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing gaps in your knowledge. Instead of avoiding unfamiliar topics, you should actively seek out challenges that push you to learn. This involves identifying areas where you lack expertise, setting goals to improve, and dedicating time to research, practice, and experiment. By taking on tasks outside your comfort zone, you develop problem-solving skills, adaptability, and a deeper understanding of new concepts. It pushes you to adopt a continuous growth mindset and helps you become a more effective and well-rounded developer. Going into capstone, I knew that I wanted to push myself to learn as much as possible, which is why for the first sprint I chose a task that I had zero prior knowledge about. In order to work on my issue, I had to research about CORS and SSL certificates, both of which are crucial concepts in web security and backend development. This process involved reading documentation, troubleshooting errors, and experimenting with different configurations to understand how they functioned. Choosing this issue to work on has also exposed me to the use of proxies, that route frontend requests to the backend. Utilizing a proxy will ideally allow the http backend url to connect to the https frontend url. In sprint 2, I plan to experiment more with proxies.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Through a Senior by Winston Luu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.