Category Archives: Sprint 6

Sprint 6 Retrospective

This sprint, my team finally got around to the work of dividing up our service into sections and digging into implementation of code and tests.  While it’s frustrating that it took this long, and that we were unable to import either the crypto-js library or Angular’s native crypto library, it does feel good to have something ready to pass on.

My responsibility was to write the portion of the service that generates a private encryption key and stores it locally.  I communicated with our contact at Ampath in order to work out the details of what should be stored and for how long.  I ended up with the following requirements:

  1. The key can only be stored for the duration of a login session.
  2. The key needs to be unique to a user.
  3. The key needs to be generated in a deterministic way — each time the user logs in, the key must be the same so that they can access records encrypted in a previous session.

I chose to use the second iteration of the password-based key derivation function, implemented in crypto-js (Wikipedia link here).  This function generated a key of a set byte length based on a password, an optional salt, and some number of hashing iterations.  Unfortunately, that’s where I hit a bit of a wall.  For reasons that neither I nor anyone else I worked with (my teammates, members of other teams, and Dr. Wurst) could determine, crypto-js does not want to import properly into an Angular app.  We spent time looking for similar problems in various forums, uninstalling/reinstalling the packages, and making sure the proper typings were installed without any success.

I then tried to work around the problem by converting the crypto-js implementation to typescript  (crypto-js file here, on their github page).  However, this required the use of a custom type that I was unable to get to function as well as the use of bitwise operations prohibited by Ampath’s linter.  I know that Erik, one of my teammates, also looked into alternate libraries but was unable to find anything that he could get to work.

I then moved on to writing unit tests, mocking the effects of an actual encryption algorithm in my code.  While getting these tests passing was fairly trivial with mock encryption library calls, I hope that they will be of use to whoever picks up this part of the project next.

I believe that my team did a good job dividing tasks evenly this sprint, but we really needed to be more active on Slack to communicate problems and progress between work classes, even outside of the standups.  We did communicate well enough to make sure we properly handled our team git repository, and on Thursday we should be able to get it ready to integrate into the class repository in addition to dividing up work on the presentation.

I think the biggest takeaway for me from this sprint is that working with external libraries can be somewhat uncertain.  Even after we researched them and got crypto-js functioning in a spike solution, it didn’t work when we tried to import it into the Ampath app.  If I could do something differently (either this past sprint or earlier), I think I would have chosen to try to implement the encryption algorithms ourselves.  While it might have been harder and more work, that would leave a much easier task of integration with the app.

From the blog CS@Worcester – orscsblog by orscsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 6 Retrospective

Sprint 6 was a continuation of sprint 5 and hasn’t had much difference. As usual, we started sprint 6 by reviewing what was done in sprint 5, particularly our achievements and failures. Jason updated us with the version of code to work with at that point. Our activities in sprint 6 was a built up from previous sprints. Also in our last meeting, we went over everything we did so far from sprint 1 through sprint 6 and it appeared a lot has been done though there is still some work to do.

Sprint 6 meetings went on successfully without any interference and we had very effective meetings and discussions. Among the activities that enforce effectiveness in sprint 6 was work sharing. Jason share the work among us and that kind of put everybody busy trying to come up with specific tasked result. We held effective discussions, with every member of the team coming up with some ideas which usually called for more explanations and discussion for consideration.  Rick Phillips continued to offer advice but this time, was very involved actively in trying to help us have something presentable at the end of the sprint. Jason also continually integrates ideas we came up with from our meeting, slack interaction with the team members especially Rick Phillips and from DJ of AMPATH into code.

Also, we moved away from encryption because we think other teams are working mainly on that aspect of the project and we doing that too seems double work to us. This idea helped us stayed focus on our offline data capture task.

Besides, from sprint 5, the issues we had with pouchdb was the fact that it capture a bunch of data which we think might have not been what been what we wanted; we at least wish to filter the result into certain fields in order to handle the limitations of storage space and that led us to trying to come up with a new GUI that will at least capture enough data for the user when he/she is offline. After several discussions, we could not exactly tell what field to keep and what to leave out. With regards, Rick Phan and Jason contacted DJ again as to what exactly they want for the new GUI. DJ then gave us a list of five things they wanted the new GUI to display. They wanted the user to b able to get the General info of a patient, Patient visits, Vitals, Lab results and HIV Summary. I was tasked to design a mock up for this, which I was working on. But DJ wanted to see it as soon as possible and Jason quickly responded to it and DJ accepted it and the team sticks that model.

In summary, I think sprint 6 was very successful and I love the enthusiasm and passion that we put into work. Even though, we are not totally done and the semester is almost ended, the team has something to contribute to AMPATH. I believe the work sharing that was listed on trello board also helped kept everyone busy. For the first time I learnt an abstract way of how to design GUI and mock ups in blasamiq in sprint 6.



From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Exploration by ioplay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 6 Retrospective

This sprint we made huge advancements towards accomplishing our goals for the semester.  Unfortunately, due to the time constraints, we will not be able to produce a final product.  Hopefully, we will be able to provide something that the next class can build on and learn from what we are able to put together and pass on to them.

For this sprint, we each chose a different aspect of what was needed and each worked on different services that we planned to bring together at the end and the beginning of this next sprint before working on the presentation.  We ran into a lot of issues though during this sprint with having crypto-js importing correctly. I am unsure at this time whether the crypto-js library will be able to be used moving forward or if the team that works on encryption next semester will have to find a different library to use.  I do feel that we have learned a lot of lessons though. We were able to participate in a project the same way that we will when we start working after graduation. I believe that is more or less left to figure it out on our own and put into scrums will make the transition easier when we take on our first real-world project outside of school.  I believe that another part that worked against us is that none of us were quick enough or confident enough to step up into a leadership role to help guide the team and help make sure we were reaching goals throughout the sprint, as well as the other sprints.

This sprint I did learn a lot more about Angular and testing in Angular in particular.  The set up reminded me a lot of JUnit testing that we have done in the past. You start by declaring whatever variables are necessary at the beginning of the test.  If they are variables that you need to be repeated for multiple tests you can either put them under declare each or to declare once before any tests run. Then in your tests to state whether or not you expect to equal or not equal a specific outcome.  From there you will be presented with an output to let you know if the test either passed, failed, or failed to run successfully. I do hope that while we will not complete what we were asked to deliver, what we will present will help future classes and does not have to be thrown out completely.

The next sprint will be our final sprint and will also be a shortened sprint, roughly half the length as a regular sprint.  We will be preparing our final group presentations and it will be tough to do without having a set of deliverables to present to the rest of the class.  I do think that ours will be a little different than the rest of the groups as we will be focusing more the lessons that we learned from failing to meet the desired objective of this semester.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tim's Blog by nbhc24 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Post #32 – Ampath Application Development – Sprint 6 Retrospective

At the end of last sprint, we had finally resolved compilation problems that 3 of our 5 team members were experiencing, and we have Jason Knowles to thank for that.  Our team felt a rejuvination of morale at the beginning of this sprint, and we began finally resumed work on implementation of our offline encryption-service.  We split up the labor of implementing the service, among our 5 team members.  I was made responsible of implementing functionality for ‘salting’.  In encryption, a ‘salt’ is piece of random data that is used as an additional input to a hash function.  Within the hash function, the salt is concatenated to the password or passphrase to be hashed, which will help defend the encrypted data from rainbow table attacks.  I spent our first couple meetings researching salt, and was absent for most of the third meeting because I had to attend a lecture.  As I have mentioned in earlier blog posts, our team planned to use the crypto-js encryption library for our offline encryption service – but when I did make it to the third meeting, my team members were having problems importing the crypto-js library into the Ampath application source.  I had not experienced this problem yet because I had been doing all my implementation for the service within an npm runkit that had crypto-js integrated.  This problem, apparently, ruined productivity for that meeting and the majority of it and the following meeting were spent trying to resolve this issue.  Our teammate, Henry, began to have errors within his application toward the end of the sprint, haulting his progress.  We were unable to resolve these issues by the end of the sprint.

During the second half of the sprint, I worked on implementation of the salting functionality.  We discussed approaches with Matt Foley, of one of the other development teams, and we came up with a plan.  Their team is working on an offline login service, and login data is currently the primary focus of our offline encryption.  We decided that the salt for login data encryption would be the user’s username and the timestamp of their computer at the time of their login.  One meeting was spent merging changes from our group repository with my working repository.  Once that was done, I spent the remainder of the sprint writing a mock service for salting functionality.  I did my rough work in an npm runkit with crypto-js integrated, because we were not able to figure out how to import crypto-js into the Ampath application.  This is a major problem as we do not have any more time to research other encryption libraries.  We decided that we will just all write mock implementation for the purposes of our end-of-semester presentation.  The implementation for salting functionality seems pretty simple to me it is just incredibly unfortunate that we can not get the library imported into the application.  Professor Wurst said that we can still work on implementation if we wish, but we will have to reserve only a small amount of time for it as we have to prepare for our presentation.

From the blog CS@Worcester – by Ryan Marcelonis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint Retrospective – The Final Sprint

This last sprint cycle for my team was probably the most productive sprint in terms of producing code but we ran into a lot of issues when it came to dealing with Promise objects. As I have mentioned in my previous blog posts, when making calls to to a pouchDB instance (i.e. db.put(), db.remove(), db.get(), etc…) those calls return what is known as a Promise object. At I found a good definition of Promise objects. They describe them as “a proxy for a value not necessarily known when the promise is created.”  Hence, using promises allows developers to write asynchronous code fairly easily. The reason I say this is because asynchronous functions may have multiple expected outcomes/return values without knowing the order in which they will be generated. Before promises, asynchronous functions were handled using callbacks which would either deal with any errors the function might generate or execute the function as expected. You can refer to this link for a more in-depth explanation on the benefits of using Promise Objects instead of callbacks for asynchronous code.

Below is a diagram depicting how promises operate:


As you can see above, promise objects may be chained together using .then() which provides the capability to easily write functions with multiple asynchronous actions expected.

Initially, my team and I didn’t have a great grasp on the concept of Promise Objects and were expecting our code to return explicit values. Here’s an example of our addDoc() function in which we expected to get a boolean value to be returned:

Screenshot 2018-05-02 21.22.17

The problem with this is that our function was actually returning  a promise object which that returned true when the necessary conditions were satisfied. After doing some research and working with the team who were writing the offline data capture service we realized our function was actually returning a Promise Object. Furthermore, we figured out that we could expand the functionality of our addDoc() method by utilizing the chaining of promises. With this knowledge, we re-wrote our addDoc() method so that it expected a Promise Object to be returned and could update an existing record if it’s ID was found in the PouchDB instance. Here is what the addDoc() function looked like after making those changes:

Screenshot 2018-05-02 21.25.19

Testing functions that return promise objects also proved to be quite difficult. Here is a screen shot, taken from my gitHub page, depicting the test we wrote for the addDoc() method:

Screenshot 2018-05-02 21.43.24

As you can see, highlighted in red, we initially had our function call inside the expect() part of our test. Then, we changed our test (shown highlighted in green) by moving the expect() inside of the .then() call after the addDoc() function. Subsequently, our test successfully passed and we thought we were on the right track. However, some of our functions had long chains of promises with multiple asynchronous actions expected. Thus, some of our tests were producing output that was hard to explain because we were still expecting our code to execute in a synchronous manner like if-else statements. In other words, anticipating that the result of each .then() call would be returned in a synchronous fashion, which was not the case.

In hindsight, a better method of testing our functions may have been just simply testing whether the correct pouchDB function was getting called the right time. We were trying to test whether the promises returned in our functions were, themselves, returning correct values. It may have been better practice to just log the responses of promise objects called in our code rather than testing the expected return values since asynchronous code may return things in an unforeseen order.



From the blog CS@Worcester – Caleb's Computer Science Blog by calebscomputerscienceblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 6 Retrospective

Well here we are – the end of the last full sprint for the spring 2018 semester. Honestly, it is a bit surreal. Everyone in this class has been working towards the goal of an undergraduate degree for the vast majority of their lives and now we are all just weeks away from achieving this goal. It is awesome to see everyone in the class continuing to work hard on this project with Ampath. It would be very easy for us to check out at this point in the semester.

I understand that this retrospective blog is supposed to focus on the current sprint, but seeing how this is the last opportunity I am going to have to write this blog for this class, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on what “The Perfect Name” was able to accomplish this semester. So, please bear with me…

I couldn’t be prouder of what our team was able to accomplish this semester. Our knowledge about the Ampath project, Angular, Typescript, Agile software development, etc. has grown tremendously. We have all come a long way when compared to the beginning of the semester. The learning curve for this project was quite steep and even with that we were still able to produce a demonstrable feature by the end of the semester. Although we may not have accomplished everything we set out to do at the start, we still made great strides towards the ultimate goal and have put whoever takes over the feature in a good spot to complete it. Now, onto a retrospective more focused on this sprint…

As usual, the team work very well together this sprint. No one is afraid to ask question at this point and everyone tries to help out anywhere and everywhere they can. If I’m being honest I would say last sprint was probably a bit more productive than this sprint, but I’d say this was our second most productive sprint of the semester. This sprint we had to take a step back and look at where we stood compared with the goal we had set at the beginning of the semester. During planning we all agreed we weren’t going to totally reach our goal; we did not implement the encryption service and we weren’t able to add the ability to store multiple users. We agreed everything else we had set out to do at the start of the semester would be done by the end of the semester. Because we agreed we weren’t going accomplish everything, we set out this sprint to leave whoever takes over for us in the best position possible. To do this we had two main goals: completely finish any outstanding tasks – we felt it was better to make sure we finished the work we had already started the right way rather than rushing through it to try and make an attempt at the encryption service and/or multiple user storage (it wasn’t realistic to finish either given the time constants), and to thoroughly document what we were able to accomplish so whoever takes over wouldn’t have to waste their time figuring out what was done.

I am happy to report that we were able to accomplish most of the goals I mentioned above this sprint. We created a document explaining what was done, where the code was changed, etc. This document can be found on our team page of the CS448 Slack channel. Hopefully it will be useful to whoever takes over. We are still working on the backend for the offline credential storage checkbox, but we are confident it will be done by the end of the semester. Once the backend is done, all that we will be leaving outstanding is encrypting the password (which will hopefully be simple with the help of the encryption team’s work) and storing multiple users. It was really nice to see ideas actually play out, even if it wasn’t as quite as feature rich as we had originally hopped for. The documentation and backend were the two main goals this sprint, but obviously there were several other smaller things accomplished as well (some research, tests, minor bug fixes, etc).

Lastly, I’d like to thank everyone involved with this project for a great semester. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to work with. I know I made some new friends along the way. I hope that was the case for others as well!

From the blog CS@Worcester – README by Matthew Foley and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Looking Back on the Final Working Sprint

Just like that, I am writing the final sprint retrospective for our capstone project working with AMPATH Informatics! I have learned so much about the development process, contributing to open source software, and especially working in a Scrum development team. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to work with the AMPATH developers, my team, who were extremely helpful and made this experience valuable. I am thankful that the software development capstone has allowed me to contribute to a real-world application, and hopefully make some small difference.

In terms of concrete tasks for this sprint, I took on fewer development stories than in previous sprints, and chose to focus more on documenting and producing tests for what I have already contributed. Other team members were assigned develop tasks, however, and our implementation of an offline login is close to being a shippable product. The main item blocking a pull request to AMPATH is the lack of encryption for the stored credentials. They are currently only encoding in base64, which is about as good as plain text. We are unsure whether a working encryption implementation will be available before time runs out.

One of the development tasks that I took on for this sprint was to update the refresh time of the online tracker indicator on the bottom of the screen. When Dominique added a checkbox element to the user interface, she used a subscription that updated every three seconds. As a result, the checkbox would appear even when the online tracker indicated that the user was still offline. To fix this, I updated the refresh time of the online tracker component to match the subscription of the checkbox.

Another task that was assigned to Dominique and Luigi for this sprint was to implement the backend logic for the checkbox. While there are still some bugs, we should be able to work through them as a team if they are not resolved by the time we meet for review and retrospective. This logic should store credentials in localStorage only when the checkbox is checked.

A task that was assigned to Matt was to document the current status of our offline login implementation. During our in-class meetings, I discussed with Matt how my implementation works and where I made changes to the code in order to allow the user to login offline. I think that we will continue this task into the final presentation preparation sprint, where we all will be documenting our contributions.

Kwame was assigned the task of looking at writing tests for the offline login implementation. While he had some trouble writing tests, I think that this is something that we can all work on in the final sprint as part of documenting what we have done. I think that it might be easier to write tests for the code that we have contributed as individuals, rather than assigning all of the test writing to one person.

As mentioned earlier, we are waiting on an encryption service for the storage of user credentials from another team. While we were able to accomplish most of the requirements for the offline login implementation, the lack of encryption has kept us from submitting much of anything to AMPATH. Storing the user’s credentials in plain text is far too risky from a security standpoint, and I am doubtful that the developers would accept our implementation without encryption.

I am very happy with the progress that we’ve made as a team. I have certainly improved from the beginning of the semester, and it has been great to see other members of the team improve as well. I’m looking forward to the last sprint where we will compile all of what we have learned and implemented into a presentation.

From the blog CS@Worcester – ~/GeorgeMatthew/etc by gmatthew and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 6 Reflections

In this sprint no bugs were able to be solved. Not much was done as the semester is coming to an end. Instead of working on bugs or learning more about Angular 2 etc, we have been discussing the final project. I have not learned anything new and plan to work on the final project.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Software Testing by kyleottblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.