What this apprenticeship pattern starts off talking about is how you have been developing extraordinary code for years, meeting the standard for the company, but all of a sudden you are offered a management position which will in fact take you away from coding into another direction. Now the pattern states that this may be tempting and show that you are leveling up, but it is actually sort of an illusion in a way. You may feel that a promotion will help you out, but in this case it is taking away from the journey you have took so far and the motivation to be a good programmer. When you take the promotion, then you will start deteriorating in the skill of programming slowly as time passes by. What staying in the trenches means is to stay true to your passion, and try to find rewards for you exemplary work in some other sort of way by negotiating with the company.
I think the main message of this pattern is important and how it is talking about staying true to your passion. One thing that I don’t agree with is just because you may come across a different path in life that may be outside of programming, does not mean that you should not take. There are a lot of people that won’t be able to be in the position of manager and although a person has a passion for programming, there are times when someone needs to go to the uncomfortable side to level up. It may be time to start learning more about the bigger picture of software development and managing a team of programmers, then just doing programming yourself. It will be a different change and the only way to find out whether you like it or not, is to try it out. In the future, if you believe that the role isn’t for you, then you can always go back to some role of programming at a different level. The goal however shouldn’t just be to give up programming all together, but to try some different path while also staying up to date with the programming aspect. I personally believe that this will help you out more with experience of leading a team and not only focusing on the developing aspect. The more variance experiences a person has, then in the future it can help apply in all sorts of different aspects.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Roller Coaster Coding Journey by fbaig34 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.