This week, I decided to find another Reddit post as the last Reddit post I covered I felt had a lot to take from it as it was a community of people giving their real thoughts and feelings on a certain aspect of Comp Sci. Today, I found a post on the importance of object-oriented design, and people discussing the different values it holds.
One of the top comments on the post is about how understanding object-oriented design is a great foundation for writing clean code, which is something we discuss in CS-348. It isn’t necessarily something you can just learn on the go while working, and, rather something you should try to learn about as much as you can while in school to then apply in the workplace. I’m very appreciative of reading this actually as I typically like to think most stuff gets easier to apply/learn as you’re working, but if a lot of people agree that you should understand as much as you can about object-oriented design BEFORE actually starting a job, then it’s certainly something I’m going to want to have down. The general consensus wasn’t that you won’t get better at applying these principles as you progress in your career but that you should have a strong foundation of knowledge on these principles going into your career as it is crucial to know certain aspects of it, like when one object ends and another begins or how to model object relations.
OOP is so important, many of the Redditors on this post also seem to agree that you’ll find it very hard to even get a job if you don’t at least have a base understanding of the concepts. It isn’t necessarily hard to understand a lot of these concepts as they’re pretty fundamental, but you should be able to answer questions either directly related, or somewhat related to OOP in job interviews as if the interviewer begins to think you may not know what you’re talking about, you may quickly lose your opportunity at that job. Some people did make comments explaining how it does depend on the concept of the job too such as the primary language you’ll be programming in or even the exact role of your job, but the general consensus still seems to be that you want to have at least a strong fundamental understanding of object-oriented design and the ability to apply it’s principles in your coding.
There are over 100 comments on this post that all make great points on why understanding these principles are very beneficial to you, even just a fundamental understanding of them can help you go a long way. It seemed to me that people had varying levels on how important overall understanding all of these principles are, but they all seemed to agree that knowing the basics of them and being able to apply them all to some degree in your coding, as well as being able to understand and talk about them (in interviews especially), is certainly the most important/beneficial thing you could do.
From the blog CS@Worcester – RBradleyBlog by Ryan Bradley and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.