Category Archives: Week 13

Backend developement

Backend development is an essential part of creating a
dynamic, interactive website or application. The backend, also known as the
server-side, is the part of the website or application that manages the data
and logic behind the scenes. It works in conjunction with the frontend, or the
client-side, which is what users see and interact with.

There are several components that make up a backend,
including a server, an application, a database, and an API. The server is the
physical location where the website or application is stored and accessed. The
server is responsible for hosting the website or application and delivering it
to users when they access it. The application is the actual software that runs
on the server and provides the functionality of the website or application. It
is typically built using a programming language, such as Java or Python. The
database is where the data for the website or application is stored. The
database is used by the application to store and retrieve data, such as user
accounts, information about products or services, and other data needed by the
website or application. The API, or application programming interface, is a set
of protocols and tools that allow different software applications to
communicate with each other. In the context of backend development, the API is
what allows the frontend and the backend to communicate and exchange data. For
example, when a user interacts with the frontend of a website or application,
the API allows the frontend to send requests to the backend and receive
responses with the relevant data.

I selected this post
because I am interested in learning more about backend development and how it
plays a role in creating interactive websites and applications. Furthermore, a
lot of work for this class went into writing code for and experimenting with,
the backend code for Thea’s Food Pantry. Working on something actively in use, even
without making any changes, was a very interesting experience and will be
immensely useful for the capstone class next semester. Understanding the
importance of the backend and how it works with the frontend will allow me to
better plan and implement the overall architecture of a website or application.
Additionally, learning about the various backend components and their functions
will allow me to make informed decisions when choosing technologies and
frameworks to use in my projects.




From the blog Zed's Blog by Lord Zed and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Backend developement

Backend development is an essential part of creating a
dynamic, interactive website or application. The backend, also known as the
server-side, is the part of the website or application that manages the data
and logic behind the scenes. It works in conjunction with the frontend, or the
client-side, which is what users see and interact with.

There are several components that make up a backend,
including a server, an application, a database, and an API. The server is the
physical location where the website or application is stored and accessed. The
server is responsible for hosting the website or application and delivering it
to users when they access it. The application is the actual software that runs
on the server and provides the functionality of the website or application. It
is typically built using a programming language, such as Java or Python. The
database is where the data for the website or application is stored. The
database is used by the application to store and retrieve data, such as user
accounts, information about products or services, and other data needed by the
website or application. The API, or application programming interface, is a set
of protocols and tools that allow different software applications to
communicate with each other. In the context of backend development, the API is
what allows the frontend and the backend to communicate and exchange data. For
example, when a user interacts with the frontend of a website or application,
the API allows the frontend to send requests to the backend and receive
responses with the relevant data.

I selected this post
because I am interested in learning more about backend development and how it
plays a role in creating interactive websites and applications. Furthermore, a
lot of work for this class went into writing code for and experimenting with,
the backend code for Thea’s Food Pantry. Working on something actively in use, even
without making any changes, was a very interesting experience and will be
immensely useful for the capstone class next semester. Understanding the
importance of the backend and how it works with the frontend will allow me to
better plan and implement the overall architecture of a website or application.
Additionally, learning about the various backend components and their functions
will allow me to make informed decisions when choosing technologies and
frameworks to use in my projects.




From the blog Zed's Blog by Lord Zed and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Backend developement

Backend development is an essential part of creating a
dynamic, interactive website or application. The backend, also known as the
server-side, is the part of the website or application that manages the data
and logic behind the scenes. It works in conjunction with the frontend, or the
client-side, which is what users see and interact with.

There are several components that make up a backend,
including a server, an application, a database, and an API. The server is the
physical location where the website or application is stored and accessed. The
server is responsible for hosting the website or application and delivering it
to users when they access it. The application is the actual software that runs
on the server and provides the functionality of the website or application. It
is typically built using a programming language, such as Java or Python. The
database is where the data for the website or application is stored. The
database is used by the application to store and retrieve data, such as user
accounts, information about products or services, and other data needed by the
website or application. The API, or application programming interface, is a set
of protocols and tools that allow different software applications to
communicate with each other. In the context of backend development, the API is
what allows the frontend and the backend to communicate and exchange data. For
example, when a user interacts with the frontend of a website or application,
the API allows the frontend to send requests to the backend and receive
responses with the relevant data.

I selected this post
because I am interested in learning more about backend development and how it
plays a role in creating interactive websites and applications. Furthermore, a
lot of work for this class went into writing code for and experimenting with,
the backend code for Thea’s Food Pantry. Working on something actively in use, even
without making any changes, was a very interesting experience and will be
immensely useful for the capstone class next semester. Understanding the
importance of the backend and how it works with the frontend will allow me to
better plan and implement the overall architecture of a website or application.
Additionally, learning about the various backend components and their functions
will allow me to make informed decisions when choosing technologies and
frameworks to use in my projects.




From the blog Zed's Blog by Lord Zed and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Backend developement

Backend development is an essential part of creating a
dynamic, interactive website or application. The backend, also known as the
server-side, is the part of the website or application that manages the data
and logic behind the scenes. It works in conjunction with the frontend, or the
client-side, which is what users see and interact with.

There are several components that make up a backend,
including a server, an application, a database, and an API. The server is the
physical location where the website or application is stored and accessed. The
server is responsible for hosting the website or application and delivering it
to users when they access it. The application is the actual software that runs
on the server and provides the functionality of the website or application. It
is typically built using a programming language, such as Java or Python. The
database is where the data for the website or application is stored. The
database is used by the application to store and retrieve data, such as user
accounts, information about products or services, and other data needed by the
website or application. The API, or application programming interface, is a set
of protocols and tools that allow different software applications to
communicate with each other. In the context of backend development, the API is
what allows the frontend and the backend to communicate and exchange data. For
example, when a user interacts with the frontend of a website or application,
the API allows the frontend to send requests to the backend and receive
responses with the relevant data.

I selected this post
because I am interested in learning more about backend development and how it
plays a role in creating interactive websites and applications. Furthermore, a
lot of work for this class went into writing code for and experimenting with,
the backend code for Thea’s Food Pantry. Working on something actively in use, even
without making any changes, was a very interesting experience and will be
immensely useful for the capstone class next semester. Understanding the
importance of the backend and how it works with the frontend will allow me to
better plan and implement the overall architecture of a website or application.
Additionally, learning about the various backend components and their functions
will allow me to make informed decisions when choosing technologies and
frameworks to use in my projects.




From the blog Zed's Blog by Lord Zed and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Backend developement

Backend development is an essential part of creating a dynamic, interactive website or application. The backend, also known as the server-side, is the part of the website or application that manages the data and logic behind the scenes. It works in conjunction with the frontend, or the client-side, which is what users see and interact with.

There are several components that make up a backend, including a server, an application, a database, and an API. The server is the physical location where the website or application is stored and accessed. The server is responsible for hosting the website or application and delivering it to users when they access it. The application is the actual software that runs on the server and provides the functionality of the website or application. It is typically built using a programming language, such as Java or Python. The database is where the data for the website or application is stored. The database is used by the application to store and retrieve data, such as user accounts, information about products or services, and other data needed by the website or application. The API, or application programming interface, is a set of protocols and tools that allow different software applications to communicate with each other. In the context of backend development, the API is what allows the frontend and the backend to communicate and exchange data. For example, when a user interacts with the frontend of a website or application, the API allows the frontend to send requests to the backend and receive responses with the relevant data.

I selected this post because I am interested in learning more about backend development and how it plays a role in creating interactive websites and applications. Furthermore, a lot of work for this class went into writing code for and experimenting with, the backend code for Thea’s Food Pantry. Working on something actively in use, even without making any changes, was a very interesting experience and will be immensely useful for the capstone class next semester. Understanding the importance of the backend and how it works with the frontend will allow me to better plan and implement the overall architecture of a website or application. Additionally, learning about the various backend components and their functions will allow me to make informed decisions when choosing technologies and frameworks to use in my projects.




From the blog Zed's Blog by Lord Zed and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 13: Reading List

For this week, I chose to read ‘Reading List’ from Chapter 6: Construct Your Curriculum. I thought this pattern would be a good last pattern to read about now that the semester is ending. This chapter consisted of mostly patterns that are useful for post undergraduate stuff and things to reinforce in your head moving into your software career. So, for the context of this pattern, after becoming proficient in your first language (another pattern), you begin to look around and see the vast sea of info. I found this relatable as there is so many different languages in software programming and so many different technologies that accompany it as well, there is a lot to learn. However, with that in mind, I think that just makes me wanna learn about a lot of the different languages and technologies since software development is so vast.

For the problem of the pattern, you are unable to keep up with the amount of books you need to read. I thought this was kind of a weird problem, if you reach this problem, you probably aren’t managing your time well and need to readjust your curriculum in my opinion. However, the solution tackles this problem similar to what I was thinking, managing your time better. The solution is to maintain a reading list, this isn’t to only manage the books you read but also to reflect on past reading habits and you can use this info to construct a path on what to read next and what to focus on. I thought this was pretty clever, I wouldn’t have a reading list for that purpose, I would just use it to manage my reading habits. The solution does come with caveats though, it’s difficult to implement this pattern without having a deep understanding of your topic in order to figure out which books to read and the order. Ultimately, I think this pattern relies on having a deep understanding of what you want to learn about and what rabbit holes to go down in order to become more proficient at those topics.

For the action, you obviously create your reading list, however you keep it under source control and up to date. Pretty simple action to do, it’s just finding out where to start and what to read that is the hardest part of this pattern.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Brendan Lai by Brendan Lai and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship pattern: Find mentors

This week I read the pattern “Find mentors”. In life, we all need a mentor who will train, and teach us what will become our knowledge tomorrow. Some examples: in schools, universities, at home, our mentors are our teachers, professors, and parents because they teach us and train us to become great people in the future and whatever we know today, it’s thanks to them and their sacrifice. But we have to keep in mind that tomorrow, we will also be someone’s mentor or leader.

In this pattern, the author is talking about seeking out those who have gone ahead of us and striving to learn from them. Everyone at some point has been an apprentice. Teachers, before becoming who they are, were students like us too and had mentors (teachers, professors) who made them who they are. Parents, yesterday were children too and had their parents who were their mentors/leaders and examples for them to follow. It’s a rule of life, which is we can only give what we receive.

To become great software developers, we need to surround ourselves with software developers who already have the knowledge and are willing to teach us and help us understand. Seeking help and knowledge from someone isn’t a sign of weakness, on contrary. That is something that a lot of software developers, even people in general don’t understand.

What I get from this pattern, is that in the computer science field, if we want to be the best or become better at what we’re aspiring for, we need to surround ourselves with people who have more skills than us in the domain that we want to master. Also, we need to keep in mind that we’re walking “The Long Road” and that no one knows everything. Even our mentors learn something new every day. The fact that they know more than us does not mean they know everything.

Our apprenticeship is unlikely to happen in isolation, and just as there will be people ahead of us, there will also be apprentices who have not yet reached our skill level. The other side of our search for mentors is that we must be willing to provide mentoring to those who seek it from us. Passing along what we have learned from our mentors is one way in which we can begin the transition to journeyman status.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Gracia's Blog (Computer Science Major) by gkitenge and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

“Be The Worst”

From the blog cs@worcester – Dahwal Dev by Dahwal Charles and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

“Kindred Spirits”

From the blog cs@worcester – Dahwal Dev by Dahwal Charles and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Craftsmanship Log #8 – White Belt

Although I tend to speak rather broadly about certain apprenticeship patterns, nonetheless many of the patterns I have written about in this blog do apply to the field of Software Development. After all, the book, from which these patterns have originated from, that I have been reading for the past few months is more focused on programming than any other craft. This is the reason why this particular pattern applies to my learning process of Software Development which, ironically, I realise that I have not applied to the degree that I thought I have when learning other programming languages. In fact, a significant part of the learning process is to “unlearn” pre-existing knowledge and approaching learning a craft in a “blank slate”. This notion corresponds to a pattern titled “White Belt” which, though it may seem ironic, it is in fact a very significant pattern.

When a developer faces the need to utilize this pattern, it means that their pre-existing knowledge may be interfering with acquiring new knowledge and skills more challenging, or even impossible. When it comes to programming languages, the know-how that one may be holding on from learning and mastering their first programming language may impair their problem-solving approaches. Oftentimes, they may be expecting to see tools or concepts from one language they already know that are completely non-existent in the language that they are learning. Moreover, the potential differences in syntax can also throw an apprentice off when learning a new language, thus it is easy for us to hit a roadblock simply because the solutions we may want are (or so we think) simply not there. As such, a way to avoid this roadblock is to simply approach the new language that we are learning as its own thing and with a clear state of mind.

Usually, I tend to say that I like or agree with a pattern because in my own experience I tend to utilize such patterns in my own, perhaps roundabout way. However, this pattern is the first that has made me question my own approach to learning, which is contrary to this pattern. I often tend to look for “common ground” between my pre-existing knowledge and the new knowledge before me to “save time” and get to “the good stuff” faster. In a way, this pattern hurts my pride as a software apprentice. And, in all fairness, it should. It is important for me to acknowledge that flaw in my learning process and instead wear the white belt when I pick up a new programming language to learn.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CompSci Log by sohoda and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.