For today’s blog I am writing about agile testing. I found this blog on agile testing called “A Coach Guide to Agile Testing”. The blog talks about the different types of agile testing and the different types of teams/groups/personalities that use agile testing in different ways. The article mentions that people who use traditional ways of testing usually do not like agile testing because they consider it a threat to their job, which is to identify discrepancies between the working system and the specifications. This is different from agile because agile does not have specification documents that are detailed enough to help the tester do their job. Something I found interesting about this article was when they were talking about the traditional testers and their approach of “follow specifications and report how the system differs from these specifications”. The article says that checking to see how closely the program follows the specifications does not actually say anything about the quality of the program. I think this point really hit home, because you can make a program that follows the specifications to a tee, and it can still be a poorly designed or poorly running program.
For an example, say you are building a program to manage someones bank account. You would need methods to deposit, withdraw, check balance, transfer money, etc. Now let us say the only specification for the program is that it compiles and runs. We could write a program that compiles and runs and in the sense of traditional software testing, we have a passing program. However, what if the method for deposit didn’t actually add money into the account, or the method for withdraw added money instead of taking it out? According to traditional software testing we have a functional program, when in reality we know our program does not do what it is supposed to. This is where agile testing comes in handy. Agile testing will test every method in our program (not just the specifications) to make sure that our methods actually do what they are supposed to. This is why I like agile testing, and try to do it in all my programs. It is a good way to assure you have a quality product that functions as designed and has also been tested and passed. I hope to continue using agile testing in my future programs and reading this article has given me some new tips and tricks to think of when doing agile testing.
Here’s the link:
From the blog CS@Worcester – The Average CS Student by Nathan Posterro and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.