Greetings reader!
In today’s blog, I will be discussing the differences between black box and white box testing. This blog will briefly explain the benefits for each test, as well as point out their distinct features. I will also be sharing my analysis of QATestLab’s-“Difference Between White Box, Black Box, and Gray Box Testing” article from which I read. Without any further introduction, let’s begin.
Black box testing (BBT) is a testing method in which there is no access to the source code or the internal structure of software. The main goal of BBT is to check to see if everything works well from the view of a user. Black box testing focuses on incorrect or missing functions, data structures errors, any graphical user interface errors, faulty software performance, and for any control flow errors.
Some advantages of black box testing are as follows. First, the tester can start designing test cases just after the specification is ready. Secondly, tests preparation time is short, and finally, there is no need for a tester to know the programming language of the application. The disadvantages of black-box testing: it is hard to design test cases without a specification, only some paths are covered , and it is impossible to to see what part of the code can cause a problem in future.
White-box testing (WBT) is a testing method where there is access to the source code and internal structure of the software (opposed to BBT). This testing type insinutates that a tester knows which code line is called for each function. It allows the tester to better choose an entry data set and to check errors and exceptions efficiently. White-box Testing focuses on bad code writing, conditional loops, the working flow of the code, and memory leaks.
Advantages of white-box testing are: there is no need to wait for the GUI application, it can conduct more detailed testing with more cases covered, and it can predict the potential problems in the software. The disadvantages of white-box testing is that a tester must know the programming language of the software, it can take much more time than other methods, and it can be expensive.
To conclude, there are advantages and disadvantages to both methods of testing, so there is none that is “better” than the other. They are both necessary and complementary. The QATestLab’s-“Difference Between White Box, Black Box, and Gray Box Testing” article that I read was extremely informative and very easy to comprehend. I greatly recommend their articles to expand your computer science knowledge.
From the blog CS@Worcester – dekeh4 by dekeh4 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.