Category Archives: Week 5

Apprenticeship Patterns: Unleash Your Enthusiasm

I thought this section of Apprenticeship Patterns presented a fascinating take on how newcomers might fit in with their more experienced counter parts when entering the professional world of computer science. The authors describe the role an “apprentice” might want to take when working in a team of seasoned computer scientists. They explain that it is common place for newcomers to “fly under the radar” and not speak their ideas due to lack confidence in their ability to be a contributing team member. They point out that while every team may differ, teams typically benefit from having team members of varying skill levels, even “apprentices.” The authors also cite a study involving aircraft carrier crews that showed that it is healthier for teams to consist of people with different degrees of skill and experience and found that newcomers played an integral role in the team dynamic. Finally, the authors propose that newcomers should in fact “unleash their enthusiasm” in hopes that their excitement will rub off on other team members as well as keep other team members on their toes through asking many questions on why things are the way they are as well as presenting fresh ideas.

I honestly found this particular pattern to be extremely relatable as I am currently a newcomer in a security team that is made of individuals who have varying degrees of skill level, experience, and expertise.  When I first started, I admit that I was a little intimidated by all the tools that were being used not to mention all the acronyms being thrown around in meetings that I had never heard of before. However, I feel like that feeling of being overwhelmed pushed me to want to learn more about security and obtain the same kind of knowledge possessed by my coworkers while at the same time applying the knowledge I have acquired throughout the course of my college career. I also feel like I really lucked out because of the willingness of each of my team members to answer my questions and give me advise. After reading this pattern I think I will ask questions and speak up more confidently at work because now I know that it is important to bring a fresh perspective to a team.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Caleb's Computer Science Blog by calebscomputerscienceblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Whoops, I Picked the Wrong Theme

After spending many hours attempting to accomplish what I thought would be a relatively simple task, I decided to change the theme of the the Massachusetts HOSA website. Although my post last week went into detail about the many reasons that I originally chose to use the Trusted theme, there was one problem that became obvious to me as I attempted to adjust the size of the image slider the displayed on the homepage of the theme. While I expected these kinds of edits to be as simple as adjusting the size of a div container, it turned out that the theme used more complex embedded functions and jQuery to make the theme responsive. This responsive nature made it difficult to edit the size of the image slider and set it to a smaller, constant size.

It was around this time that I began to question whether or not it was worth my time to continue debugging and teaching myself how the Trusted theme set up the slider. I decided to instead look for a similar theme that may be easier to edit. I found the Consulting theme and found the slider to be much easier to edit. I was able to set the maximum width for the slider at 700px while still allowing dynamic resizing for responsiveness and support for mobile devices. Unfortunately, this nullified all of the changes that I had made to the Trusted CSS files that brought the site into compliance with the HOSA style guidelines. I did, however, discover a far more efficient way to edit the Consulting theme that I kicked myself for not thinking of earlier. First, I used Chrome’s Developer Tools to find the color code that I wanted to change. I then used the “Replace All” tool in TextMate to change all occurrences of the that color code with the desired color. Overall, the second time around for customizing the theme was far smoother and more efficient than the first.

From the blog CS@Worcester – ~/GeorgeMatthew/etc by gmatthew and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns – Stay in the Trenches

Most people view promotions as a good thing. It means you are moving up in the world. More importantly, it means that your peers and managers feel you are doing a great job. It is always a great feeling to get reassurance that you are good at what you do. Not to mention that promotions often come with a raise. However, in the eyes of Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman[AP] by Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye a promotion isn’t necessarily a good thing…

The pattern Stay in the Trenches discussed in Apprenticeship Patterns isn’t about finding the quickest way to the top of the ladder. It focuses more on becoming an expert at your craft [AP]. Promotions often mean you are one step closer to management or are going to be in management, which also means that you are one step further removed from development [AP]. Now, not everyone wants to be a lifetime developer. I certainly don’t know if want to be. But for those who do want to truly master the craft of software development, then a promotion isn’t necessarily a good thing.

If you choose to not accept/avoid promotions, there are some other ways to be rewarded/compensated [AP]. They suggest finding a company that is flexible in allowing you to stay on as a developer [AP]. Perhaps you can find technical leadership roles such as a lead engineer [AP]. By taking on this type of role it may allow you to still receive a raise if that is what you are looking for, so it can be the best of both worlds. However, some may not even want to take on a role like this as it is an additional burden that can take you away from your work.

Personally, I feel this strategy is easier said than done. If you are good at what you do, promotions are going to come. If you turn down too many of them you’ll more than likely be looked down upon. Even if the company is ok with you staying in your current role, at the very least you are going to take on more responsibilities. Often times those responsibilities aren’t strictly development related so they will pull you away from what you want to truly do. Now I’m not saying adhering to this strategy can’t be done. What I am saying that following this strategy to a tee is something I feel would be challenging to do. The more experience you have, the more “jobs” you are going to be asked to take on whether you intend to or not. If you want to follow this strategy and can actually pull it off, then more power to you.


Link to pattern in book:


From the blog CS@Worcester – README by Matthew Foley and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Thoughts on “Confront Your Ignorance” apprenticeship pattern

This pattern seeks to solve the problem of skill gaps that are making daily work more challenging.  The authors propose that software apprentices suffering from this issue attempt to actively learn the missing pieces.  This could take different forms — they suggest reading tutorials/FAQs, constructing small low-stakes projects, and/or involving other people that are either experts in the area or trying to learn the same thing.  They also suggest keeping a list of these skill gap areas, and crossing them off as they’re sufficiently learned; this goes hand-in-hand with adding to the list as your learning exposes additional gaps.

This approach to learning really resonates with me.  My preference is to actively seek out knowledge, and I tend to learn best through hands-on practice.  I’ve already used a less formalized version of this when I taught myself Python: find a skill (in this case, a programming language) that I would like to learn and then give myself a project to work on that forces me to learn and use it.  There are three major additions (on top of the formalization) that I can take away from this pattern:

  1. Involve other people, whether they are experts or fellow learners.
  2. Don’t overuse this pattern to the point where it causes problems for others; I only have so much time.
  3. Balance learning with introspection.

The first point leads to the creation of a learning community, and extends both the resources and benefits of learning.  I know that I have a tendency to want to do everything myself, and while independence isn’t bad it’s also important to not always be reinventing the wheel.  I also enjoy sharing my knowledge, and it makes sense for me to seek that out in a more mutual way.

The second point is also something I run into often, and partially extends from the first.  I really like to build things from scratch and see how they’re made.  However, that tendency can also lead to excessive use of time and energy for what should be a simpler project, or the preference for my own solution over another (quite possibly better) one that’s already been written and vetted.

The third point encourages me to set up a cycle of learning and introspection; crossing items off of the list and then adding more to the bottom.

While actual checklists are not a tool I particularly enjoy using, this pattern has leaned me towards perhaps keeping one (and actually updating it).  That, I think, is where I’ve found the most value in Confront Your Ignorance.

From the blog CS@Worcester – orscsblog by orscsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Starting out by Sweeping the Floor

As I will soon be starting out in a new position at an unfamiliar company, I was more than happy to look to Apprenticeship Patterns for help in making the most of my apprenticeship. While the position may not be exactly what Hoover and Oshineye had in mind when they wrote the pattern, I found the Sweep the Floor pattern to be almost universally applicable to any entry-level position. When you are just starting out, you may not feel comfortable taking on some of the more complex tasks. You may be unsure of where you fit in as part of the team, and the team may be unsure of you. The Sweep the Floor pattern offers advice on how to contribute to and earn the team’s trust as well as growing professionally when you are just starting out as an apprentice.

I found the inclusion of the story from Paul Pagal to be comical and also informative. As mentioned, there are certain less glamorous tasks that simply need to get done in order for the team to be able to function. While they may not be glamorous, they provide an opportunity to make yourself useful and appear motivated. This most certainly will not go unnoticed, and should lead to progressively more interesting and complex tasks. As your skill level as well as comfort level increases, you will begin to take on riskier tasks.

Hoover and Oshineye follow the story by saying that having to do less glamorous work to get your foot in the door may be tough to swallow for some apprentices who feel they’ve already paid their dues. While I’m not trying to discount the value that I feel my formal education has, I’m not sure that I agree that this counts as paying your dues. Until you’re part of an actual team facing real-world problems, you haven’t paid your dues. This is part of the reason that I feel completely content starting off with more menial tasks. I am more than happy to begin proving my worth and showing my team that I am ready for bigger challenges by starting off with some of the less glamorous tasks. After all, somebody has to do it.

From the blog CS@Worcester – ~/GeorgeMatthew/etc by gmatthew and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns Blog: A Different Road

You can find more information about A Different Road pattern here:

This passage is very quick and to the point. The authors emphasize that you should continue to follow your own map. Even if this new map brings you into an adventure you have never thought about doing. The authors ask just one thing, bring all of the knowledge and processes you’ve learned with you. Being a software apprentice means that you can look at problems from different perspective and use the tools and knowledge around you to excel and progress further. This way of thinking is not only useful in software development, but everywhere else too.

My favorite part about this pattern is that the authors understand that sometimes life can be strange. I enjoyed the example “…Ivan Moore, Ade’s mentor since ThoughtWorks, he described how he went off to a Greek island for six months to become a windsurfing instructor after his first IT job.” (Oshineye, Hoover). I liked this because it was so obscure. Who stops developing software to teach windsurfing? Well that’s the point. Everyone has different values in rewards. Regardless of what you want, someone else may want something entirely different. Maybe that windsurfing job paid HALF as much, but maybe money wasn’t important to Ivan. Instead he wanted to reap the rewards from enjoying life on a Greek island, the experience and the fun. These rewards could have been more valuable to him and you can’t tell him he is wrong.

The authors also tell you that leaving the field for some time could be risky as most conventional software companies see the break as a suspicious gap in your career. However, the authors also let you know that this- shouldn’t be the case. New experiences can help widen the perspective of one’s view. Leading to better understanding, communication, and team work.

At the end of the pattern the authors give you an action. All this is, is a suggestion on what to do if you are experiencing something like this problem in the pattern. The authors ask you to “write down some of the other jobs you think you would enjoy doing. Find people who are doing those jobs and loving it. Ask them what they love about it and compare that to the things you love about software development.” (Oshineye, Hoover)

At the end of the day, you should really be doing what you love and what rewards you, the best way you see fit.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Rookey Mistake by Shane Rookey and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Your First Language

Problem: You feel your job depends on you delivering a solution written in a specific programming language and of the same standard of quality as your teammates. Alternatively, obtaining a job in the first place depends on your proficiency in a specific programming language.

Solution: The text suggests picking a language and becoming fluent in it, as it will be the main language you will be using for the next few years to solve problems. It’s a difficult choice to make, especially when looking for jobs that may been looking for specific skills and languages. It’s “important to carefully weigh the options, as it is the foundation upon which your early career will be built.” One good way to gain experience and become fluent in a language is to actually have a real problem to solve, and to “seek out opportunities to create feedback.” Becoming fluent in a language allows you to start working more on test-driven development, allowing you to check your assumptions and aiding development of new languages.

This pattern has good advice, and it’s not the first time I’ve heard someone suggest working on one language and perfecting it instead of trying to learn multiple languages at the same time and expect to be fluent in each one. An interesting tip from the text was building a toy application in the language you’re trying to pursue a job with, one that your prospective employer would be able to access. Good learning experiences come from solving real problems, school gives you a good foundation to build upon and learn from the problems you solve in your professional career. Working in the field and running into real problems, the ability to work with other people and learn from them is a big part of gaining skill. I think Java would be a practical choice to become fluent in as it’s a high demand language that receives a lot of bad press but it running on 3 billion devices. The book also mentioned the community behind these languages and all the resources you have at your disposal. They suggest taking advantage of the support network you have and attending local meetings related to that language.

The post Your First Language appeared first on code friendly.

From the blog CS@Worcester – code friendly by erik and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Future of Software Testing

For this week, I chose a blog which talks about the future of software testing. Although these are just predictions by Ryan Yackel who is a senior sales engineer at QA symphony, they really seem plausible and get you thinking about where software testing is going to be in the next decade or so.

Ryan talks about how Everything will be blurry in the beginning and gets clearer after. what he means by that is the fact that agile software development methodologies are now becoming the standard and that will lead to a lot confusion and misconceptions. Because everyone is considered tester in a agile environment which is not true in a lot of cases, this really leaves testers questioning the severity of their role.  Agile methodologies’ popularity is increases among companies and they will soon have a better understanding and mastery of these agile techniques. Once this occurs, the role of a tester in a agile team will become much clearer. This leads to his next prediction.

Software testers expectation is on the rise and Ryan mentions that the expectation will be even greater in the future. Now, software testers need to expand their horizons and embrace new enterprise software testing tools and strategies. Just being knowledgeable about testing software is no longer sufficient. Software testers needs to be knowledgeable about software development, code functions, business logic, and technical competency. Testers a now playing an assertive role in guiding software quality assurance and development broadly.  As a tester, if you fail to adapt to these new higher level expectation, you will have a hard time making it through.

Ryan also talks about how the use of automated testing will increase significantly. It will be difficult for companies to maintain efficiency due to fast growing data in software development. Therefore, many companies will rely on automation in order to maximized their level of productivity. Ryan predicts that automation will become the default method of testing and all the challenges that holds automation testing from being the best way to test software will soon be refined.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Adestin by adestinyblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Writing Clean Code

This week I decided to read a blog post for my blog entry. The blog post I read is titles “Writing Clean Code” by Jason McCreary. Before finding this blog post, I’ve had a general and basic idea about coding and how it should be written, but I haven’t understood in great detail how to properly write clean code. The reason I chose this blog is to learn and be able to use the clean coding techniques on my future projects so it will be easier for other people read.

Clean code is extremely important in becoming a strong software engineer and when working in a team having clean code is a must so your teammates can understand your code. The blog opens up by saying that in more or less all software engineering jobs you will be working with a new code base at one point or another and that inconsistency is a big fundamental problem when working with different code bases. The author ends the blog by saying “In the end, coding is writing” and as a developer our responsibility is to maintain a consistently so it will make our code easy to follow when being looked over.

One major takeaway from this blog that I will apply immediately to my next project is using clearer names. Before reading this blog if I wouldn’t put much effort into naming things in my project but I learned that applying clear names not only improves readability, but boosts the context making the intent of the code easier to read. If I am to use clear names it will help the reader understand more quickly.

My goal is to become a software engineer and in the CS program sometimes it is hard for me to write clean code because I am focusing on other parts of the assignment or don’t have everything labeled to where my audience can understand. This article has given me ways to write clean, effective code in the future and I hope it can do the same for you.





From the blog CS@Worcester – Dcanton Blog by dcantonblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Time Machine Antics

The podcast episode this post is written about can be found here.

This week I listened to a podcast in which the podcasters stage an argument between a 1990s “traditional” test manager and a modern test manager. I chose this podcast from about 4 I thought sounded interesting, because I wanted to know the current state of the industry and where we came from. It was enormously helpful in demonstrating the difference in how software gets tested these days compared with how it was done previously.

The one playing the role of the 90s manager explains how at his company, testing is kept largely separate from development. After software is implemented, it’s sent to software testers, whose job it is to find bugs. If they do find bugs, the project is sent back to the developers for them to fix. The second round of testing might reveal that the bug wasn’t fixed after all, and the result can be an endless game of ping-pong where the product doesn’t get released for ages.

Laid out in this way, it was clear how this inefficient setup led to the modern strategy of integrating software development and testing. The modern test manager explains that at his company, test specialists are embedded in the development team from the beginning, and the whole team is in charge of ensuring the quality of the product. The developers actually write most of the tests for their own code as they go along and end up finding most of the bugs. Test specialists may write more complex tests or write diagnostic tools, but mainly their job is to see the big picture and make sure that all the testing that needs to get done gets done. In fact, the modern manager says that most of the bugs that the team members who specialize in testing find don’t find them through writing typical tests or test automation, but through data analysis and looking at how customers use a product.

I gathered through listening to this conversation unfold that the basic idea of the modern setup is that catching bugs earlier makes them way less hassle to fix, so testing isn’t pushed to the end. Everybody in the team is capable of doing everything required for both implementation and testing, but they each specialize in a particular area. Going forward, I’ll make sure I don’t conceive of the testing process as entirely separate from the development process, but rather as something that goes along with code implementation in order to prevent headaches down the line.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Fun in Function by funinfunction and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.