“If It Isn’t Documented, It Doesn’t Exist” are probably some words to live by, written by Jeff Atwood. Jeff expresses his thoughts on proper documentation based on his personal experience while working on open source projects. This can be summarized into a single sentence “Good Documentation is hard to find” as stated in the blog. However, he agrees on a couple of key points made by James Bennett who wrote the blog post Choosing a JavaScript Library. These can be summarized to having a proper overview of each section of your project/design, having proper examples of usage when needed, documentation on everything, and your regular comments throughout the code itself. Although it was specifically written for his javascript explanation, I attempted to apply it to regular java coding as well. Ultimately leading up to another great statement “most treat documentation like an afterthought” made by Mr. Bennett.
Truthfully, upon finishing and reviewing my own code for Assignment 1 in my CS-343 class, I realized that documentation or comments within the code is non-existent. Leading up to relearning the importance of proper documentation, as once taught in my CS-140 class. Currently, I can see that it is not a requirement and has not been a big factor in assignments even in other previous CS courses I have taken between CS-140 and CS-343. However, it’s important to remember that a properly documented project can be easily benefit yourself and others in many ways. For example, it can be used to assist in explanations or allow others to understand what is done at a certain point. Also, it can be used to help yourself pick up where you left off after reading up on what you have written. Simply stated as “…if you’re the only one who understands it, it doesn’t do any good” by Nicholas Zakas.
Practicing proper documentation techniques early on will help develop proper skills for determining how much is necessary to document. Too much unnecessary documentation will hurt more than documenting only what is needed, which is a problem I had when I actually applied documentation within projects. This also includes being able to understand when and where to use comments, javadocs, etc. throughout a project. Currently, I do treat documentation like an afterthought, to the point that it isn’t applied. In the future, I hope to apply this skill and use it to my advantage, not only for myself but for others as well.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Progression through Computer Science and Beyond… by Johnny To and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.