Chapter 3 of The Software Craftsman started off by discussing what exactly software craftsmanship is. It gave the definition of software craftsmanship from a view different points of views such as; wikipedia, the authors personal definition, and a shorter more clean cut definition. The chapter talked about how it is all about being professional when developing software which is something we have already previously learned in this class. An interesting thing that this chapter discussed that I haven’t seen too much in previous chapters of this book or even in the whole Clean Coder book, was the history. It gave in-depth information of the software craftsmanship movement and all the history you could possibly know behind it. It was interesting to me to learn about historical details on where exactly this idea of software craftsmanship stemmed from. Finally, the chapter covered the software craftsmanship manifesto. The manifesto consisted of 4 major points:
- Not only working software, but also well-crafted software.
- Not only responding to change, but also steadily adding value.
- Not only individuals and interactions, but also a community of professionals.
- Not only customer collaboration, but also productive partnerships.
My favorite of the four was, number 1, “Not only working software, but also well-crafted software”. This a very important point that every software developer needs to be aware of. Just because a program may work, doesn’t mean it is crafted the way it should be.
Chapter 4 was about the attitude that a software craftsman should always have. The chapter went through and mainly gave tips on how to improve yourself as a software craftsman. Some of the advice that I personally took a lot from is always keeping our self up to date, practicing and balancing your work and personal life. The topics of keeping yourself up to date and practicing are two things that I have seen a lot throughout this course. It is clear that these two things are extremely important to any professional, but especially one dealing with technology. Technology is advancing everyday and it is each individuals responsibility to keep up with it throughout their career. Work-life balance is something that nearly everyone has to deal with at some point. It is crucial for me as a soon-to-be software developer to start practicing different techniques to find the best work-life balance that works for me. This chapter mentions a technique called the Pomodoro Technique. This technique basically says that you should separate your work into 25 minute intervals. It is proven that working in small intervals can maximize your creativity. I am willing to give this technique a shot, even though I am not too confident it will work well for me. I tend to be able to focus for a long period of time when I get into a groove. If I was forced to stop myself when 25 minutes is up, it may set me back. However, it can’t hurt to try. Who knows I may find out that this is perfect for me.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Alex's Comp Sci Blog by alexsblog13 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.