This week I decided to research and look up the most popular Software Testing blogs. The name James Bach came up on nearly every website, so I started to look through his page. I came across a post called, Variable Testers, posted kind of a while ago but I enjoyed reading it. He talked about a personal experience he had where the vice president of a software engineering company told everyone that “they need to formalize their work”. James went on to tell the story of how he immediately raised his hand, even if it wasn’t the most appropriate thing to do that the time, and argued that his statement was completely wrong and he couldn’t possibly of meant it. The point of this article was to make it clear that variability is not a problem at all. He uses the example that there are a bunch of different cars on the road, but is that really a problem? I completely agree with James. As a tester, why would you want to be exactly the same as every other tester? Yes, of course there is always going to be a tester that is per-say “better” then another, but does that make them bad? Just because someone has a different way of doing something, it doesn’t make it the wrong way! James thinks it’s absolutely insane that someone that high up and familiar with the engineering process can even make a statement like that. I liked how James was not afraid to raise his hand and totally tell the guy off. I can see why people like his blog so much! He is very honest, I am definitely going to read his stuff more often.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Alex's Comp Sci Blog by alexsblog13 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.