Category Archives: Writing

Sprint Retrospective: Learning to love Group Projects

Hi Debug Ducker here, and I just recently finished my first sprint with a group project. I have to say it went well, better than I expected. This coming from someone who has had poor experiences with group work.

Let’s begin on what exactly was working on for these past months. You see I was assigned to work on a project based on my college campus’s food pantry. We were assigned to work on an Inventory culling system based on the expiration dates of the products on the shelves. To say that I had way more different expectations of what needed to be done would be an understatement but I am getting ahead of myself.

Back to the main project, I am in a group of five and we came up with several ways to approach this project. We decided that we should split the work, two would work on a scanner that would check the items’ barcodes for identifying product information and the other 3 would work on the backend for the function of culling the inventory.

I found that working on separate parts of the project worked well in the long run allowing people to focus on one of the many aspects of the projects. Especially with the amount that got done at the end. I would know as my part of the project was going well….sorta. 

There was some trouble, such as using an already established code as the base for the project. It made me realize something, I wasn’t sure how to approach the issues as the code base was made with and due to my lack of knowledge of JavaScript, it was going to be problematic. Fortunately, I had 2 other companions that could assist me and did a great job. From this, I seek to improve my overall knowledge of JavaScript and seek ways to utilize the code base better.

Recently I read a bit of a programmer mentoring book called Apprenticeship Patterns by Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye. This experience reminds me of a pattern that I resonated with. Accurate Self-assessment, basically identifying what you know and what you don’t. A self-reflection of my skills and I found out that there is more that I can learn. I want to see this project succeed so I think I need to brush up on some skills that I am lacking so the project can come out great. That pattern is a good encouragement for me to study further.

Near the end of the project I was worried that it wasn’t going to be complete by our standards, fortunately, the other group got the scanner worker to find it, and we made some progress on the backend but I found that it didn’t reach our goal of what we wanted it to do. In the end, we were satisfied with our progress and hope to continue integrating the rest of the work.

Here is most of the work I have done it was mostly focused on trying to figure out testing our culling system and integration of product schema.

Here is the backend for the rest of the work done in collaboration with the others

Thank you for your time, Have a nice one.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Debug Duck by debugducker and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 1 Retrospective

My first sprint was a trial of figuring things out. Had to get accustomed to my team members and the program that was already created before. I was assigned to the reporting system and going in with my teammates and I didn’t know how far along the project had been. We had to first get settled and understand what updates needed to be done to complete our first sprint. Our sprint planning went well we understood the issues left before from a different class could be used for our sprint in this class. We all selected an issue that each one of us would resolve including some minor ones that came later on. I was chosen to Determine the startup procedure for MongoDB and RabbitMQ in the development environment

At first, I was confused with understanding what I had to do but after reading the comments made I began to understand what needed to be done. It was more of a test by creating another docker-compose file to run the Rabbimq without the backend. I created a devDocker-compose to achieve my goal. I then created another index.js file. I did this to run the developer versions or production of the up scripts. I did minor updates during the sprint including updating devcontainer so it would work better on Macs. There were several things we had to update so we split up the work and committed the corresponding ones to the main. I helped my teammates in their projects as well by working in their branches and accepting their merges when needed. As a team, we worked united and we always made sure we were all on the same page. During this sprint, we learned new things that we could incorporate into our team including updating each other on what we are working on today to be on the same page. We never let any team get lost and we were always there to pick each other up. One moment I could recall is that one of our member’s computers was having issues and we all as a unit came to find the issue which we did. Even for minor mistakes like commit messages, we made sure to edit and fix them to pass the pipeline. 

The pattern I would choose from the Apprenticeship Patterns book would be to expose your ignorance. It’s great to work alone and do your own thing but if you get stuck don’t be scared to get help from teammates instead of figuring it out alone. It’s great to get feedback and ask questions to everyone. This pattern is key for the growth of a developer and being able to be humble when addressing gaps of knowledge. You don’t have to act like you know everything because of pride or embarrassment but be willing to learn and be curious without fear. During this sprint, if I didn’t ask for help in certain scenarios I wouldn’t have known how to continue my project but being able to discuss boosted my work progress. When you are first joining a team you want to be reliable instead of a burden but asking questions as a whole will strengthen your team. During this spring I wouldn’t have hesitated to ask more questions that I had figured out on my own.     

From the blog CS@Worcester – DCO by dcastillo360 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns – What I Learned

For my capstone course this semester, I was assigned to read and review a book from authors Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye, known as Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman by our professor, Karl Wurst. The intention of reading this was to ready and prepare myself for the challenge within this course, specifically about my skills in a field and how to cultivate and grow within said field, or “craft” as the book puts it.

To me, the most interesting part about this reading is how they attributed software development to craftsmanship. When I first thought about it initially when it discusses it in the first chapter, I immediately went “yeah that makes sense” but upon reading further and it digging at specific concepts like “what is craft” and “what makes an apprentice an apprentice”, it made me think a lot more about what a “craft” really is. Being an art minor, this definition was one that was important to me, as art in it of itself is synonymous to craft. Being able to compare my work when coding things and my work when I physically create artwork was an interesting turn of events and an epiphany I wasn’t expecting when dropping into this book. The individual breakdowns of each part of what makes craftsmanship what it is was very impressive and made me able to stand in the shoes of the authors.

When reading, I also felt a bit called out on bad habits that I definitely do on a daily basis. For example, the story told in Chapter 2’s introduction, discussing a cup already full, it reminded me of how I tend to get carried away when it comes to discussing what I know and want to share. This comes at, unfortunately, a disregard for the new information I would be trying to learn, much like how the analogy of the story goes. Another thing I felt was important and reflected on my own actions was Chapter 5, discussing how it is important to not use the internet as your only source of learning and information. Initially, I was quick to disagree with this point, as I do NOT enjoy reading in the first place (a.e. look at how long it took me to write this up) but then I sat down and realized that was another bad habit kicking in, as well as my ADHD. While yes, its true that written works contain many important informations regarding to one’s craft, especially in software development, one must also remember that “reading” isn’t the only way to absorb this information, you could find an audio transcript, as an example. Thus did I realize that this point was actually one that was really strong and heavily agreed with.

Overall, I feel further reading may be necessary for me, as this has changed a lot about the way I am thinking not only about this class and working on a development team, but also about myself and habits that I could be working on and improving. If you also would like to read the book, it is hosted here, for free:

Until next time! (Which is, soon, because Ill be writing up another post right after this, haha)

From the blog CS@Worcester – You're Telling Me A Shrimp Wrote This Code?! by tempurashrimple and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Test Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

CS SERIES (14)Testing, testing. I may need your approval on this article I read by Software Testing Magazine on Approval Testing. Approval testing, as defined by this article, is a way of software testing that results in presenting the before and after of an application for a user (ex: software development team) to review it and potentially approve it. It’s more of a visual representation of testing and one of the major cons is how the results have to be checked manually.

Some testing tools mentioned include: Approval Tests, TextTest, Jest, Recheck, Automated Screenshot Diff, Depicted (dpxdt), and etc.

The main purpose of the software testing tool, using TextTest for example, is checking that the text output after running program from the command line in different ways.

What I found interesting is how a user can see that a test technically could have “passed” or “failed” but still decide to mark it as the other because they choose what feature they are looking for in the end. This makes it a little more flexible to use approval testing as it is more of a guide or guideline for a user instead of only seeing one word and then a short description of what could have gone wrong. I think this process is much more transparent or descriptive with a user about what could have gone wrong or what went right.

One way the content has changed how I will think about the testing is how there are so many more types of software or programs out there than we can imagine which help us better code or create our own software and programs. This one is especially good for visual coders and testers who like to see their results firsthand to compare what they are expecting with what they actually got.

Overall, I found this article was useful because it introduced me to thinking about a better way of logging the differences between what the reference result is versus the actual result. I did not disagree with any of it since it showed us how we can use approval testing to our advantage while still being honest about its limitations.


From the blog CS@Worcester by samanthatran and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.