Category Archives: WSC-CS


I have finally learned a little about how to use euca2ools and got an instance of a vm up and running on the community cloud. I have been looking at the Eutester code and trying to figure out how to run some of the tests but the code is written in python which i don’t know so I’ve been reading up on python documentation to try to understand the code enough to follow it. I have been following the class wiki and making edits as i have something to contribute.

From the blog michaelrossetti by michaelrossetti and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


This week we each went over what we learned about our respective parts in the Eucalyptus project. The server isn’t up and running yet but it sounds like it getting close. I have looked at the eutester software and installed it. There really isn’t much, if any, documentation on how to run and use the software on the eucalyptus website that i can find. The most information i found was in the README file that explains some of the uses and tests that you can run with the software. This week I’m going to try to figure out as much as i can about Eutester and hopefully we can start up a ssh connection with the Eucalyptus server so we can see how to run the eutester software. We don’t expect the Eucalyptus server to pass the tests (it’s not properly configured and running yet) we just want to learn how to use the software for when it is.

From the blog michaelrossetti by michaelrossetti and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Last week we watched a video explaining some of the uses and commands of version control software. We used Git. It was pretty informative and we learned how to add a file, modify a file, and update your version of the software. We are also in the process of having groups work on different aspects of the eucalyptus project. I chose to be a part of the Eutester group and try to learn more about how to install and build the tester.

From the blog michaelrossetti by michaelrossetti and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


This post is out of order but in our second week of class we signed up for IRC chat and discussed different open source projects over IRC. I downloaded the plug-in CHATZILLA from firefox. I still need to register a nickname.

From the blog michaelrossetti by michaelrossetti and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


This week we decided on Eucalyptus for our open source project this semester. Eucalyptus is  cloud service software with a new version they want us to get running and test out. I’m not sure how this is gonna work out. It seems like we could run into a lot of problems trying to install and run new software, but we do have support from people in the development community that we can talk to and get answers to our questions from.

I’m interested to learn more about cloud computing and how an open source project is run so this should be very interesting as the semester progresses.



From the blog michaelrossetti by michaelrossetti and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS 401

My goals for this class are to learn about open source software projects. How they work, how to contribute, and  the process involved in working on a large open source project. I hope to learn more about coding and debugging software and come away with a better understanding of how software development works in general.

From the blog michaelrossetti by michaelrossetti and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.