Category Archives: WSU CS

Installing and Configuring EuTester

Last week I was attempting to install EuTester and finding out the hard way that it requires many pre installed elements in order to run correctly. I finally installed both boto and paramiko and I am receiving a few errors when I attempt to configure EuTester by following the blog posts from Vic Iglesias. This is probably due to the fact that I am quite a novice user of the command line and running scripts it is difficult at times for me to understand. Perhaps we could help them with EuTester documentation for less experienced users.

From the blog michaelkenny2 » WSU CS by michaelkenny2 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Currently working on the wsu wiki. I have added a new topic entitled Eutester User Guide.  Rather than edit the current page for Eutester, I think adding a new topic done in the same style as Euca2ools User Guide will be more efficient and will avoid getting in the way of other projects using the same page.  A huge thank you to viglesiasce, from whom most of this material is sourced.

Rather than just link to the various blog posts, I decided that a wiki format best serves our class’ purpose, and obviously allows for quick editing.  Note: please feel free to add any useful comments or clarifications.  The purpose of the wiki in my mind is to allow someone not familiar with any of the programs and languages (but with some programming background), to quickly become efficient in their uses.


From the blog sflynn1976 » wsu-cs by sflynn1976 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Going Through Code

This week I started the process of documenting EUTester’s code (specifically the eutester/testcases/ folder). This was a learning experience for me since I wasn’t always one hundred percent sure what some of the eucalyptus calls were. Before I started I pulled and merged all of the changes from both vic’s repository and our fork and was happy to see that some comments had been added already to the code which made it a little easier to understand. I plan to continue chugging through the code and documenting as much as I can for the rest of the week.

This was really my first time using git in a useful manner, so I finally got to see how helpful it could actually be. I also decided to write a shell script for pulling and merging all changes for me before I start documenting and before pushing changes back. This makes the process much more streamlined – narrowing down down the process to one command.

From the blog nathandoe » WSU CS by nathandoe and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Working on Documentation

This week was more looking through code and understanding what is going on than anything else. After we learned about the paramiko and boto modules that we needed to run the Python code, a lot of the code made more sense. We all want to have a pretty good grasp on the code before we actually start doing anything. But this coming week I will actually start to document a little and hopefully I’ll have a patch ready by the end of the week. I would like to start at the top and work my way down through the different files if possible. For example, I would like to start documenting the in the highest directory before moving into the deeper stuff if possible, but it depends on where the rest of the group is at with the code I suppose. We could start dividing it all up my directory and each person could document an entire folder (or at least a few files in each directory if there are more people). This week I will email my group and find out what they think is best. Either way, we should have some of the documentation done by the end of the week.

From the blog trevorhodde by Trevor and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Eucalyptus and euTester

I haven’t blogged recently, life has gotten a bit in the way. To this point, though, I have been rather busy so let us start from the beginning.

A while back we had a discussion in class about how we were going to license our documentation and wiki content which was a problem that needed an immediate solution. I was able to get in touch with a gentleman in charge of such things over at Eucalyptus and learned we will be using the CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( to license all our content. Additionally, I found that the people over at Eucalyptus use XML for all their docs so I encouraged the class to convert all current documentation over to XML.

The next project that I jumped on to is documenting the existing euTester code. I’m working on that project with a few other classmates and it’s unlike any other project I’ve worked on. This will be the first time that I look through someone else’s code and document it. I am looking forward to it though. Aside from that I’ve spent the last few weeks taking care of some health issues that popped up, but I’m happy to report that I’m back on track. Look for more consistent updates starting this week.

From the blog The Mind of Mattamizer » WSU CS by mattamizer and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Meeting 8 – Adding images onto the cloud!!

Finally our cloud, matrix, is up and running, so now I can begin to add images onto it. The steps for adding images onto the cloud are found on the eucalyptus website, at I gave it a test but encounter a bug in the eucalyptus 1.3.1 version (this is the latest stable version as stated on the website, but there is a newer version, 1.3.2, on github, and I will test it out later to see if the bug is fixed), where the compiler stated that it couldn’t import one of the module when I tried to use euca-upload-bundle. So I searched for that file, correct the importation, and re-installed the eucalyptus. And that fixed the bug.

Now with that bug fixed, the adding ran smoothly and I got a kernel-image, a VM image, and a ramdisk image up on the cloud. But unfortunately, the instance couldn’t be ran. And I believe this is where eutester comes into play, I will be using it to test out our instance.

Overall, this was a valuable experience for me because I actually figured out and have a bug fixed. It makes me have a lot more confidence in what i’m doing.

From the blog longnguyen16 » wsu-cs by watever10 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 7: What licensing about our doc

On class this week we did had a guest from Open Source World and Eucalyptus. The guest was Mel Chua. This day we did talked about many issues. One of the issues it was hardware of our cluster. The team that is working of setting up our cluster had a big problem. The hardware that [&hellip

From the blog E. Lekdushi CS401 by elekdushi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Python and Euca2ools

Since Eucalyptus is coded in python, I spend the past week going through online tutorials and learning more about how to code in python. In comparison to any programming languages I have used before, the syntax is very straight forward and easy to comprehend and learn. It may be that python isn’t by far the first programming language that I have learned, or that it is just an easy to learn language in general. Im going to continue with the tutorials I have been using and hopefully understand most of what is going on in the Eucalyptus code so I can contribute to commenting it.

In addition to learning python, I also had to redownload and initialize Euca2ools on my new laptop. This time was actually much more successful than the first time I attempted doing this. I couldn’t figure out how to download the credentials .zip from our matrix cluster yet, so I tested this process out with the ECC credentials. I was able to initialize, create a key pair, find an image, and create an instance of it. In addition to that I was also able to assign that instance an availible IP, SSH into it, and terminate the instance using euca2ools. I did have to use a few extra commands in order to make the process from our euca2ools wiki page work, which i later added in.


This is how you can generate an accessible instance IP:


Associate the allocated address with your VM instance:

euca-associate-address <IP from allocate> -i <instance ID>

Last monday I was put on the task of figuring out how to get multiple people the permissions to receive user requests and approve them. After some research and playing around with our matrix graphical interface I couldn’t figure out how to get multiple users the ability to do that. So as of right now, the only way that I know how to have multiple people receive requests is to give them all access to the email address the requests get sent to. If we wish to have professor Wurst have access to user requests, then we will either have to make a new email address that our “Administrators” can access, or just switch the email address to professor Wurst’s so he will receive them.

Now that I have a better understanding of python and euca2ools, I plan on getting to know more about eutester and how that area of our project works. I also plan on looking at more of the Eucalyptus code to see if I can start commenting parts of it.  But more of that stuff soon enough! I’m looking forward to this coming week and seeing where our next step is as a class.

From the blog clacroix12 by clacroix12 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Behind on the blogs, sorry for that

Unfortunately I mistakenly deleted my Xubuntu off of my virtual machine instead of Ubuntu, don’t ask me how I managed.  I started over the day before but after I installed Python back, updated boto, paramiko, and all that jazz I get to the point where  thought I was in the clear but two lines down:

eutester = Eutester(credpath=”../credentials”)  – gives me a syntax error “syntax error near unexpected token ‘(‘ and I can’t figure out whats going on.   Been on the IRC for the past few hours, no one has been around to explain this to me.  I tried redoing my credentials but unfortunately that didn’t solve the problem.   Turns out you have to run python before entering any of those commands but now I’m getting file not found, still better than a stupid syntax error.

I figured out my problem, thanks to Coady and testingcloud’s blog.   I ended up getting this:

I’m glad I got that credentials thing sorted out, now I can start helping out much more.

From the blog jamescelona » WSU CS by jamescelona and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week of March 26th 2012

This week in class we first discussed updates on what people have been working on over the past couple of weeks. Various groups provided information regarding where they were at with their portion of Eucalyptus. Our group, (Myself, Dan Adams, and Brian Labbe), decided what direction specifically we would like to take our documenting of the architecture of Eucalyptus. We decided to split up the project into three main portions which include: Storage Controller/Elastic Block Storage, S3/Walrus, etc. I will be working on the Storage Controller/Elastic Block Storage part of the documentation. As references I’ll be using the following Amazon docs: and This is helpful because I will be able to compare the Eucalyptus storage controller to Amazon’s EBS. I was able to find information regarding Eucalyptus’ storage controller here: Using these tools and information I was able to begin to create a document that describes how Eucalyptus’ Block Storage functions.

From the blog nzahid » WSU CS by nzahid and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.