An useful tool that will help us alot while working with Eucalyptus cloud computing is EuTester. EuTester is a framework written in Python and is used as a test tool to test the Eucalyptus private cloud setup. It is designed to allow a user to quickly generate automated tests for testing a Eucalyptus or Amazon cloud. From what I found out, to be able to testing out EuTester, I need to have at least an instance running on the Eucalyptus cloud, but currently our cloud is still under the progress of setting up and I tried but couldn’t get into any other clouds. So right now, I haven’t had a chance to test out EuTester yet. Note that if you are running a Unix system, all the pre-requisites for EuTester are already installed.
Another subject we were dicussing in this meeting was how would we rate the Eucalyptus project? Is it a promising project? Or is it a failed one? So to find out, we would assess it based on a scale written by a guy name Tom Callaway. Based on him, a project can be rated based on 12 aspects: Size, Source Control, Building From Source, Bundling, Libraries, System Install, Code Oddities, Communication, Releases, History, Licensing, and Documentation. There were several questions under each aspects and FAIL points that go for each of those questions. If a question can be applied to the project, it will earn that much points, the more points the project is graded, it is destined to doom. Well anyway, it was tough to rate Eucalyptus because I couldn’t find much information on it to answer the questions, especially for Building From Source and System Install aspects. I know that Eucalyptus website provides a lot of documentation. So that was a good start. Looking through wiki, Eucalyptus forum, and many blogs, I would give Eucalyptus a score of 70 FAIL points. So it’s like right in the middle of the FAIL scale, not bad but not so good.

From the blog longnguyen16 » wsu-cs by watever10 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.