Category Archives: WSU CS

Week of April 16th 2012

This week we did not meet as a class, as we had the 16th off due to Patriot’s Day.

During this week I made a lot of progress with my documentation on Eucalyptus Machine Images (EMIs). I was able to research the topic using the following links as references for my own documentation:




The Amazon AMI user guide helped to better understand Eucalyptus’ EMIs greatly.

I also began to think about what topic I’d like to tackle in regards to the ethical analysis of Eucalyptus/Cloud Computing.

From the blog nzahid » WSU CS by nzahid and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Make the Wiki as Easy as Possible

I’ve been spending some time trying to clean the wiki but also to make it very user friendly.  Instead of text telling you where to go I am swapping that for actually linking the person reading to the page.  If you’re confused while trying to set up your cloud, make credentials or anything else the last thing you want is to have to do is to navigate though a wiki you’ve never used before.

Aside from this I’ve also been commenting code, which I will get to in a second blog post, I didn’t know how to push to git, probably should have taken the 30 seconds to read how to do it. But I just kind of left the saved files on my computer and figured I would just submit them when I asked how to submit..unfortunately each one of them have already been commented and pushed.  My loss. There is still a bunch of code left to look at.

From the blog jamescelona » WSU CS by jamescelona and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Writing a test case

This week I spent most of my time dealing with doctors and interviewing for jobs. Again. However, I had some time to do a bit of research on writing a test case with Eutester. It was a pretty informative experience and I had a chance to really see what Eutester could do. I was fortunate enough to stumble across this blog which told me everything I needed to know.

Essentially what the blog does is walk you through writing your own testcase with Eutester and a Python library called unittest. unittest allows you to quickly setup test cases to run against the cloud; more specifically it is for creating, cataloging, and executing test cases. If you want to see the code either head to the blog mentioned above or check out the wiki for my CS 401 class.

From the blog The Mind of Mattamizer » WSU CS by mattamizer and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Changing Origin

While sitting here waiting for my iOS app to compile, I decided I would get all of the changes people had been making to our repository for EUTester. When I went to run the shell script that I have been using to get and merge changes, it failed to pull from origin giving the error “Repository does not exist”. After reading the emails Dr.Wurst sent out today I realized that he had moved the fork over to CS-Worcester/eutester instead of kwurst/eutester. I thought I would post the way to fix this problem with pushing to the repository in case anyone else gets this issue.

1) Open a terminal window and navigate to the eutester folder.

2) vi .git/config

3) Press the i key (this is for insert if you’ve never used vi before)

4) Under [remote “origin”] there should be a url = SOME URL (most likely ssh://

5) Chage the URL to ssh://

6) Press ESC key (this is to get out of insert mode in vi)

7) Type : x (this saves and closes the file)

8) You should now be able to pull from and push to the origin again.

From the blog nathandoe » WSU CS by nathandoe and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

More Python

While things with infrastructure were being dealt with, I decided to jump on the eutester documentation project. So, during class I cloned the repo that kwurst forked and got to it. I took some time throughout the week to go through multiple directories in the eutester code and try to understand how it all worked and connected. I’m still not sure how everything works, but I do have a much better understanding of the code.

As far as documentation goes, I did do some in the eucaweb directory. The files i added to were the and These are fairly basic scripts that setup accounts and groups respectively for testing purposes. Once I was done with commenting those for the day, i committed and pushed my changes to the repo. I checked the github page just to make sure and seeing my first push ever was pretty cool!

It looks like a few of us are doing good on commenting the code, so I wouldn’t be surprised if we had this project done within the next week. Now that I have a better understanding of the code I will be able to get some more commits in before the semester is over.

From the blog clacroix12 by clacroix12 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS 401 – Networking is Difficult

So I haven’t posted here in awhile. In CS 401 I have been trying unsuccessfully to create a working Eucalyptus cloud. At this point the basic system is in place: The core services are running. Users can sign up for an account on our cloud. Users can upload kernels and OS images. However, when a user tries to launch a virtual machine instance everything falls apart. The instances are forever stuck in the “pending” state.

I was using the “managed” networking mode for Eucalyptus. However, upon testing if the network was “VLAN clean.” I followed the instructions here and alas, the VLAN was not clean. It seems like more of a headache to get the VLAN to function than it is to switch to the “managed-novlan” networking mode.

The “managed-novlan” mode required me to manually configure an ethernet bridge for Eucalyptus to use. I followed the instructions in the Eucalyptus 3.0 Installation Guide and everything seems to work (running `service network restart` shows no errors), but now the Cluster Controller cannot communicate with the Node Controllers. This means that there are no available resources advertised for VMs. So now I cannot even try to start up a VM instance. 🙁

I only have basic networking knowledge so these issues have been a real headache for me. The fine folks on the #eucalyptus IRC channel have been helping me out with everything but everytime we eliminate an issue there is another one to take its place.

In other news, Eucalyptus project member Andy Grimm will be visiting WSU this week. I’m looking forward to talking with him and hopefully I can convince him to give me some on-site assistance with the servers.

From the blog David Thompson » WSU CS by davexunit and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 9 : Code documentation on GitHub

This week we did talked about different things for example signup at GitHub and working on documentation for the coding on Eucalyptus project like Eucaops, Eucaweb, Eutester, and Testcases. The challenging thing about all these projects is that they all are writing in Python programming language, and will be very difficult for some people in [&hellip

From the blog E. Lekdushi CS401 by elekdushi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 8: EuTester bug tracker

Like very other week this week the group that is working to installing our cluster did report about the progress of their work. Also other think we did this week in class e did discuss in class about group projects. My group project is the EuTester bug tracker. We did get together as group in [&hellip

From the blog E. Lekdushi CS401 by elekdushi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Getting Closer

Today I continued working on the eutester directory. I made some changes to the file and I’m looking at a few others at the moment. The good news is that we are continuing to make progress on the repository and hopefully it will be finished in another week or so. The bad news is that it’s been a week and only 3 issues are opened so far. I’m hoping everyone is at least looking at these files and trying to make changes, even if they are not very large changes. I should have another push or two by the end of the week, and I know Nate and Marcos have both had a few pushes already, so I’m hoping this will continue and we can finish this up fairly quickly. If everyone on the team does a few changes and commits them, we should be able to get everything done in a week. However, if things continue the way they are, and we average only 4 pushes per week, we may not finish the project entirely. 

I am ambitious about getting it finished, so I think that at the very least, it should be more than halfway done by the end of the week, leaving very little left for our final week of classes. If I finish my directory, and both Nate and Marcos finish theirs, we should be down to about 3 directories I believe, and there are at least 4 more people in the group, so the work should not be difficult to finish. I’ll keep working on my stuff this week, and hopefully I’ll have enough done to move on to another directory, or at least help some other people finish up theirs. I’ll send out an email about finishing this stuff up to my group this week to make sure everyone is on board. Overall, I think we are in decent shape and we should be able to finish everything we set out to do before the end of the semester. 

From the blog trevorhodde by Trevor and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


I have continued my work attempting to run Eutester. Following fellow classmates entries on the CS wiki has given me some much needed guidance and I was able to get past the no module named random error I was receiving by using the sudo acronym to grant access.

As of now I am reading over how to run test cases and write test cases using python. After attending the Eutester basics class held on IRC I have a general idea of how to run test cases, but I am still not very familiar with the python language itself. I will update again after I have run a successful test case.

From the blog michaelkenny2 » WSU CS by michaelkenny2 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.