Category Archives: WSU

First Meet With Dhimitri

Jon, Dhimitri and I had a meeting today to catch Dhimitri up on what we have been doing and the plan for the next few months.  We met in the library and discussed how to set up Action Bar Sherlock and demo’d the app again.  We plan on following the style guide very thoroughly so the app will flow how normal Android apps work.  We also talked about trying the app done to a point where we could start field testing the app with students around campus and get a feel for what works and what will need improvement.


Everything seemed to go pretty well, I’ll be working on editing a task that has been previously made using ‘add task’ and I think I may just have the edit copy the old task and replace the new data instead of just updating, not too sure yet.


We talked about doing SQLite a little bit but the point still stands about leaving it out until later (if we want/need it).

From the blog jamescelona » WSU CS by jamescelona and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Working on a facelift

Howdy all,

Jon and I aren’t graphic designers, actually I just ran into this problem at work,  and it’s pretty obvious this app isn’t going to be the prettiest bell at the ball.  Whatever, form follows function.  Right now I’m working on making the ‘create activity’ section contain everything we’re going to need Calendar style date picker, notes, title, priority radio buttons and that should be it for now.

I’ve ran into a bit of a problem with saving the tasks and I can’t figure out why they aren’t being recreated on restart for now I’m just leaving it alone (which is why nothing has been committed yet).  Since Jon built most of the onRestart() I’m sure he’ll know what’s wrong once we meet THIS SUNDAY FOR SURE so I’m not too concerned.  I found out today that the GUI for android dev is terrific, it really is.  I was fussing around with all the ugly xml and switched over only to see the GUI version was so smooth and easy to use.

From the blog jamescelona » WSU CS by jamescelona and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Catching Up on GIT

Howdy all,

Luckily Jon and I have been working internships all summer using some sort of variation of a Version Control System.  I guess I didn’t learn as much as I thought in 401 for GIT as I really needed.  My git-foo has improved significantly (Jon’s is still way above mine, though. )  Right now I’m working on my james-dev branch (at least the one I push to) and usually branch when I’m trying something new.  I’m really digging the issue tracker but, I think one day this week I am going to take some time out, probably with Jon, and really get our Wiki in gear.

In other news, old news that I never mentioned, Joe was MIA for a while and I finally got in contact with him and he said he was too busy and couldn’t commit I emailed Karl about it but I never got a response, I’m sure he’s just enjoying summer.

From the blog jamescelona » WSU CS by jamescelona and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


(This blog post is a few weeks old and never was posted), I’ve been pecking away at the app, though.  Jon built a great foundation for our app and it’s time to get cracking and finish this bad boy.  Right now I’m playing catchup on all the documentation for Android (big thanks to Jon for meeting and walking me through).  TheNewBoston started to get too slow and I started using google development docs, big difference and ultimately better.

Finals are coming up for my summer class and then I can focus on this app.

From the blog jamescelona » WSU CS by jamescelona and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

My First App

I never mentioned in my previous post that I have been watching ‘s video series throughout the past few weeks.  He’s a young guy and it’s kind of funny learning from him sometimes, weird little things bother me sometimes, I’m weird, it’s weird.  But!

I wrote my first app, you can push a button to add or push a button to subtract! Can’t wait to publish it to Google play..  It’s a good building block to start from.


<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=”;
android:orientation=”vertical” >

android:text=”Total =”
android:textSize=”45dp” />

android:text=”Add One”
android:textSize=”20dp” />
android:text=”Subtract One”
android:textSize=”20dp” />



Does wordpress not have a <code> tag? Gross.

But, that’s XML a lot of referencing android:layout, or just android in general, who would have thunk it?!  XML seems pretty straight forward, oddly enough the day after I learned some of it I had to write it a bit for my internship, which was pretty cool.

From the blog jamescelona » WSU CS by jamescelona and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Keeping Scheduled Meet Times

I spoke with John this week, he works in Lowell and I live about 5 minutes or so from his work I we met for a quick meal and talked about what we’ve done.  I’m still trying to get in contact with Joe, I don’t know what he’s doing.  But, we both realized we were letting work take up a bit too much of our time we are going to start meeting at least once a week on a google+ hangout and teach each other what we’ve learned.

Also, I have set aside a few days a week a few hours after work to sit in my office and learn / write xlm/java to get some little android apps up and running.  Today is the first of the sit downs and it’s a lot better of an idea than “I’ll just do it when I get free time”  because summer has been itching for me to just go outside and hang with friends.

This idea of “class time” in my office is going to work out well.

From the blog jamescelona » WSU CS by jamescelona and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

First Week install/configure

It’s been a slow start to the project, nice weather tends to do that to me.  I manged to find a great video series about Android development that really starts from the ground up.  Actually, it’s kind of boring at times when he begins to talk about what’s going on in the Java code he’s typing, the XML I am lost but the Java is pretty straight forward (for now).

I have mixed feelings about using Eclipse for this project, I think it will come in handy most of the time but, it’s really bloated.  I like Gedit, or I guess notepad++ for windows.

I watched the first videos, downloaded Eclipse, downloaded everything I needed, John wants to work on Android 4.03 since his phone will be able to use it.  It’s going to work fine but, just won’t be available to as many people considering it’s a much newer version than the API level 8 that was suggested in the video series.   The videos came in handy since I thought it was always kind of a pain in the neck to set up Eclipse in Java.

It’s pretty convenient that I am learning XML because I had to use it recently at my job, and knew where I was because of watching a few videos.

From the blog jamescelona » WSU CS by jamescelona and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Onto Android

John, Joe, and myself have begun a new project and have said goodbye to Eucalyptus.  We will be designing our own app for the android market.  John had been talking for a while about how he needed a task manager that actually did what he wanted and needed it to do.  No, not a task manager to kill processes etc but one designed to integrate with a calendar, or any other event based program we can use.  We will be designing a ‘normal’ task manager app at first but will be making it very modular because we’re really not sure how difficult the development process will be.  We will add as we need, or if we can, many key features that will actually make the app useful.  By the end we will submit it to Google Play and hope for the best.

The journey begins.

From the blog jamescelona » WSU CS by jamescelona and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Have been reading design paradigms for Android Apps

Since I really have never owned an Android phone I don’t know much about their apps.  I spent a while today looking at the difference menu styles and how to design to optimize for certain button layouts.  Some phones have more buttons..stuff like that.  As I was browsing this my reddit feed led me to this link: which talks about the side style menu, such as Facebook. I can only hope our app isn’t as slow as the Facebook one, though.  The article talks about how, “The side navigation replaces the much criticized dashboard pattern in the apps.”  I think it would be a cool implemented on our app.

On a side note, I think I need to find supplemental methods of learning Java/XML the Android way.  I don’t mind the new Boston but sometimes when he talks about stuff in Java that has been burned in my brain for life gets me distracted.

From the blog jamescelona » WSU CS by jamescelona and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Final Thoughts about CS401/Eucalyptus

I had a lot of fun working in this class it was definitely a difference experience than almost all my CS courses before hand.   I liked working on a big project my only request for the future is to see more code but, something that was really unavoidable for a beta-test style class that we had.  I know it wasn’t anyone’s fault just too many problems with the cluster to really get into it.  Just because we didn’t get coding done doesn’t mean I didn’t learn quite a bit about how exactly working on a big project was like.  Learning to use git, irc, and being on a list server were pretty new experiences for me, aside from gaming I had never used irc, git seems to be invaluable to know since every employer I’ve talked to seemed excited that I already know it.


Main thing I’ll take away from the course is exactly what cloud computing is, all the nomenclature we’ve learned, how to work on large scale projects, how to communicate with a large group of people from different time zones and different backgrounds in programming/computer science.


Final presentations today were great, seemed like every group found a lot of different topics to talk about and cover and they all seemed to master their specific topic.

From the blog jamescelona » WSU CS by jamescelona and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.