Hi everyone,
This is Tianyuan Wang, you can call me Ty.
Here is the blog I just created, which will be used for me to learn and record knowledge about CS-443 Software Quality Assur & Test.
I will post and share my questions, experiences and learnings here.
First of all, before learning how to test software specifically, I would like to talk about my understanding and expectations for this course. My understanding of software testing is the process of verifying that the software logic is correct, the functions are complete, the system is safe and the quality is reliable. These are necessary for any software, whether old or new. For example, before a brand new software is released or after an old software is upgraded, professionals must operate the software under specified conditions to discover program errors. The process of measuring software quality and evaluating whether it meets design requirements.
That was my first impression of the CS-443, and I was ready to learn more about it.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Ty-Blog by Tianyuan Wang and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.