Category Archives: EuTester

My first conflict

So today I was doing some more documentation on the eutester repo. Everything was going fine until I went to push my changes to the repo. To my surprise, I received a conflict. Confused, i went to the github page to see if anyone had made changes to the file i was commenting. Sure enough, Marcos had made some additions to the comments. I tried to figure out how to fix the conflicts manually in my code but finally just decided to do a fresh clone of the repo and remove my old one. I normally do pulls before I get started on changing anything, I guess I just forgot to today and ran into a conflict because of it. At least I learned a little more about git due to this mistake, which is always good!

From the blog clacroix12 by clacroix12 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Writing a test case

This week I spent most of my time dealing with doctors and interviewing for jobs. Again. However, I had some time to do a bit of research on writing a test case with Eutester. It was a pretty informative experience and I had a chance to really see what Eutester could do. I was fortunate enough to stumble across this blog which told me everything I needed to know.

Essentially what the blog does is walk you through writing your own testcase with Eutester and a Python library called unittest. unittest allows you to quickly setup test cases to run against the cloud; more specifically it is for creating, cataloging, and executing test cases. If you want to see the code either head to the blog mentioned above or check out the wiki for my CS 401 class.

From the blog The Mind of Mattamizer » WSU CS by mattamizer and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

More Python

While things with infrastructure were being dealt with, I decided to jump on the eutester documentation project. So, during class I cloned the repo that kwurst forked and got to it. I took some time throughout the week to go through multiple directories in the eutester code and try to understand how it all worked and connected. I’m still not sure how everything works, but I do have a much better understanding of the code.

As far as documentation goes, I did do some in the eucaweb directory. The files i added to were the and These are fairly basic scripts that setup accounts and groups respectively for testing purposes. Once I was done with commenting those for the day, i committed and pushed my changes to the repo. I checked the github page just to make sure and seeing my first push ever was pretty cool!

It looks like a few of us are doing good on commenting the code, so I wouldn’t be surprised if we had this project done within the next week. Now that I have a better understanding of the code I will be able to get some more commits in before the semester is over.

From the blog clacroix12 by clacroix12 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Eucalyptus and euTester

I haven’t blogged recently, life has gotten a bit in the way. To this point, though, I have been rather busy so let us start from the beginning.

A while back we had a discussion in class about how we were going to license our documentation and wiki content which was a problem that needed an immediate solution. I was able to get in touch with a gentleman in charge of such things over at Eucalyptus and learned we will be using the CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( to license all our content. Additionally, I found that the people over at Eucalyptus use XML for all their docs so I encouraged the class to convert all current documentation over to XML.

The next project that I jumped on to is documenting the existing euTester code. I’m working on that project with a few other classmates and it’s unlike any other project I’ve worked on. This will be the first time that I look through someone else’s code and document it. I am looking forward to it though. Aside from that I’ve spent the last few weeks taking care of some health issues that popped up, but I’m happy to report that I’m back on track. Look for more consistent updates starting this week.

From the blog The Mind of Mattamizer » WSU CS by mattamizer and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Meeting 6 – More research on Eutester

There were a lot of research I had to do on the Eutester since we will be using this framework a lot later on to test out the cloud. So the first thing I decided to do is try to understand the code in Eutester files. They’re written in Python so I started with understanding Python language first. In general Python is an OOP language that is kinda similar to Java, so it didn’t take long to pick it up. I went through some manuals and tutorials online and put together the main differences between Python and other programming languages on the wiki. Here is the link:

And also thanks to prof. Wurst for providing us with useful links to Eutester blogs that I was able to test out some commands. Well but first thing first, if anyone has an outdated Boto version installed on his/her computer (latest version is 2.2), he/she needs to get the latest version. Here the link to get it

After that is taken care of, I decided to try out the commands that were shown on the blog to test out the connectivity of the instance. Everything went smoothly up to when I was ready to ping the instance. But it failed, the ping was unsuccessful.

This was one busy week for me but I really learned a lot and finally, I’ve started to get my hands on testing out the EuTester. Can’t wait to test it out on our cloud.

From the blog longnguyen16 » wsu-cs by watever10 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Meeting 5: EuTester and Eucalyptus Assessment

An useful tool that will help us alot while working with Eucalyptus cloud computing is EuTester. EuTester is a framework written in Python and is used as a test tool to test the Eucalyptus private cloud setup. It is designed to allow a user to quickly generate automated tests for testing a Eucalyptus or Amazon cloud. From what I found out, to be able to testing out EuTester, I need to have at least an instance running on the Eucalyptus cloud, but currently our cloud is still under the progress of setting up and I tried but couldn’t get into any other clouds. So right now, I haven’t had a chance to test out EuTester yet. Note that if you are running a Unix system, all the pre-requisites for EuTester are already installed.

Another subject we were dicussing in this meeting was how would we rate the Eucalyptus project? Is it a promising project? Or is it a failed one? So to find out, we would assess it based on a scale written by a guy name Tom Callaway. Based on him, a project can be rated based on 12 aspects: Size, Source Control, Building From Source, Bundling, Libraries, System Install, Code Oddities, Communication, Releases, History, Licensing, and Documentation. There were several questions under each aspects and FAIL points that go for each of those questions. If a question can be applied to the project, it will earn that much points, the more points the project is graded, it is destined to doom. Well anyway, it was tough to rate Eucalyptus because I couldn’t find much information on it to answer the questions, especially for Building From Source and System Install aspects. I know that Eucalyptus website provides a lot of documentation. So that was a good start. Looking through wiki, Eucalyptus forum, and many blogs, I would give Eucalyptus a score of 70 FAIL points. So it’s like right in the middle of the FAIL scale, not bad but not so good.

From the blog longnguyen16 » wsu-cs by watever10 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.