Category Archives: linux

Why Git

Why is it always git

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The version control system that every programmer uses. Even in my computer science class, we had lectures dedicated to Git, the commands in Git, how Git is used, what Git is used for, and just so much Git. The funny thing, is there are other version control systems such as Mercurial, but they aren’t ever brought up they are there but feel overshadowed by git. So the question I am asking now is why Git. So I did some investigating.

The question: what does Git do that is so special compared to other version control systems? Now version control systems can do all sorts of things such as allowing developers to see what has been changed, enable collaborative work, and branch and merge changes to a repo. If multiple can do this, then what does git do differently? An article from Geeks For Geeks lists several. Git can be worked on offline and is resilient because multiple developers can have copies of the repo, and any local repo can be used to restore a project. It also comes with conflict resolution that’s allows one to handle merge conflicts by providing tools to solve those problems. So what about the other systems. Well, GFG got that covered. Here are some comparisons.


Compared to Git, the architecture is centralized, one single central repo

Fewer branching and merging options

Better performance


Smaller community compared to Git

Not as much flexibility as Git


Can handle very large code base

Not as flexible as Git in terms of merging

Git is Open Source and Free, while Perforce isn’t

That is a decent amount of reasons to use Git over other VCS. I think the community part is important for such a popular system, because if you aren’t too familiar with the commands that come with Git, then you have a lot of people that can help. There are a lot of forums and articles about Git tools out there if you ever need it.

I also feel that the collaborative aspect of Git is, very helpful. A lot of projects have a lot of people working on them, so having something like Git that can handle it and make the task easier is great. Also, the fact that it is accessible helps with that too.

Git being so popular makes a lot of sense now, accessibility, community, and collaboration are what a lot of developers require, and I have to say Git provides that well.

GeeksforGeeks. (2024, September 19). Git vs. other version control systems: Why Git stands out?

From the blog Debug Duck by debugducker and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Version Control


This article is titled “What Is Version Control? Meaning, Tools, and Advantages.” The main purpose of version control is to “track the progress of code across development and iterations and also aids in managing changes during the life cycle.” Records are kept of all changes with names, timestamps, and other important information. So, the process by which software code is monitored and the way in which changes are made is called version control. A huge benefit of version control is being able to look at the revision history and determine where problems originated from, and who caused them to happen. This allows for increased efficiency regarding workflow considering that the time required to locate problems is greatly reduced. Another benefit of version control is branching. “Branching is a distinct approach to version control where development programs are duplicated for parallel versions of development while keeping the original and working on the branch or making separate modifications to each.” This allows for enhanced collaboration where development is increased, issues are resolved, and code remains organized. A couple very popular version control tools are Git and GitHub. The creator of Linux, Linus Torvalds, created Git. The memory footprint of Git isn’t vast and is able to follow changes in any files. It is a very simple version control system and as a result is used by top companies such as Google. GitHub is a service that enables development teams to collaborate and keep track of all their code changes in a cloud environment. GitHub is secure and reliable, and as a result is also widely used. Through the use of a version control system the following can be achieved: “streamline merging and branching, examination/experimentation with code, the ability to operate offline, creation of regular/automated backups, communication through open channels.” Overall version control aids in the maintenance of reliable code bases and enforces accountability for effective collaborative development. 

I selected this article because we are actively learning about version control in class right now so I figured it’d be the perfect time to read up on it more. Reading the GitKit chapters has exposed me to different git commands and GitHub usage. It was interesting to read in this article about all of the in-depth benefits that version control offers and clearly showcases why even top companies such as Google use it to optimize their workflow. In future practice, whether it be at a job or while working on an individual project, I will use version control to improve collaboration and the ease of maintenance of my code.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Shawn In Tech by Shawn Budzinski and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 14 – Blog for both CS-343 AND CS-348

So for this blog, I wanted to find a topic that is applicable to both classes, so I wanted to look more into GitHub and the ways it functions compared to GitLab.

I duplicated by Secret Santa Generator repository from GitLab: and duplicated it in GitHub here:

To do this, I had to open up the local repo on my PC, create a new blank repository on GitHub, and run the following commands:

Once this was done, my repository was transferred over to GitHub successfully, without harming my GitLab repository in any way shape or form. Everything, including the history of the repository, was included with this transfer, which I think is really cool.

One difference I immediately noticed between GitHub and GitLab is that GitHub allows you to add a short description on the right-hand side of the repository, allowing a quick way to figure out what the program intends to do without having to look at the Obviously if you want more information, the is very important in that case.

Both sites have a really good planning structure, with GitLabs’ issue boards, and GitHub’s project tab, which is structured very similar, but I think GitHub’s might be better as it allows you to choose from a lot of different templates like Kanban, Team retrospectives, and bug tracking, which I think is really cool. You’re also able to customize it as you please, so you’re able to set up a scrum structure like we did in GitLab for many of our projects. However, after looking into it, if you want to utilize Scrum, it seems GitLab is definitely structured better with preset pillars that are made with Scrum in mind. However, it’s a toss up on which would be better to utilize in this case for project management, in my own humble opinion.

GitLab also has some advantages in the construction and development aspects of this comparison, as after looking into it, GitLab is able to automate releases and builds of code once they are ready to be done so, and GitHub doesn’t have this capability at all.

This seems extremely useful for a program that has set deadlines and not enough time to do these things during, say, a Sprint. It allows a lot more flexibility with the work being done in a repo and can allow a lot more efficiency and productivity. I will definitely look into this more later on when I start using this repo I cloned myself.

All in all, after looking things over, it seems like GitLab has a lot of additions that make it better over GitHub in all sorts of ways, and I’m surprised GitHub is used more than it. I should probably introduce my friend I’m working with on GitHub for his game engine for this if he ever develops a much bigger team, as many of the planning-oriented inclusions GitLab has would be extremely beneficial!

From the blog CS@Worcester – You're Telling Me A Shrimp Wrote This Code?! by tempurashrimple and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.