Author Archives: Iman Kondakciu

“TestGuild Automation Podcast”: A Great Resource for Future Developers

The “TestGuild Automation Podcast” is a fantastic resource for computer science students preparing to enter the professional world. Hosted by Joe, the podcast dives deep into the realm of automation testing—a key aspect of software development where code is used to test other code. This method is vital as it helps detect and resolve issues quickly and effectively.

Joe has a unique ability to demystify complex testing concepts, making them accessible to listeners of all levels. His clear and straightforward speaking style ensures that even those new to the topic can grasp the essentials. The podcast is not just about learning; it’s an interactive platform where listeners can hear from seasoned professionals in the field. These guests share their journey, the challenges they’ve encountered, and the strategies they’ve employed to overcome them. This real-world insight is invaluable, as it shows the practical applications of theories and methods discussed.

The interviews with experienced testers and developers are particularly enlightening. They discuss not only technical challenges but also the dynamics of working in teams. This aspect is crucial in the tech industry, where collaboration and communication are as important as technical skills. The podcast sheds light on the collaborative nature of software development, emphasizing the importance of developers and testers working together to achieve the best results.

Here are some key takeaways from the “TestGuild Automation Podcast” that are especially beneficial for CS students:

  • The inevitability of bugs: No matter how skilled a programmer you are, errors are inevitable. Testing is essential for finding and fixing these bugs before the software goes live.
  • Creative problem-solving: Automation testing requires a creative approach to problem-solving, akin to the creativity needed in coding. Testers need to think outside the box to identify potential failures and vulnerabilities in software.
  • The importance of teamwork: The podcast highlights how effective collaboration between developers and testers leads to the development of robust software. It’s a reminder that everyone’s role in a tech project is vital and interconnected.
  • Career preparation: Understanding the basics of testing and quality assurance is a significant advantage in the job market. Employers value developers who are well-versed in these areas as it contributes to the overall quality and reliability of their products.
  • Enhanced coding skills: By learning about testing, developers can anticipate potential issues and write cleaner, more efficient code from the outset.

For those who are not only interested in coding but also in the broader aspects of software development, the “TestGuild Automation Podcast” is an excellent resource. It provides a comprehensive overview of the testing landscape, offering insights that are crucial for any aspiring developer who wants to excel in the tech industry.

I highly recommend giving this podcast a listen. It’s not only educational but also engaging, making complex topics understandable and interesting. 


From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by Iman Kondakciu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Exploring the “Code Review” Podcast: A Path to Coding Improvement

Why I Like the “Code Review” Podcast and How It Helps Me Code Better

As a CS student, I’m passionate about finding ways to level up my skills. Lately, I was listening  the “Code Review” podcast, and it’s become an unexpectedly valuable resource. Honestly, I used to think code reviews were only for those super experienced developers, but this podcast has completely changed my perspective.

What the Podcast is About

Think of this podcast as your guide to making your code the best it can be. They discuss everything from finding those pesky hidden bugs to making your code easier for others (and future you!) to understand. They also dive into the specific rules and guidelines that professional coders follow. The best part is that they explain everything clearly and use real-world examples to make it relatable.

What I Learned and How It Changed My Coding

  • Cleaner, More Reliable Code: I’ve picked up tons of tricks for writing code that’s well-organized and works the way it’s supposed to. This translates directly to better projects and way fewer frustrating “why-doesn’t-this-work?” moments.
  • Becoming a Bug Detective: The podcast stresses the importance of having an eagle eye when reviewing code. I’m now way better at spotting potential issues early on, saving myself loads of time and headaches later.
  • Understanding the Pro Mindset: Learning about the standards used in professional coding environments has been an eye-opener. It helps me understand what I’m doing well and where I can improve. This knowledge feels incredibly useful when working on school assignments and makes me feel more prepared for internships or jobs down the line.
  • The Power of Collaboration: The podcast made me realize that code reviews aren’t about criticizing. Instead, they’re about teamwork and creating the strongest software possible. I’m excited about the idea of collaborating with other coders to make something great.
  • Becoming a Helpful Code Reviewer: The hosts discuss helpful strategies for reviewing other people’s code, offering constructive feedback, and being a good coding teammate. I’ve become more confident in my ability to help others while also learning from their work.

Why I Recommend This Podcast

The “Code Review” podcast avoids overly complicated lingo, so it’s accessible even if you’re still learning the basics. I also love that I can listen while doing other things and still pick up incredibly useful knowledge.

You can find the “Code Review” podcast on most popular podcast platforms. If you’re eager to improve your coding skills, gain a deeper understanding of software development, and become a fantastic team player, I highly recommend checking it out.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by Iman Kondakciu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Understanding Test-Driven Development (TDD)

In a recent episode of the Python Test Podcast, titled “TDD: Don’t Be Afraid of Test-Driven Development”, developer Chris May shared his journey with Test-Driven Development (TDD).  If you’re a programmer interested in improving your code quality and development process, this blog post offers a summary of the discussion and explores why TDD is a powerful technique.

What is Test-Driven Development?

TDD turns the traditional coding process on its head. Instead of writing a large chunk of code and hoping it works, you start by defining the precise behavior you expect from a piece of code. These expectations are written as tests, and they will initially fail because the code itself doesn’t exist yet.

Key Concepts and Benefits of TDD

The core of TDD is the “Red-Green-Refactor” cycle:

  1. Red: Write a failing test that reflects a desired feature or behavior.
  2. Green: Write the simplest possible code to make the test pass.
  3. Refactor: Improve the code’s design and readability while ensuring all tests continue to pass.

This approach offers several key benefits:

  • Improved Code Design: By focusing on functionality first, TDD encourages you to create well-structured, modular code.
  • Less Debugging: Catching errors as early as possible through tests greatly reduces time spent troubleshooting complex issues later on.
  • Increased Confidence: A comprehensive test suite provides a safety net, allowing you to make code changes with less fear of breaking existing functionality.
  • Living Documentation: Tests serve as a clear explanation of how your code is intended to work.

Overcoming Challenges with TDD

As Chris May discussed in the podcast, TDD requires a change in how you think about coding. Here are some common concerns and how to address them:

  • “It feels too slow”: It’s true that initially, TDD might seem to slow you down. However, the time saved from reduced debugging and a more solid codebase easily makes up for it in the long run.
  • “I don’t know how to write tests”: Learning to write effective tests is a skill in itself. Start simple and leverage online tutorials and resources specific to your programming language.

Resources for Learning TDD

  • Books:
    • “Test-Driven Development by Example” by Kent Beck
    • “Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests” by Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce
  • Online Tutorials: Explore the numerous tutorials and guides tailored to different programming languages.


While it may have a learning curve, Test-Driven Development offers a structured and rewarding approach to software development. By embracing TDD, you can write cleaner, more maintainable, and ultimately more reliable code.

Podcast link:

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by Iman Kondakciu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Introductory Blog for CS 443

Hello everyone! I’m Iman, a computer science student delving into Software Quality Assurance and Testing class. In the next couple blogs, I’ll share my journey through a QA class, focusing on the importance of QA in software development and my personal goal to understand and apply various testing methods. This field fascinates me because of its crucial role in ensuring software reliability and user satisfaction. I’m excited to explore different aspects of Testing and connect with others in the field. Stay tuned for insights and discussions on test automation and more as I navigate through this learning experience!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by Iman Kondakciu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Introductory Blog for CS 443

Hello! I’m Iman, a computer science student delving into Software Quality Assurance and Testing class. In the next couple blogs, I’ll share my journey through a QA class, focusing on the importance of QA in software development and my personal goal to understand and apply various testing methods. This field fascinates me because of its crucial role in ensuring software reliability and user satisfaction. I’m excited to explore different aspects of Testing and connect with others in the field. Stay tuned for insights and discussions on test automation and more as I navigate through this learning experience!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by Iman Kondakciu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Cracking the Code for Clean and Reliable Open-Source Science: 10 Rules to Rule Them All

Hey Coders! Feeling lost in a maze of confusing code? Tired of code messes and bug hunts?

Today, let’s dive into the exciting world of open-source scientific software. If you’re like me and tired of dealing with confusing code and chasing bugs, don’t worry! The article “Ten simple rules on writing clean and reliable open-source scientific software” by Hunter-Zinck et al. (2023) is here to show us the way to clean, reliable, and easy-to-handle code that benefits everyone.

Why This Article Rocks

This article stood out because it tackles two key issues: making code user-friendly and emphasizing the importance of open-source software. Plus, it simplifies complex software development into 10 easy-to-follow rules.

The 10 Golden Rules

The article outlines 10 key principles for writing clean and reliable open-source scientific software. Here’s a quick rundown, with a dash of my own insights:

  1. Modularize: Break down your code into smaller, independent units. This makes it easier to understand, test, and maintain. Think of it like building with Legos – you can easily swap or add new pieces without affecting the whole structure.
  2. Document everything: Write clear and concise comments explaining your code. Imagine someone completely new to your project needs to understand it – would your comments guide them through the jungle?
  3. Use descriptive names: Don’t be cryptic! Choose variable and function names that accurately reflect their purpose. Think of them as road signs – they should tell you exactly where you’re going.
  4. Test relentlessly: Write unit tests to catch errors early and often. These are like little detectives, constantly scrutinizing your code for any suspicious activity.
  5. Version control is your friend: Use tools like Git to track changes and revert to previous versions if needed. It’s like having a magic rewind button for your code!
  6. Automate your tasks: Write scripts to automate repetitive tasks. This frees you up to focus on the bigger picture and avoid tedious manual work.
  7. Embrace continuous integration: Set up systems that automatically test and build your code when changes are made. This helps to identify problems early and prevent them from snowballing.
  8. Get feedback: Share your code with others and ask for their feedback. This can be like having a team of extra eyes, spotting errors and suggesting improvements you might miss.
  9. Contribute to the community: If you’re using existing open-source software, consider contributing back by fixing bugs or adding features. Remember, it’s a two-way street!
  10. Stay up-to-date: Keep your codebase and dependencies up-to-date with the latest versions to ensure compatibility and security. Think of it like keeping your operating system updated – it’s essential for smooth sailing.

Learning and Beyond

This article has been a game-changer, offering a clear roadmap for writing clean and reliable open-source scientific software. Looking forward, my plan is to further refine my skills in writing clean and reliable code and actively contribute to the open-source community.

P.S. For more detailed explanations and examples of each rule, check out the original article here.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by Iman Kondakciu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Goodbye Clean Code? A Student’s Perspective

As a beginner coder, I’m always learning new things about the software development world. This week, I read an article that made me think differently about “clean code,” something I thought was the ultimate goal for every developer.

The article, “Goodbye, Clean Code” by Dan Abramov, explained that while clean code is important, it’s not the only thing that matters. It’s like a tool we use to make code easy to understand, fix, and test. But sometimes, focusing too much on making code perfectly clean can actually slow us down.

I can totally relate to this! When I first started coding, I was obsessed with writing “perfect” code. I spent hours making sure every line was exactly right, even if it meant the code didn’t work as well. This approach didn’t really help me learn or be productive.

Instead of aiming for “cleanliness” all the time, Abramov suggests that we should focus on writing code that solves the problem we’re working on. This code should be clear, easy to understand, and easy to change if we need to. This way, we can learn more about coding and be more productive.

One of the things I really liked about the article was the idea of “incidental duplication.” This means that it’s okay for there to be some repeated code, especially when we’re first starting out. Of course, we don’t want to have a lot of repeated code, but a little bit is okay.

The article also talks about how important it is to work well with others when you’re coding. This is because we often share code with other people, and if we change someone else’s code without talking to them first, it can cause problems. This reminded me that coding is a team effort, and we need to communicate well and respect each other’s work.

Overall, “Goodbye, Clean Code” was a great read for me. It helped me understand that clean code is important, but it’s not the only thing that matters. It’s more important to write code that works and that we can understand and change easily. This is something I’ll keep in mind as I continue to learn and grow as a developer.

Link: Goodbye, Clean Code:

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by Iman Kondakciu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Gitpod: A Cloud-Based Development Environment

What is it and how does it work?

In this episode of Behind the Source, Mike Street talks to Pauline Narvas about Gitpod, a cloud-based development environment. Gitpod is a platform that allows developers to code, build, and test their projects in a cloud-based environment. This means that developers can access their development environment from anywhere, and they don’t need to install any software on their local machine.

How does Gitpod work?

Gitpod works by creating a pre-configured development environment for each project. This environment includes all of the tools and dependencies that the developer needs to work on the project. The developer can then access this environment from any web browser.

What are the benefits of using Gitpod?

There are many benefits to using Gitpod. Some of the benefits include:

  • Increased productivity: Gitpod can help developers to be more productive by providing them with a pre-configured development environment that is ready to use.
  • Improved collaboration: Gitpod can help developers to collaborate more effectively by making it easy to share their development environment with others.
  • Reduced costs: Gitpod can help to reduce costs by eliminating the need to purchase and maintain hardware and software.

How to get started with Gitpod

Getting started with Gitpod is easy. Simply create an account and then connect your Git repository. Gitpod will then create a pre-configured development environment for your project. You can then access this environment from any web browser.


Gitpod is a powerful tool that can help developers to be more productive, collaborate more effectively, and reduce costs. If you are a developer, I encourage you to try Gitpod today.

Podcast used for this blog:

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by Iman Kondakciu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Iman’s Blog for CS-348

HI, I’m Iman Kondakciu, I am a Senior in computer science here at Worcester State University

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by Iman Kondakciu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.