Author Archives: kevpfowler

HDP Sandbox Startup Problems?

When I installed the Hortonworks HDP 2.2 Sandbox in my VMware Player, I had a problem after connecting to the first web page indicated on the startup screen. That web page had bad links.

The quick and dirty solution is to explicitly include the port number 8888 in your URL.

If you want to see more detailed description of the problem (as I saw it) and the workaround (that worked for me), go to this blog entry:

From the blog kevpfowler » wsu-cs by kevpfowler and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Hadoop MapReduce Clusters

The assigned MapReduce tutorial on YDN provided a detailed lesson on MapReduce execution and the basics of coding the MapClass and Reduce classes. I thought it was clearly presented and the checkpoint assignment was effective, if not too challenging. As another blogger noted, it may be necessary to reload the tutorial several times to get it to load successfully. But the persistence was worth it.

The article linked below includes a MapReduce example but is more focused on the cluster components and how the Hadoop architecture operates both to provide the HDFS and to execute MapReduce jobs. I found it helpful to understand a bit more of the bigger Hadoop picture in the context of a MapReduce job execution.

From the blog kevpfowler » wsu-cs by kevpfowler and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS-383 Intro Post

My name is Kevin Fowler and this is my intro post on my CS-383 blog.

I  am a software engineer in the Networking division at Dell. My experience is all in legacy languages, tools and infrastructure. I’m taking this course to learn newer technology concepts and capabilities. Not sure what I will do with it yet – just taking the first step.

From the blog kevpfowler » wsu-cs by kevpfowler and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.