Author Archives: raqpenha

448- Blog Post

This week I have read the section called Construct Your Curriculum The text emphasizes the immense access to information in the modern era, fueled by technological advancements like the printing press and the internet. Despite the abundance of digital media, it stresses the enduring value of books, particularly those authored by experienced professionals like Jerry Weinberg and Fred Brooks. These books offer a extent of wisdom and insight that goes beyond what can be found in blogs or online resources.

To manage the overwhelming number of books one may wish to read, the article suggests implementing a Reading List—a  list of books to read and those already read. This list serves as a personal curriculum, allowing individuals to prioritize their learning and track their progress over time. By making this list public, others can benefit from suggestions and contribute their own recommendations, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

The article introduces the concept of “Reading Constantly,” advocating for a steady intake of programming books to deepen one’s understanding of the field. It advises against rushing through books and emphasizes the importance of timing—reading the right book at the right time can significantly enhance the learning experience.

Additionally, the article encourages exploration of classic literature in the field, alongside more contemporary resources. It suggests asking mentors for recommendations and seeking out long-lived books that offer timeless insights into software development.

Finally, the article points out the value of a balanced approach to learning, incorporating both classic and modern literature, and leveraging tools like Reading Lists to navigate the vast sea of available knowledge effectively. Through continuous reading, reflection, and interaction with mentors and peers, individuals can cultivate a deeper understanding of their craft and continually improve their skills on their journey as software developers.

This was a good read to mark the importance of the continuation of learning and reading even after graduation and starting the professional career. It opens up the eyes for readers so that they grow and learn more and not stay stagnant.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS- Raquel Penha by raqpenha and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

443- Blog Post

The article “Property-Based Testing: A Test Strategy for Modern Software” on Codemotion’s website explores into the concept and benefits of property-based testing (PBT) in the context of modern software development. PBT is a systematic approach to testing software by defining general properties that the program should satisfy, rather than focusing solely on specific input-output pairs.

The piece begins by highlighting the limitations of traditional example-based testing, which often fails to cover all possible edge cases and scenarios. This leads to the introduction of PBT as a more comprehensive testing methodology. Unlike example-based testing, where tests are explicitly defined, PBT generates test cases automatically based on the properties defined by the tester.

The article talks about the key components of PBT, including generators, properties, and test runners. Generators are used to create random inputs for testing, ensuring a wide range of scenarios are covered. Properties, on the other hand, represent the general rules or invariants that the software should adhere to. These properties are then used to validate the behavior of the software under test.

One of the main advantages of PBT highlighted in the article is its ability to uncover edge cases and bugs that may not be caught by traditional testing methods. By generating random inputs based on defined properties, PBT can uncover unexpected behaviors and corner cases, leading to more robust and reliable software.

The article also discusses the challenges associated with PBT, such as the need for careful property definition and the overhead of generating and executing a large number of tests. Yet, it argues that the benefits of PBT outweigh these challenges, particularly in complex systems where traditional testing methods may fall short.

I really like this blog post because not only did it explain the theoretical aspects of PBT, the article provides practical examples and case studies to illustrate its effectiveness in real-world scenarios. It also showed like coding examples which really helped understand how it work instead of just trying to imagine how it could look like.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS- Raquel Penha by raqpenha and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Blog Post

The piece “Draw Your Own Map” encourages individuals to take control of their career paths rather than relying solely on their employers or societal expectations. It addresses the common notion that programming and career advancement in the field are limited, especially for those who may not fit the stereotype of fresh graduates. It emphasizes the importance of identifying one’s own career goals and taking proactive steps to achieve them.

The solution proposed involves identifying logical yet ambitious career steps and visualizing the incremental actions needed to reach those goals. It advocates for taking the first step, even if seemingly insignificant, as it generates momentum towards larger aspirations. Rather than setting only high-level goals, the article suggests defining small, achievable steps that provide feedback and aid in obtaining assistance from like-minded individuals.

The narrative includes personal stories illustrating individuals’ struggles to pursue programming despite organizational constraints. It highlights the importance of prioritizing personal aspirations over organizational expectations and seeking opportunities that align with one’s goals.

The actionable advice includes listing potential career paths, extending the list to explore additional options, and challenging preconceived constraints to open up new possibilities. It also encourages seeking mentors and kindred spirits who can provide guidance and support along the way.

Overall, the piece advocates for a proactive and flexible approach to career planning, empowering individuals to chart their own paths and overcome obstacles to achieve their desired destinations. What I thought was the most important of this piece is the career planning aspect of it especially since this semester I am finishing up my degree and starting on looking for a career, this also like points me in the write direction on a professional work future.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS- Raquel Penha by raqpenha and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

blog post 3 – 443

The article “Pairwise Testing” by Ryan Craven explores into the concept and application of pairwise testing, a powerful technique used in software testing to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. Pairwise testing, also known as all-pairs testing, aims to analytically reduce the number of test cases required to test a system while still maintaining thorough coverage.

This blog begins by introducing the problem of combinatorial explosion in testing. Traditional thorough testing, where every possible combination of inputs is tested, quickly becomes impractical as the number of variables or parameters increases. Pairwise testing offers a solution to this problem by focusing on testing pairs of input values. The key insight is that many faults in software are caused by interactions between pairs of inputs rather than individual inputs themselves.

The author explains the core principles behind pairwise testing, emphasizing its ability to efficiently cover many combinations by selecting a representative subset. This approach significantly reduces the number of test cases needed compared to exhaustive testing while still providing effective coverage.

This blog also shares the concept of pairwise testing with a simple example involving a fictional coffee shop application. By identifying the parameters and their respective values (e.g., coffee size, type, extras), he demonstrates how pairwise testing can be applied to generate a minimal set of test cases that cover all possible pairs of values.

Also, the article discusses the benefits and limitations of pairwise testing. While it offers substantial reductions in test case count and provides good coverage, it may not detect faults involving interactions between more than two inputs. Craven advises on when pairwise testing is most suitable, such as in situations with limited time and resources or when dealing with complex systems with numerous input parameters.

This was a good blog post to read because it covered somethings we talked about in class during the group work. Through clear explanations and examples, the article serves as a helpful guide for understanding and applying pairwise testing in real-world scenarios. This is definitely something that will be very useful in the feature as my professional career expanded

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS- Raquel Penha by raqpenha and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 12 Blog Post

The article “Evaluating Test Cases, Checks, and Tools” explores into the process of evaluating the efficiency of test cases, checks, and tools in software testing. This blog post was written by Michael Bolton, a renowned software tester and consultant, the article provides insightful perspectives on how to critically evaluate these elements to improve the quality of testing practices. Bolton begins by separating between test cases and checks. Test cases are comprehensive procedures designed to explore the behavior and functionality of a software system. On the other hand, checks are automated scripts that verify specific phases of the system’s behavior, typically based on a criteria. While both are important to testing, Bolton emphasizes the importance of recognizing their distinct purposes and limitations. The author highlights the significance of evaluating the value and effectiveness of test cases and checks. Rather than blindly holding to predefined test cases or relying only on automated checks, testers should continually assess their importance and effectiveness in uncovering defects and providing meaningful feedback. Bolton encourages for a dynamic and adaptable approach to testing, where testers actively engage in critical thinking and exploration to uncover issues. Also, Bolton discusses the role of testing tools in the evaluation process. While tools can speed up certain testing activities and enhance efficiency, they are not a answer for all testing challenges. Testers must carefully evaluate tools based on their suitability for the given context, considering factors such as work use, compatibility with the testing environment. Throughout the article, Bolton emphasizes the importance of context-driven testing, where testing strategies are tailored to the unique characteristics and requirements of each project. He encourages testers to adopt a mindset of examination and experimentation, continuously seeking opportunities to improve their testing approaches and improve overall effectiveness. “Evaluating Test Cases, Checks, and Tools” offers valuable insights into the nuanced process of evaluating test cases, checks, and tools in software testing. By organizing a critical and context-driven approach, This was an interesting read considering it was very much so what we have been learning this semester. It helped me understand the value and importance of organizing test and to learn more of adaptable approach of testing

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS- Raquel Penha by raqpenha and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS Blog Post 1

Breakable Toys is a pattern that shows the importance of learning through failure and trail and error in software development. It teaches that failure is inevitable in the learning process and encourages developers to create small,  projects where they can make mistakes without breaking something permanently . By building a toy systems with similar toolsets to their professional projects but on a smaller scale developers can push their abilities to the limit and gain experience. The pattern suggests building simple projects like wikis, calendars, or address books. These projects serve as opportunities to try out new ideas and techniques without the pressure of real-world consequences in a job scenario . They allow developers to learn from their mistakes, iterate, and grow as professionals. Examples of Breakable Toys include personal wikis, games like Tetris or Tic-Tac-Toe, blogging software, and IRC clients. The idea is to choose projects that are relevant and useful to the developer’s life, allowing them to invest time and effort into exploring different aspects of software development. The pattern also emphasizes the importance of enjoying the process of building these toys. If the projects become stressful, they are less likely to be learning experiences that are successful.Also , developers should be open to the possibility that their toys may evolve into something more significant or even gain other users over time. A classic example cited is Linus Torvalds’s creation of Linux, initially announced as a hobby project to build a small operating system similar to Minix. This shows how even the most significant projects can start as personal experiments or Breakable Toys. Overall, Breakable Toys encourage developers to embrace failure, take risks, and continuously seek opportunities for learning and growth in their craft. By building and iterating on these small projects, developers can expand their skill sets, deepen their understanding of tools and technologies, and ultimately become more proficient practitioners of software development. I have used breakable toys for a school setting but never for just for fun, after diving more to the pattern I will be deepening during my free time. 

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS- Raquel Penha by raqpenha and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Blog Post 1- CS443

For this weeks blog post I read the article on Testsigma’s Website called “Unit Testing | What it is, How it Works, Types & Top Benefits” by Diane Wong. It talks about the significance of unit testing in software development, giving a full overview of its benefits and best practices. Unit testing is an important feature of the software testing process, involving the testing of individual units or components of a software application in isolation. The main goal that I though was shown in this blog post was to show that each unit has functions as show and how unit testing can contribute to the overall reliability and robustness of the entire software system. The article highlights the key advantages of unit testing, pointing out its role in spotting and fixing bugs early in the development cycle. This is usually done by dividing and testing individual units and this helps the developers quickly pinpoint and address issues and reducing the chances of more complex and costly problems later in the development process. The blog post also discusses the importance of unit testing and how critical it is in the process. Also, the article explains the best practices for effective unit testing, including the using of testing frameworks, test coverage metrics, and the adoption of a test-driven development (TDD) methods. It emphasizes the integration of unit testing into the overall software development lifecycle. In conclusion, the blog post from Testsigma provides a full and informative guide to unit testing it highlights its importance in software development and offering practical insights into its implementation and best practices. This was a helpful blog post to read, since it helped me grasp the information about Unit Testing since it was something we have worked on in the beginning of the semester, it helped it stay fresh in my mind as we learn other wats of testing this semester.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS- Raquel Penha by raqpenha and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 1

During this sprint it was very much of a learning process there was a lot of things that we had to do to first get used to working with teamsters and also with figuring out the scrum since it was the officially first time we were working on it as a “professional “ setting. As we worked together, we learned what we could do better in the next sprint. One of the things that we changed how we reviewed and worked on things. During some of the issues, we would assign a review and then have the review, review it, mark it as done and then have the original person that worked on it merge. That we learned took more time and there was more margins for error, therefore we decided that the reviewer would review and then they would just merge it and mark the issue as done. Another thing that we talked about improving on the team is communication, over all we had good communication but here and there we would forgot to say something about what we did and we had someone work on it doubled. Another thing we decided to do during this spring is when issues arise about during something we are working on to send it in the group or keep it in writing so that when it is time to come up with issues we have those to go back too. Since this time around when we were done with the sprint and it was time to write new issues we spent a lot of time going back and refreshing especially for the things that were in the initial part of the sprint. As an individual, I am trying to work on your review the issues as soon as it gets tagged. Sometimes it is hard because of my work schedule but I am trying my best so that if something does need to get fixed, that can be done as soon as possible so that we do not get behind. I think that this sprint even though we have more issues it will run more smoothly since we now know how the structure is and how it is supposed to go. A lot of last spring was figuring if the structure was right and if what we were doing was right. But now I feel more comfortable.

This was the issue that was used to plan out the test to make sure that the front end is compatible with and user friendly for this I had to do some research.

Like the one above this was our non program ones, where we researched and came up with ways to enchance the checkInverotryfrontend

This issue was to move commands and make it bins, we had a few of these and we separated it to team mates, mine was the ReportingAPI

This issue was set up to work with VSCode in Gitpod, since before we used devContainers, this was to switch it to gitpod

This was one we worked as in a group and thought that it was going be easier ended up being harder than we thought there for it carried on to the second sprint

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS- Raquel Penha by raqpenha and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Introductory Blog Post – CS 443

this is my blog post for CS 443 where all my blogs will be posted.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS- Raquel Penha by raqpenha and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns

Reading these few chapters was very interesting. It brought some useful topics and contexts to different problems that you might face with some solutions like in chapter two there was a part that was talked about concrete skills and how it gave examples about the problems you can face like if a team has no incentive to risk hiring someone. I liked how they showed and described a problem and a solution. I feel like that was interesting to understand different concepts that they brought up, it almost painted a clear picture. One thing I liked doing while reading these chapters was reading the problem and then without reading the solution just thing about what could be that and then compare that with my answer. Another thing I really thought was interesting was all the real-world examples. The chapters that where most relevant to me or that most I took interest was chapter 3 especially when it was talked about sustainable motivations, this was most relevant to me since I feel like it is something that I always need to work is keeping my motivations up. So, that section was nice to read to learn different illustrations on how to bring the motivation back. The mentor section was another really good one for me just as a reminder to ask for help and find some one that is a “master Craftsman” and not only a master craftsman but a person that will accept you as an a apprentice. I did not disagree with anything in this reading, if anything I found that all the chapters and context was really helpful even if there was things that I already knew, it was good to just refresh and remember different tools and solutions to different concepts. In general, I really thought this reading was very beneficial especially since ill be entering the computer science work force soon defiantly freshened up some context of things I had not heard in a while and it even brought me to thought process of things I never really thought of like when it was states that take advantage of being the weakest in a group to grow stronger that was definitely very motivational for times that you might feel insecure in being a new engineer.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS- Raquel Penha by raqpenha and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.