Category Archives: CS_448

LibreFoodPantry Intro

The project that we are working on is called LibreFoodPantry. What is really interesting is that students get to use their programming skills to work on a project that is not related to school based projects. To be precise, it is more like an internship where you are working on real project that is helping the community.

Its an open source project, Not only students can help out but also anyone who has a strong desire for developing and programming.

Lastly I noticed the Values sections. In any field there are moral principles. To make anything reach its goal there should be a limit to how far you will have the access. As a software developer, safety is one of the priorities. When you are aware of the rules you are mostly at the safest section where you don’t have to stress about what could go wrong. LibreFoodPantry is well organized. The Code of conduct, Agile values, Agile principles and FOSSisms are defined.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tech a Talk -Arisha Khan by ajahan22 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

What CS-448 has for me?

The class that I am currently taking is CS-448. It mainly hands on experience with a project that is been out and we as students are using our programming skills to achieve an esteemed system. New programming tools and skills are introduced and I am excited to share along my learning through the blogs.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tech a Talk -Arisha Khan by ajahan22 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.