Category Archives: DVCS

Version Control

This week I did a lot of reading on traditional version control systems (VCS) versus distributed version control systems (DVCS). Both sides of the aisle had good arguments for and against one another, but in my humble opinion DVCS is the way to go. It seems to me that the benefits of having a distributed code base outweigh the negatives of potential security issues. As long as everyone on the project is a semi-competent computer user there should be no problems with security.

I did, however, recently discover that not only was there a hack exploited against GitHub; the guys over at GitHub seem to have dismissed it completely without trying to patch the hole. My understanding is that the exploit uses Rails and requires the code base to be locked in order to work. Still, it is something that merits a patch.

I apologize for the scattered nature of this post and the shortness as well, I’ve been heavily medicated the last two days after a medical procedure. My next post will have more substantial content and coherent flow, I promise.

From the blog The Mind of Mattamizer » WSU CS by mattamizer and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.