Category Archives: focusmana

The Clean Coder Chapter 9 & 10 (2/14 – 2/21)

Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes! That is literally all I will be doing now (The Pomodoro Technique). Chapter 9 goes into great depth about time management and the different ways of professionally managing your valuable hours and even though I am already efficient at time management (at least I would like to think so, haha) the contents of this chapter was more than helpful! As someone who likes to play role-playing games in my spare time, I love the comparison about “focus-mana” and I find it to be so true! I can recall countless times when I tried to bang out a programming assignment in one night and fall short because I ran out of focus-mana and the code eventually just looked like a blob of random words.

Chapter 10 was about estimations and up until now, I had no idea how to make estimations when it comes to user stories as a part of the Scrum agile model. Of course, I knew how to make estimations as just a number but I didn’t know how to give clear-cut precise estimations that business owners could use as part of their planning. I am still confused about some of the estimation methods because of how much mathematical calculations are used in it but that is probably something that you get better at through practice and experience.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tan Trieu's Blog by tanminhtrieu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.