Category Archives: maven

A blog about things 2014-04-07 14:03:00

Since my last post Matt and I have accomplished a few things. One we finalized the layout of the modify dosage feature we are looking to add. What we did was mimic the layout of the section used to add a new drug regimen. When you click on the modify dosage button a box opens up in the current window that has an area to modify the a drug regimen. The box contains a drop down populated with all the current drugs that the patient is on. There is also a text box to modify the dosage. There are some drop downs to modify the frequencey of drug administration, There is a “start date” box that will pop up a calendar that you can use to select a date. We added a Submit button that should submit the data and a clear button that will clear all fields.

Since the layout is all set now all we need to do is test. This is where we are coming into some issues. We are not able to add drug regimens to a patient. This makes it impossible to see if our drop down will populate with all the medications that the patient is on. Since we can not add a drug regimen we can not modify one. We are currently working to find out what is the issue here. My guess is that it has to do with the DB that we are connecting to.

Another thing that we have done was create a build script that reduces the time to deployment. Initially, when we run a maven clean/install it takes about 8 minutes to build and deploy. This means that any changes we make and want to see will take at least 8 minutes. We cut this down to about 1 minute by running the maven install with the skip tests flag.

  • mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

While this helps in development we realize that the unit tests are important and so once we have reached a state that we are happy with we run the build with the tests as normal.

From the blog A blog about things by TRStaake and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.