Author Archives: asejdi

Introduction Blog

Hello, I am Anxhela Sejdi and I am a senior Computer Science student with a concentration on Big Data Analytics. This is my last semester at WSU.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Coding by asejdi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Understanding Copyright and Licensing:

In this blog post, we will delve into the realm of copyright protection, licensing, and explore how to use content ethically on your blog.

Copyright Fundamentals

Copyright is the legal foundation asserting that creative works such as art, writing, images, and music belong to their creators. Anything you create and record in a lasting form is your intellectual property. Others cannot legally copy or profit from your work without your permission.

Types of Licensing: Traditional Copyright, Creative Commons, and Public Domain

  1. Traditional Copyright: Strict protection; requires permission for use, adaptation, copying, or publishing.
  2. Creative Commons: Allows usage under specific conditions set by the creator (e.g., attribution, non-commercial use, no derivative works).
  3. Public Domain: Completely unrestricted use, no permission needed (applies to works published before 1923, creations of long-dead creators, or works intentionally placed in the public domain).

Using Public Domain and Creative Commons Content

Public Domain Content

No restrictions on usage, but identifying such content can be challenging. Useful sites include:

  • Prelinger Archives
  • U.S. Government Photos and Images

Creative Commons Content

Free to use but with conditions set by the creator. License types include attribution, non-commercial use, no derivative works, and share alike. Sites for finding such content include:

  • Wikimedia Commons
  • Flickr’s Creative Commons Search
  • Creative Commons Search

Using Copyrighted Material

Fair Use Guidelines

Fair Use allows limited use of copyrighted material for purposes like commentary, criticism, reporting, and teaching. Guidelines include:

  • Majority of content must be your own.
  • Properly credit the copyright holder.
  • Non-commercial use is generally safer.

Misusing Copyrighted Material

Even with good intentions, a copyright holder may disagree. Consequences may include blog shutdown or legal action. Remove contested content if requested.

Licensing Copyrighted Content

To use copyrighted material outside of Fair Use, obtain a license. Stock photo sites for licensed content include:

  • iStockphoto
  • Fotolia

Sharing Copyrighted Videos

Embedding videos from YouTube or Vimeo is common, but beware of copyright violations. Ensure the video creator is credited. Illegally shared videos may lead to removal.

Protecting Your Intellectual Property

Your content is also protected by copyright. Safeguard it by:

  • Using plagiarism search services (e.g., Copyscape).
  • Setting up Google Alerts for excerpts of your posts.
  • Adding watermarks to your images.

What to Do if Your Content Is Misused

Contact the blogger or site using your content, requesting removal or proper credit. If unsuccessful, consider filing a DMCA takedown request, following legal procedures outlined in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Remember, respecting copyright and licensing not only preserves the rights of content creators but also upholds the integrity of your blog. Happy and responsible blogging!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Coding by asejdi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Waterfall Methodology vs. Agile: What’s Best for Our Project?

Learning the differences between Waterfall and Agile and choosing the methodologies best suited for the next project!

For this week I have decided to write about 2 different methodology, Waterfall and Agile. Which one is the best and when can we use each of them? I read a blog about both these methodologies and I am going to explain which one is the best to use on different cases.

In the world of project management, two prominent methodologies, Waterfall and Agile, offer distinct approaches to achieving project success. Imagine making a ham sandwich to grasp the fundamental differences between these methodologies. In Waterfall, you follow a linear process, just as you would follow a recipe step by step. Each stage, from gathering requirements to maintenance, proceeds in a clear sequence. However, like making changes to your sandwich after it’s complete, altering anything in Waterfall can be challenging. This approach demands a clear vision from the start and is ideal for projects with well-defined requirements and minimal changes expected, such as building a bridge.

On the other hand, Agile is akin to a group of friends embarking on a road trip with flexibility in mind. Instead of a fixed plan, Agile projects are divided into short sprints, typically lasting two to four weeks. After each sprint, the team evaluates their progress, incorporates feedback, and adjusts their course. Agile’s adaptability is perfect for projects with evolving requirements, quick adaptability, and a need for continuous feedback, as seen in software development.

Both Waterfall and Agile have their advantages and disadvantages. Waterfall offers well-defined project phases, clear documentation, and straightforward cost estimation. However, it struggles with making changes and may not suit projects with uncertain requirements. There’s also a risk of a mismatch between the initial design and user needs.

Agile, on the other hand, excels in accommodating changes, iterative improvements, team collaboration, and dynamic resource allocation. It is, however, susceptible to chaos without proper management and might lack comprehensive documentation. Setting a fixed price or timeline can be challenging, and there’s a risk of scope creep.

Choosing between Waterfall and Agile depends on your project’s nature. Waterfall is best for projects with clear requirements, usability tied to the entire deliverable, strict phase dependencies, and linear progress. Agile shines in situations where requirements may evolve, quick adaptation is essential, continuous feedback is necessary, and flexibility is key.

Selecting the right approach is not about determining which method is superior but rather about choosing the one that aligns with your project’s unique requirements. To excel in either Waterfall or Agile, consider using project management tools like Motion, which offers features that cater to both methodologies. Motion’s intelligent calendar and task manager assist with scheduling and prioritizing tasks, while its flexibility makes it adaptable for Waterfall’s structured phases or Agile’s iterative workflows.

In conclusion, project management is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Waterfall and Agile are two distinctive methodologies, each with its strengths and weaknesses. The key to success lies in understanding your project’s needs and selecting the approach that best aligns with those requirements. With the right tools and a clear understanding of these methodologies, you can navigate your project to success, just like choosing the right footwear for your journey – be it hiking boots or running shoes, tailored to the path you plan to tread.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Coding by asejdi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


A little journey on the others blogs to learn more about Agile methodology

The Evolution of Agile Practices

Is Agile Going Mainstream?
Agile methodologies have been a driving force in the world of project management and software development for years. They have reshaped the way teams approach projects, placing a premium on adaptability, collaboration, and flexibility over traditional, rigid methods. However, recent trends and discussions in the Agile community have sparked curiosity about the future of the Agile movement. Is it transitioning, shrinking, or possibly assimilating into conventional project management practices? This blog post delves into these intriguing discussions.

The Impact of Remote Work

One reasonable explanation for the drop in in-person conference attendance is the surge in remote work. The COVID-19 pandemic illustrated that remote collaboration is not only feasible but also effective. The convenience of virtual events may play a significant role in the decreased interest in physical conferences. As individuals discover that they can access valuable insights and networking opportunities from the comfort of their homes or offices, the shift away from in-person events becomes more comprehensible.

The Necessity of Agile Evolution

In a recent article, Stefan Wolpers explored whether Scrum, one of the most widely used Agile frameworks, needs to evolve. He discussed potential interfaces and changes that could enhance Scrum’s adoption and boost business agility. These conversations emphasize the ongoing need for Agile to adapt and evolve in response to the evolving demands of the business world.


Agile has undeniably left an indelible mark on project management and software development. Its emphasis on adaptability, collaboration, and flexibility has transformed the way teams approach projects. While conference attendance may be dwindling, the demand for Agile skills and practices is on the ascent, indicating that Agile is becoming absorbed into mainstream project management.

However, the evolution of Agile is far from over. Discussions about adapting Scrum and the need for hybrid approaches indicate that the Agile movement is still actively evolving to meet the demands of a changing business landscape. As we move forward, the key is to strike a balance between traditional project management and Agile practices to ensure successful project outcomes. Agile has not disappeared; it’s simply maturing and growing in influence.

This blog post delves into the evolving landscape of Agile methodologies in project management and software development. It examines the decline in conference attendance, which could signify the integration of Agile practices into everyday work. The post also highlights the impact of remote work on in-person events, the growing fusion of Agile into traditional project management, and the imperative for Agile to adapt to changing business needs.
Here is the link of the blog that I read

From the blog CS@Worcester – Coding by asejdi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Exploring Git

Addressing Merge Conflicts on GitHub

In the fast-paced world of software development, collaboration is the lifeblood that fuels innovation. One of the most powerful platforms for collaborative coding is GitHub, a platform that has revolutionized the way developers work together on projects. However, this collaborative utopia is not without its challenges, and one of the most notorious hurdles developers face is the dreaded “merge conflict.” To shed light on this issue, I recently explored the blog post titled “How to Resolve Merge Conflicts in GitHub” on HubSpot’s website. In this blog post, I will share my insights and lessons learned from this valuable resource.

Understanding Merge Conflicts

The HubSpot blog post begins by elucidating the fundamental concept of merge conflicts. A merge conflict transpires when two or more contributors to a Git repository make concurrent modifications to the same file or lines of code. When an attempt is made to merge these conflicting changes, Git finds itself in a quandary, unable to discern which version to prioritize. The result? A conflict that requires manual resolution.

Resolving Merge Conflicts

The most invaluable takeaway from the blog post is the comprehensive guide on resolving merge conflicts. Here’s a summary of what I’ve learned:

  1. Identify the Conflict: GitHub will promptly notify you if your PR encounters a conflict. These conflicts usually arise in files that have undergone concurrent modifications on different branches.
  2. Locate the Conflict: Git marks the conflicting sections within your code with distinctive markers, including <<<<<<< HEAD=======, and >>>>>>> branch-name.
  3. Manually Resolve the Conflict: The HubSpot blog offers a detailed walkthrough on how to address these conflicts manually. It involves carefully reviewing the conflicting code, deciding which changes to keep, and removing the markers.
  4. Commit the Changes: After successfully resolving the conflict, you need to stage the modified file using git add and commit the changes using git commit -m "Resolved merge conflict in file-name".
  5. Update the Pull Request: By pushing the resolved changes to your branch with git push, the blog explains how to update your PR automatically with the resolved conflict.
  6. Merge the Pull Request: Finally, once the conflict is resolved, and your PR meets all criteria, it can safely merge into the main branch, ensuring the seamless progression of the project.

    Through this journey, I’ve not only learned how to merge an issue on GitHub but also gained insights into resolving conflicts using Git. So, the next time I encounter a merge conflict, I won’t panic—I’ll simply follow these steps, and I’ll be well on my way to becoming a Git pro. Happy coding!

    My blog was based on the new things that I read on this blog link

From the blog CS@Worcester – Coding by asejdi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Learning Git

Mastering Git: Navigating the World of Version Control

As someone deeply immersed in the world of coding and development, I often find myself seeking the latest insights and innovations to stay ahead in this dynamic field. Recently, I had the opportunity to explore the GitHub Blog (, a treasure trove of information that offers a glimpse into the exciting developments in code collaboration. GitHub, a cornerstone of the coding community, continuously adapts to cater to the ever-changing needs of developers worldwide.
The GitHub Blog, in this context, serves as my primary source of knowledge, delivering timely updates, tutorials, and in-depth insights into the platform’s newest tools and features. These innovations significantly boost productivity and code quality, making my coding journey smoother and more efficient. What truly stands out, though, is how GitHub is fostering a culture of open-source contributions and building inclusive communities.
I encourage you to delve into this blog and embark on your own journey of discovery in the ever-evolving realm of code collaboration. I chose the GitHub Blog as my go-to resource for several compelling reasons. Firstly, it consistently offers a pulse on the rapidly evolving landscape of code collaboration. This blog not only keeps me informed but also inspires me to be part of a larger, positive change within the coding community.

Having explored the GitHub Blog, I’d like to share my thoughts on the content and how it has impacted my perspective as a student in the field of computer science. This resource has been an invaluable source of knowledge for me, primarily due to its dynamic and up-to-date nature.

As a student, staying informed about the latest developments in technology is crucial to my education and future career. The GitHub Blog has proven to be a goldmine of information in this regard. I’ve learned about cutting-edge tools like GitHub Actions and GitHub Copilot, which have the potential to revolutionize the way code is written and managed. This exposure has not only broadened my understanding of these tools but also inspired me to explore them further in my coursework and personal projects.

Beyond the technical aspects, the blog’s emphasis on open-source contributions and inclusivity within the coding community has left a lasting impact on me. It has reinforced the importance of collaboration, diversity, and community engagement in the tech world. Studying for CS, I now see the significance of not just acquiring technical skills but also contributing to the greater good by participating in open-source projects and fostering an inclusive environment for all.

In my future practice as a computer scientist, I plan to apply what I’ve learned from the GitHub Blog in multiple ways. Firstly, I’ll integrate the knowledge of GitHub Actions and GitHub Copilot into my coding projects to boost efficiency and code quality. Additionally, I’m motivated to actively engage in open-source initiatives, leveraging the collaborative spirit and sense of community that the blog has instilled in me. I believe that by embracing these principles and tools, I can become a more effective and socially responsible developer.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by asejdi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Hi, my name is Anxhela Sejdi, I’m a senior at Worcester State University and I am studying Computer Science with a concentration in Big Data Analytics.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by asejdi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.