Author Archives: Shamarah Ramirez

Stay in the Trenches

This week I decided to discuss the pattern called “Stay in the Trenches”. In this section, the problem presented is where you are offered a promotion into a role that will pull you away from programming. It mentions that this offer is an illusion of accomplishment that will test your sustainable motivation and determination to walk the long road.  I decided to pick this pattern because it involves the idea of sustainable motivations which is a pattern I wrote about previously. I am unsure about what is motivating me to stay in the field so I like thinking about these kinds of topics. I don’t think this section has really changed my mind about the way I think about my profession though.

Many people equate a promotion with success but in the problem presented (a promotion that would pull you away from programming), you will be trading the programming skills that you have worked to develop for said promotion. The tet calls for you to stay on your path and work with your manager to find other mechanisms to reward you for your excellent work. This means if your company refuses to be flexible, you should find opportunities somewhere else. 

I agree that it would be best to continue on the path of software engineering since you’ve dedicated a lot of time in an attempt to become a master but simply saying that if your organization is inflexible then you should find opportunities elsewhere is a bit easier said than done. I think you can love this path but if life knocks you down it may be a bit difficult to stay on the path. If you are able to find other opportunities, that’s great; you can continue on the path. If you have trouble finding other opportunities and you need the resources that the promotion can provide, then you may just have to take that promotion. I’m not saying that you have to give up software engineering forever, but you might have to take a little detour and stray from the path a little at least until you can find other opportunities elsewhere. You can still love software engineering and pick up projects in your free time but sometimes you have to be realistic in this society career wise. 

Lastly, I do think the list of possible alternate rewards for your excellence was great. It suggested to “consider whether there are standard constraints that could be loosened in your case” and to  “prepare a list of these alternative rewards so that when you reject that promotion, you’re in a position to negotiate based on a clear understanding of your own motivations”. I think those are very helpful suggestions.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Live Laugh Code by Shamarah Ramirez and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Exposing Your Ignorance

This week the pattern I decided to write about is from chapter 2. The pattern titled “Expose Your Ignorance” discusses something I’ve had to experience recently: letting those you’re working with fill the gaps in your knowledge. This section opens up with this quote by Jake Scruggs in “My Apprenticeship at Object Mentor”. The quote is “Tomorrow I need to look stupider and feel better about it. This staying quiet and trying to guess what’s going on isn’t working so well.” Opening this topic with that quote is impactful because I think a lot of people feel shame and would call themselves stupid for simple gaps in their knowledge when others have high expectations for them. It’s important to acknowledge that it’s okay to not know everything and be transparent about it instead of struggling alone while deadlines approach.

When I was working on a website with a group of other developers, we were all transparent with each other about our knowledge gaps for the tech stack we had to work with. This allowed us to play off of each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Some of us were more knowledgeable about the front end while others were more knowledgeable about what was required for the backend. I was more unfamiliar with what the front end required so I worked on the backend team. When we started working on the project, I was transparent about my lack of knowledge about JavaScript, routes, controllers, and HTTP requests. My team leader spent some time going over the material with me and provided some resources to research on my own. I then looked for more resources to learn. We also made an effort for everyone to learn a bit more about both the front end and the back end.

 In the text, it said, “Conceding to unspoken pressures and telling people what they want to hear is not a good way to build strong relationships.” I agree with this because our transparency made sure we were able to help each other grow and in turn strengthen our relationships with each other. Your reputation will be built off of your willingness to learn. There wasn’t any part that I could disagree with. When you’re honest about your ignorance you will end up picking up knowledge about a variety of technologies which will make it easier for you to adapt down the road.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Live Laugh Code by Shamarah Ramirez and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Static vs. Dynamic Testing

This week I decided to touch on static and dynamic testing. I wanted to find a blog that talks about different techniques for each type of testing. While searching I found the blog Static Testing VS Dynamic Testing – Key Differences testing by Kiruthika Devaraj. It first begins by generally defining the two types of testing. Devaraj first defines static testing as involving testing the software without running it” and dynamic testing as involving “executing the program and testing its behavior in different scenarios”. They then go on to explicitly outline the differences in the next section. 

In the section titled “Differences Between Static Testing and Dynamic Testing”, they explain that static testing involves reviewing the documentation, design or code to check for defects and errors without executing the software. They also mention that this type of testing aims to identify issues early in software development when they are easier and less expensive to fix. They explained that dynamic testing involves executing the software and testing its behavior in different scenarios. They explain that during this process testers create test cases and run tests to identify defects and ensure the software meets the specified requirements. By testing the program against a variety of inputs, expected outputs, and error scenarios, this kind of testing essentially tries to evaluate the product’s functionality, performance, and security and ensure that it operates as predicted. In this section, the author uses bullet points and spacing to organize the information and make it easier to digest. 

The next section is a table that clearly outlines the differences in features like definitions, objectives, types of testing, timing, and results for static and dynamic testing. Static testing involves code review, walk-through, and inspection while the other involves unit, integration, system, acceptance, performance, security, and user acceptance testing. The author then explains how to choose between the two types of testing. They mention that it comes down to the specific requirements, objectives of the testing process, and desired outcomes. I enjoyed this article because the author got straight to the point when writing the article while clearly defining the use of each type of testing. I think the way they went about writing this informational piece was effective in keeping the reader’s attention by outlining the information in the simplest way possible. The use of bullet points and tables helped me to remember the information better. I am likely going to have to test my future personal projects so knowing the differences between the two types of testing and how to choose it was important to read about.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Live Laugh Code by Shamarah Ramirez and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 1 Retrospective

Overall I think sprint 1 went well. I think we all did a good job of keeping each other updated and asking each other questions if we became stuck. We had times when life got in the way and work didn’t get done and we made sure to let each other know. We were also open enough to communicate with each other when we realized that issues may not have been merged for a long period after being reviewed. All of us displayed aspects of the original description of the culture we wanted in the working agreement: open-mindedness, honesty, respect, and accountability. We decided how much weight everyone should try to complete to divide the work evenly and fairly before the sprint started and we kept to it for the most part. 

I worked on 4 issues in total. I worked on one with the group and 3 on my own. The issue I worked on with the group was “Gitpod Dev Environments -InventorySystem/Documentation”. In this issue, we set up the files needed to configure the Gitpod Dev Environment for Inventory System Documentation and asked any questions we had to make sure the rest of the similar issues would go smoothly. The issues that I completed on my own throughout the sprint were “Move from `commands` to `bin` – InventoryAPI”,” Add AlexJS linter to pipelines – InventoryAPI”, and “Add AlexJS linter to pipelines – InventoryBackend”. The “Move from `commands` to `bin` – InventoryAPI” issue was a bit difficult because there was no build or test file. I figured out that I had to disable those two jobs for the pipeline to run. For both of the issues the files weren’t created during the “move from commands to build” issues for the respective projects so I copied the file from a project that already had one. Because I knew that all of the linters that were included in the file also applied to each of the projects I worked on, I left those linter commands along with the command for AlexJS. However, I only enabled AlexJS in the pipelines for since the issue was only created to add AlexJS and we planned on adding the rest of the linters to the pipelines of the projects during sprint 2.

As a team, I think we did fairly well but we needed to adjust how we work to ensure there is evidence of everyone’s contribution on GitLab. Most of the communication was through discord which resulted in a good amount of the team receiving a poor individual grade for sprint planning. We realized this and decided to split up adding issues and weight for the sprint planning and backlog refinement for future sprints. We also did not rotate reviewing issues as we originally planned when creating our working agreement. In future sprints, we plan to set up a system that will ensure that there aren’t certain people who are reviewing the majority of issues. We aren’t sure if we would like to set time aside during our weekly meeting on Discord or set a system where one would just review the last issue in the “needs review” column. As an individual, I need to make sure I’m on top of my work throughout the sprint. Although life can get a bit hectic, I need to make sure I am pulling my weight for the team. I want to plan specific days where I work on issues to stay on track.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Live Laugh Code by Shamarah Ramirez and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sustainable Motivations

The pattern I chose to write about from Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman by Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye is in chapter 3: Sustainable Motivations. I chose this as my first pattern to touch on because I find that motivation is something that I struggle with constantly. I already face days where I question my commitment. I did it today. Imposter syndrome got to me and I questioned whether I was cut out for this field. 

I agree with the argument that “it is crucial that your motivations to program are aligned with walking The Long Road”. Two of the examples of unsustainable motivations were money and thinking of programming as fun. Initially, my primary motivation for getting into this field was money; I did think it was somewhat fun to write code and think of solutions but I was thinking about a career path that would pay decently well. My line of thinking was impacted by how expensive it is to live and enjoy life. I figured that it’s best to just become a software developer because “It’s not like I hate it and it pays well”. After reading, I want to try figuring out what motivates me to stay in this field. I’m motivated by something that isn’t money or how fun it is because I’m still studying software development despite my struggles. 

I couldn’t find something in this pattern that I disagreed with but I don’t exactly understand the task from the action part. It instructed to “Write down at least 15 things that motivate you. Wait a little while, then write down another five. How many of your motivations are about what other people think rather than what you feel? Are the percentages different between your first 15 and the final 5? How many of the motivating factors can you do without? Now write down a list of the five most important things that motivate you”. I don’t understand the practice of writing down an initial 15 and then another 5 when you can keep the questions in mind as you write the last important 5. Maybe I’ll try it and figure it out.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Live Laugh Code by Shamarah Ramirez and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Black-Box, White-Box, and Grey-Box Testing

This week I decided to find a blog that discusses the differences between Black-Box, White-Box, and Grey-Box Testing because even I didn’t grasp it during the class activity. The article “Difference Between Black-Box, White-Box, and Grey-Box Testing” by TestFort Expert explains each way of testing in depth by using bullet points to outline the techniques of each type of testing and reviews the pros and cons of each.

The blog summarizes that the black-box testing method involves testing the software without knowledge of the internal structure and source code. You use this method to test the interface against the specifications that the client gives. The techniques that are involved are decision table testing, error guessing, all-pairs testing, and equivalence partitioning. The first technique tests with if-then-else and switch-case statements to find errors related to conditions. The second technique describes testing based on intuition, the third tests combinations of each pair of input parameters to find bugs from interacting parameters and the last technique involves splitting up parts to reduce testing time. The method tests for functionality but can only be applied to small segments of code.

White-box testing tests the internal structure of software and the logic behind it. One needs full knowledge of the code and the software for this method. It uses these techniques: control flow testing, data flow testing, and branch testing. The first technique logic of the code by executing input values and comparing for expected results. The second detects improper use of data values and data flow by coding errors. The last technique focuses on validating branches in the code. The blog mentioned that technical debt is reduced  by maintaining the code quality which is something I dint think about. Another thing I didn’t think about is that it can result in false positives because test results are strictly tied to the way the code was written. 

Grey-box testing is a combination of the previous methods. It tests for the interface, functionality, and internal structure. It requires some knowledge of the source code but takes more of a straightforward approach. The technique of this approach is matrix testing. regression testing and pattern testing. The first method involves tracing user requirements to identify missing functionality. The second technique involves testing the software after modifications, and the last technique involves analyzing the design and architecture of the software to find the root cause of a defect. This method isn’t suitable for algorithm testing. 

I think this blog is a good resource to learn about each testing method in depth. I think the lists of techniques were helpful in understanding what each method involves. I left class without truly understanding each method. I think the pros for the methods were straightforward but I didn’t think about the cons so I found that section helpful. Now that I know the techniques of each method I am better equipped to think about how to test software.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Live Laugh Code by Shamarah Ramirez and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns Introductions

I enjoyed how the reading introduced the values of software craftsmanship. The bullet point that caught my interest was from Atul Gawande. It mentioned how you always need to adapt and change based on the feedback you get. I thought that the fact that Gawande refers to this as a willingness to “recognize the inadequacies in what you do and to seek out solutions” (Better, p. 257) was interesting. I think I tend to get caught up in my inadequacies and don’t think about finding solutions right away. I think that quote encapsulates what it means to be an apprentice, as described in the text. I think having bullet points like these in the beginning was very useful in aiding in understanding.

One of the chapters that I found to be more relevant is the second chapter. It not only discussed the beginning of your journey and why you should start out learning one language very well but it also touched on patterns that happen later in your journey. I enjoyed reading the section that mentioned why you should find a master in your target language to help you learn because the nuances of different languages are best taught through oral tradition. I also found the part about why you should find an opportunity to unlearn something. The example of taking a program you have written in one programming paradigm and then implementing it in a different language that uses a different one was great. However, I don’t agree with phrasing it as “unlearning” what you know. It just seems like learning another language to me.  While learning Java and C I had to do research to find solutions to problems at times. I ended up finding solutions to the problems in languages I didn’t know and worked to translate them. It gave me exposure to a new language and opened my eyes to how the same issue could be solved in a different way. 

Another chapter that I found to be relevant is the fourth chapter. I think you have to constantly be honest with yourself about your own capabilities and surround yourself with people who you can learn from in order to progress toward your goal. There is always room to grow especially when you’re in an industry that is changing frequently. Chapter four touches on striving to surround yourself with people whom you can learn from and touches on what to do if you can’t find a mentor. These are very real issues that many software engineers will face. I never thought about trying to be the weakest person on my team to help myself learn but after reading this chapter I would like to put it into practice when I can.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Live Laugh Code by Shamarah Ramirez and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS 443 Introduction blog

This semester I will be writing blogs as I learn more about software quality assurance and testing. Hopefully this will be a fun journey.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Live Laugh Code by Shamarah Ramirez and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

My Interest in Libre Food Pantry and Thea’s Pantry

When I explored the page for Libre food pantry I found the coordinating committee page to be very interesting. I chose this as the most interesting because it shows the different universities and shop managers that are working on this project. I found that there are people from Nassau Community College, Western New England University, Drexel University, alongside Worcester State who are working on Libre food pantry. I did not know it was such a collaborative effort between so many universities.

While reviewing the Gitlab for Thea’s pantry, I found that going through the workflow and architecture documentation was especially helpful. In the summer, when I was working on linters for Libre Food Pantry and Theas Pantry, I got to get a look at some of the systems for Thea’s pantry but I did not thoroughly understand what each system uses. The part of the architecture documentation that explains the features and their components thoroughly laid out how the systems work together. I found the integration and deployment diagrams to be helpful in providing a visual aspect of how the systems work together. The workflow documentation was helpful because it served as a reminder of the workflow that I used during the summer. The bullet point about using a “breaking change” footer or a “!” after the type if the work introduces a breaking API change is helpful because I’ve never worked on a breaking change.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Live Laugh Code by Shamarah Ramirez and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Linting For Non-Inclusive Language

Last week we went over linting for non-inclusive language. During class, I was confronted with the idea that certain phrasing that I often use could be taken negatively. My last blog was about the best practices for software documentation. The blog I found mentioned inclusive language briefly at the end and didn’t go into much detail. Because of this, I decided to find a blog that focuses on how to write inclusive documentation.

The blog I found that went through this topic is “How to write inclusive documentation?” by Selvaraaju Murugesan. In this article, Murugesan breaks down how to produce inclusive documentation in five steps: (1) Use gender-neutral terms, (2) Choose a neutral and friendly tone, (3) Avoid using slang words, (4) Use visuals that are diverse in nature, and (5) Use the right terms when discussing accessibility and disability. The directions and reasons behind each recommendation were clearly explained with examples to aid in understanding.

Because writers do not know anything about their audience there are many cautionary steps that a technical writer has to take.  In the new day and age, writers should keep in mind to write in a gender-neutral way to avoid discriminating against women and people of the LQBT+. He also advised using wording that removes cultural bias. He steers clear of terms like “slave-master architecture” as well. He also mentioned that local slang words may be offensive so it’s best to avoid using them. Terms that can be considered judgemental, patronizing, or exhibit euphemisms should be avoided as well. 

As alluded to in my previous blog, I have experience checking for non-inclusive language because I worked on code for Libre Food Pantry and Thea’s Pantry. When working on the linters for these projects, I discovered that there was a linter that checks for non-inclusive language. I didn’t give too much thought about the changes that the linter suggested. It wasn’t until recently in class that I gave it more thought. I didn’t think about why using “simply”, “clearly, or “of course” could be an issue for the audience. It is important to avoid deterring others from using software or wanting to be involved in the tech field. I realized that it is important to recognize that not everyone will find something simple to implement so to imply that it will be is not the best choice when trying to be inclusive. 

After going through the class activity and reading the blog, I have gained a better insight into how to choose my phrasing carefully. Although it may be slightly difficult to break certain habits, I am now better suited to identify non-inclusive language and will apply my knowledge to future projects.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Live Laugh Code by Shamarah Ramirez and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.