Category Archives: 10/2

Blog 3: Tabs vs. Spaces Response

The blog that I’m going to be talking about today is Tabs vs. Spaces by Scott Hanselman’s blog. Tabs vs. Spaces is basically decided on by someone’s preference over the other, in a TV show I watch called Silicon Valley, a coder is so picky that he dumps is girlfriend who programs and uses Tabs because he thinks Spaces are more accurate and the way to go. I hear people sometimes in my classes casually talk about it, my personal opinion is that tabs are the way to go but I was surprised to hear how many people thought spaces were better.

Anyways I read a blog post and this guy talked about this thing called EditorConfig. What you got to do is make a new .editorconfig file and some code in it that he has in a picture so if you’re curious I will link it. What this code does is it visualizes the tabs or spaces and makes it easier and more clean for your code. He then goes on to talk about “EditorConfig Extensions” but all in all he talks about different systems and ways of making your tabs vs spaces controversy less of an issue when working in groups of people that differences on the subject. This relates to our class besides programming is that formatting is kind of key in this class and it will be nice for people to know their options.

I learned that there is many different ways to format your code with different sub-programs such as EditorConfig. It actually makes your code look a lot cleaner and will help professors, group members or anyone that is trying to read your code understand what is going on because it is consistently formatted. This has affected me because I actually vary on the subject of Tabs vs Spaces, like sometimes I use both in the same program but I realize now that is probably a bad idea and that I shouldn’t do that in the future since it will be confusing at times for a reader of my code. I may even share EditorConfig with some of my classmates knowing that some of them try really hard to keep their code as clean as possible and also not vary with spaces or tabs throughout a program. It is always interesting to find new ways to help you, making coding easier to do, trust me when I found out Eclipse created the getters and setters for you, I was thrilled. Lastly, I will try to apply this in future practices by maybe even using EditorConfig to help me stay consistent throughout my code but I’ll definitely try to not use both spaces and tabs in one program not to just help me but anyone trying to read it. Thank you for reading my blog post, reflecting on Tabs vs Spaces by Scott Hanselman’s blog.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Benderson's Blog by bendersonsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.