Category Archives: CS401

Week 3: 10 February 2014

[Wiki Editing]

This week’s learning on editing the Wiki page was actually very helpful and easy to pick up on. I can see why wikis are being more and more common for compiling information or for use as knowledge bases. I began by going to to the CS wiki and logging into my account. I wrote a brief description about me and then added a link to this page under the Students page. Editing in a wiki was incredibly easy to do and straight forward and I had no problem with it.

The Issue Tracker Activity was also very informative on how to use formatting and editing for a wiki. As I proceeded through the activity, I learned from the few mistakes I made in formatting so my responses were easier to read, but in the end I got the hang of it.


[Issue Tracker Activity/Three Issues]

Viewing the info on the OpenMRS Issue Tracker was also sorted out very well and made it easy to read and follow how tickets and bugs were logged. The filters make sense on how one would want to search for a particular type of issue. I was able to easily find all of the necessary field and type information, but I did have trouble at first finding the summary of the project. I was looking for a description or paragraph summary but did not realize it was right on the front page shown with data.

After perusing the list on all the tickets at a glance, I ended up choosing three according to my comfort level (programming level as well as overall knowledge of the project so far). I couldn’t think of any other ways the system might have been improved upon, but there certainly are ways. To me as an outsider to the core of the project, it seemed to suffice very well for giving someone cursory information.


[Git Videos and Tutorials]

Following the Git tutorial was very useful and gave me a tool that I can come back to in case I need to remember certain commands without having to look them up without example uses. I  completed it after about 10-15 minutes, but I still had some general confusion about what the syntax for some of the commands were (I do not feel at all comfortable operating in a Linux/Unix environment, even after my classes here at WSU). As they came up in the example terminal, I did somewhat look up what they meant but did not come up with anything really concrete as a definition or further examples of how to use them.

The Git videos were also a good reference to go alongside with while watching on my desktop and following along on my laptop. I have never used GitHub before this class (unfortunate we are learning it so late) so a further explanation with maps and diagrams was helpful. One thing I did notice though was that even though these were tutorial videos on using Git and what it is, it still was not as detailed as I would have wanted it to be for some areas.

From the blog slykrysis » cs-wsu by slykrysis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 3

Editing a wiki is easy I tend to edit gaming wikis. The issue tracker was odd to run thought at first as things a old a a few months could quickly pop up on you as well as not knowing if the issue is truly an issue anymore or was forgotten when finished.

From the blog Computer Science » CS401 by Renowneddragoon and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 4

The install went through for me almost without a hitch, i ran the OpenMRS SDK like it said which installed without a problem. After it installed i tried the omrs-version command in the command prompt to check if it had installed successfully. At first it said “Error: JAVA_HOME not found in your environment. Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the location of your Java Installation” after a quick Google search i did the command “set JAVA_HOME=c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45″ i did the omrs-version command again and everything seemed to be in working order like it showed in the developers guide. Besides that i had no other problems with the installation.

From the blog Dhimitris CS Blog » CS401 by dnatsis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 3

The wiki editing stuff that we did this week all seemed to be pretty straight forward, its not the hardest thing in the world to edit a wiki but i could see it getting annoying at times. The issue tracker activity was a good way to get a bit more familiar with the open mrs issue tracker. the definitions were easy to figure out just by reading some of the description on the site and just by browsing the site. Although the definitions were easy to find it forced you to use all the parts of the issue tracker which is a good way to get really comfortable with it. The GIT tutorials and homework was much like what we had done in class, it just shows how to use GIT and get more comfortable with it since it is a tool we will be using a lot. They were alright for the most part nothing ground breaking but good references if you get stuck somewhere which did seem to happen to me a few times.

I picked 3 introductory tickets that to me seemed like they could be accomplished, i tried to pick tickets that were not too hard since part of the problem at first is gonna be getting comfortable with the whole process that comes along with fixing an issue.


From the blog Dhimitris CS Blog » CS401 by dnatsis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 2: 3 February 2014


The IRC activity that we did in class was awkward to say the least. For starters, before going into further detail, I did not know people still used IRC in today’s age of the internet. It seems that it is extremely dated and only suited for some of the “hardcore” or old-school crowd that are stuck in the old ways. After downloading a few clients (experimenting with some proved to be more difficult or hard to navigate) I landed on one that was recommended to me by Brian Gibson — HexChat. After setting up the initial server and identity for myself, I connected pretty easily.

The whole conversation that took place afterwards was silently done inside the IRC. It gave me a first glimpse of how to use it and to speak my thoughts clearly via an online forum. The in-class lack of speaking was a little weird, but the exercise was meant to show us how to use it in case we could not meet for class. All in all, I think it was valuable even though I thought the method of doing online meetings was a little dated.



The readings for this week were a good statement to me personally as to how I could contribute more to the project. I do not believe I have anything much higher than an average programming level, nor do I have extensive knowledge into other languages and tools other than what I’ve used during my major progress at WSU. So joining this open source project seemed a little daunting. I did like to see that there were tons of other ways to contribute (I’m more keen to the documentation and bug tracking part). Some of the examples I could tell were a little “out there” in terms of how they were actually going to help, but I can see the end result of it all.

Reading about the bug tracking methods and etiquette was not 100% new information, seeing as I have worked in an environment before where bugs were coming up from clients and we were helping resolve them. For a programming aspect, though, it is applicable in almost the same way. I think the OpenMRS bug tracking feature is well developed (it has to be at the scale it is at this point) and should be easy to pick up on as bug tracking becomes part of the assignment.

From the blog slykrysis » cs-wsu by slykrysis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week Four

For something that should be fairly easy and straightforward, getting the OpenMRS started was much more involved that it should have been. For one thing, the installer did not work at all, so I did the manual installation instead. Getting the maven and mysql aspects up and running were easy using Homebrew, and we had already cloned the git repository so that was easy. I needed to download the java 7 SDK, and then compiled everything. However, when i compiled and started the web app, I was missing the /var/lib/OpenMRS/ file, and as of now have not been able to figure out where it is and why it is missing from the git repository.

From the blog ckelley6 » CS401 by ckelley6 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week Three – Three Issues

The introductory bugs seemed like a good way of learning and contributing to the project. I think that the ticket creation ticket is good, because it will help learn about using the bug system, and the icon bug seems like it would be an easy fix that would make the application much easier to use for computer illiterate people.

From the blog ckelley6 » CS401 by ckelley6 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week Three

I thought that the git activity served as a simple thing to learn how to better use a tool that will come in handy later on. On the other hand, the videos did not seem to be highly useful as they mostly just stated fairly obvious things about git and SCM as a whole. The wiki editing seemed to be fairly easy, but made me think of all the work that must go into maintaining a wiki with lots of information in it. The issue tracker activity was interesting to me because we use bug tracking at work, and a lot of the information was similar. However, this seemed to be much clunkier than Accurev, the program we use.

From the blog ckelley6 » CS401 by ckelley6 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 3

Wiki editing is always fun, I have done some wiki editing in the past however every wiki is a bit different. The issue tracker activity was fun, I have never used Jira before but I think it is a very advanced issue tracker. There are so many tools with this issue tracker. I can see a small learning curve with Jira but it will be very powerful. The github activity was very informative, I have used git in the past so going through the git tutorial again was a good refresher. 

From the blog tbruceblog » cs401 by tbruce731 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

IRC & Reading

I thought it was very interesting that we had a somewhat silent class during the IRC chat. I had never used an IRC in the past, now that I had some experience with it I think it may and will be a great tool. 

The readings were all very interesting I never thought of the many contributions ones could make to and Open Source Project.

From the blog tbruceblog » cs401 by tbruce731 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.