Author Archives: Kaylene Noel

Object-Oriented Testing

Object-oriented testing is about ensuring that the object-oriented software works as it should. Testing is important in any project so it’s important to make sure that the code isn’t buggy or crashes. Object-oriented testing has specific techniques that test our object-oriented program by focusing on what matters the most like unit, subsystem, and system testing. Unit testing breaks down each class and test, it helps catch errors and figure out if things are talking to each other as they should be. Subsystem testing is like testing a group of classes together, it shows how they work as a team and how it handles anything outside of it. System testing makes sure to test everything in the system and check if everything works together, leaving a top-notch system. When it comes to object-oriented testing it’s important to look out for bugs, test everything, and clean code sooner rather than later. Testing is about finding any bugs and errors that can be fixed, so looking for those bugs would help solve any problems the software has.  Instead of cleaning up the code after it’s completed, it’s useful to test it early and keep at it so that the issues are fixed sooner rather than later.

I felt like object-oriented testing has given me more information about testing and even though I know that there are different types of testing it’s given me a better idea of how they work. This reading is important for software developers who would rush through their work and not practice clean code because it emphasizes testing earlier to find any errors and clean up code that could make it confusing for other software developers. The reason why I chose this topic is because object-oriented testing is important in software development and without this information, it can cause a lot of problems and more work for developers to do when it’s avoidable and fixable. Object-oriented testing plays a huge role in software development making it important to know how it works and what is easy to detect. It also teaches software developers more about clean code and makes sure that the code is readable and understandable for other developers.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Kaylene Noel's Blog by Kaylene Noel and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Nurture Your Passion

The Nurture Your Passion pattern is about how important it is to protect and grow your passion for software craftsmanship even in some environments where it might not be supported. This pattern also talks about the challenges that people as software developers face in certain environments where their passion for the craft isn’t supported. Not only does it acknowledge the challenges faced by software developers in environments that may not fully support their passion but also provide strategies to navigate and thrive in those situations. Use certain strategies to protect and nurture your passion by working on what you like and drawing your own career path. The pattern shows that the real challenges that software developers face are when their passion for coding isn’t given its due, so they use a strategy to make their work more passionate. I felt like this pattern emphasizes preserving passion when a challenge comes around and finding a nurturing environment for that passion in software development. It’s great advice to work on tasks that interest you and also make sure to look for supportive people who like your ideas to motivate your success. It’s changed the way I think about my career path and how I should go about challenges in that journey, it’s important to be passionate about work but if it doesn’t give you a purpose or challenge you it’s important to find something that does.

 This pattern wants to encourage people to make sure that their career path has a purpose and that they’re passionate about it. It makes me want to be part of an environment that fits my values even if challenging. It’s not just about writing code; it’s about making sure every step in your career journey feels meaningful. seeking out a workplace that aligns with your values, even if it means tackling some tough challenges along the way. This pattern is a reminder that staying driven and having a clear sense of purpose in your career is everything, even when the going gets tough. This pattern wants to remind people of the importance of maintaining enthusiasm and purpose in one’s career path,  even though it comes with some challenges. It encourages self-care, learning, and engagement that can help in long-term success and satisfaction in software craftsmanship.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Kaylene Noel's Blog by Kaylene Noel and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Security Testing

Security testing is an important part of software testing, it makes sure to find any weaknesses in the software and if our data is protected from intruders. Security testing is important because it helps us ensure that our software has no weak spots and that our data and information are safe. There are so many versions of security testing like password cracking, penetration testing, and vulnerability. Those three topics are some of the main ideas of security testing and understanding the importance of keeping personal information safe. Password cracking testing is when the system identifies weak passwords and helps make sure that people use stronger passwords. Penetration testing is done by assessing the system by using different techniques, the purpose of it is to protect the important data of the users who don’t have access to the system. Vulnerability testing is used to identify the weakest attributes in the system that can be used by destructive software. A lot can cause the software to be vulnerable like a bug in the software, wrong software testing, and the presence of a bad code. 

I chose this topic because security testing is important in our software testing class and this blog has a lot of information on how it works. It’s important to know more about how our private data is saved from hackers and how safe our software is. I believe that this helped me learn more about security testing like how penetration testing uses different techniques like the black box and white box testing method to detect any vulnerabilities in our software. Security testing is to make sure that applications are not able to leak private information and can handle a threat like hackers. I already knew before reading how important it is for our information and making sure that our passwords are not easy for hackers to figure out but I thought penetration testing was interesting to learn about because I didn’t know it used so many different techniques to find any vulnerabilities. Security testing is about keeping our information safe as well as our software safe from any intruders and I believe that this blog gave the best explanation and information about it.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Kaylene Noel's Blog by Kaylene Noel and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 2 Retrospective

After finishing our second sprint I believe it went very well. Our team did a great job of communicating, time management and ensuring everyone’s ideas were heard. We also made sure to ask each other questions if we were stuck on an issue as well as ask anyone if they needed any help with their issue if they were having any problems. I believe the only problem we had was reviewing the issues, we either got a little sidetracked or were waiting on a response to a question we had about the issue so it kind of prevented the reviewer from checking on it. As a group of 5, we needed a weight total of 30, we managed to complete all of our issues. Since the last sprint, I believe we made a lot of progress as a team and managed to get through this sprint without a lot of issues.

As a team, I believe we made a lot of progress in this sprint and didn’t have a lot of issues to work on. We made sure to communicate with each other about how everyone’s progress was going on with their issue and if they needed any help with anything. The reason why we managed to get through this sprint is because of our communication and teamwork. As a team an improvement that we can make is our reviewing, we did have a couple of issues left in the needs review column that just needed to be checked but we kind of delayed that. I believe that was our only problem this sprint since for most of the issues we worked as a group and managed to get it done in one meeting. If we just made sure to stay on top of any work that needs review I feel like our sprint would’ve been done sooner than later.

As an Individual I believe I made a lot of improvements since the last sprint. I made sure that the work was even spread out between me and the team. The issues I worked on were Get the InventorySystem General test and build working and Verifying GuestInfosystem/Documentation. I made sure that the guestinfo system documentation had the right extensions, linters and that the pipelines were working. The only problem I ended up having was with the inventory system general test and build working. I just ended up asking Professor Wurst what I should do with them since by looking at other repos the general didn’t have a test or build so I just ended up disabling those pipelines and everything ran smoothly. Next sprint I plan on working on my issues and making sure that nothing sits in needs review so my team members don’t have to do more work than they need to and make sure that I’m contributing as well. I also plan on making sure to get any questions I have asked as soon as possible so that the issue can be solved sooner rather than later. 

From the blog CS@Worcester – Kaylene Noel's Blog by Kaylene Noel and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Draw Your Own Map

The draw-your-own-map pattern talks about how people should take control of their career paths and not rely on others to define their path. This pattern talks about identifying the next logical steps, visualizing how to achieve those steps, and continuing to evaluate their goals and values. Draw-your-own-map pattern suggests that getting help from like-minded people and being open to adjusting one’s map to any changes that came up. This pattern shows stories about people who go into programming despite challenges from employers and orginizational limits. Draw-your-own-map encourages people to set a specific goal rather than setting a goal that isnt reachable. That step not only helps provide feedback but it also makes you seek guidance from like-minded people, those people can give you resources and support when trying to achieve your goals. One of the key ideas of this pattern is flexibility, it supports the idea of one’s mind to keep reassuring themselves that it’s okay to make changes. This pattern promotes an approach to career development and make sure to empower people to find their way through there careers with a purpose.

I thought this pattern was interesting because it encourages people to be creative and not rely on other people to define our paths, it should be our decision. I also thought the steps that the pattern talks about was very helpful, it’s important to set realistic goals so that you don’t overwork yourself to reach that goal. Visualizing the steps to achieving those goals also help make sure you don’t rush through the process and able to have a set plan. Evaluating your goal and values are also important as you go on to make sure that you can still reach your goal and be okay with any changes that come. This pattern has changed the way I think about achieving my goals, I know now to set a more realistic goal for myself and not be scared to get help from people who think like me. I don’t disagree with this pattern because I feel like this will help a lot of people with reaching their goals and make them think more realistically while getting support from others.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Kaylene Noel's Blog by Kaylene Noel and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Performance Testing

Performance testing is a big part of software development, it helps make sure that the final product can run smoothly without any errors and gives the user an easy experience. The main aspect of product testing is performance testing, which evaluates the speed and stability of the system. The point is to identify and address any performance bottlenecks that could give the user a bad experience. When dealing with performance testing it should always be used after functional testing, as soon as the basic function of the system is tested and verified. Performance testing involves testing a bunch of different parameters like processing speed and workload efficiency. By measuring the response time under different conditions developers should be able to find areas that need improvement and target system performance. So many companies should make sure to sort performance testing by doing diagnostics aid and software problem identification.  Diagnostics aid is when performance testing helps identify computing bottlenecks in the system and allows developers to use recourses to improve its performance. Software problem identification shows the areas where the application is failing and shows developers how to address the software performance issues. Performance testing plays a big role in evaluating the system’s performance, it helps provide ideas about what areas to work on to improve the performance.

I picked this topic because we have been working on testing in class a lot more recently and thought that this topic is a great choice to get a better understanding of performance testing as well as product testing. Performance testing helps developers address common problems and provide solutions to tackle these problems.  I learned that there are different ways to approach performance testing when doing it for example by analyzing the data I would want to share or use those results and retest it after making some small changes. This information has helped me look at system testing a little differently since we’re working on system testing in class but this new information will help me in the future to make sure that I focus on the system behavior and include the test in the development process to make sure that the system runs smoothly.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Kaylene Noel's Blog by Kaylene Noel and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

System Testing

System testing is a process of verifying the end behavior of a software application. System testing finds any errors, spaces, and missing requirements that could affect the software’s functionality. This is usually done after all the tests are completed, it’s important to test the software before releasing it to users. System testing main goals are to reduce risks, prevent defects, verify the design, and validate the system. System testing is an important step in ensuring the software is of great quality before it goes live. Addressing and identifying the errors or issues before making the software live can reduce any risks and make sure that it works perfectly for the users. Verifying the functionality of the completed system will help determine if it meets the requirements specified for that system. This is the best way to prevent any defects, errors, and missing requirements. System testing is also used to check if the system has been designed correctly and follows all the specifications. The process of verifying the accuracy and completeness of the system is the main objective of system testing. It’s to provide confidence that the system meets all of its requirements and will run as expected.

There are different types of system testing to look out for and plan for such as setting up the environment for the test case, creating a test case, creating test data, and running the test case. It’s important to make sure that the environment is set up so that you can write test cases by making sure that it has the right tools and frameworks that will be needed. When creating the test cases it’s important to make sure that the test case has all the necessary details about what the test case is testing for as well as how it will test it. The test data is created in thought of the inputs and outputs for the test case. While creating the test data it’s important to cover all of the critical fields and that nothing is left out. When running the test cases you want to make sure that it puts out the correct output, it should show if it passed or failed. I chose this topic because system testing is important to make sure that our system meets the requirements and runs without any problems. We started working on test cases recently so I thought getting more information on system testing would benefit our skills and any questions that anyone might have.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Kaylene Noel's Blog by Kaylene Noel and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 1 Retrospective

With this being our first sprint it went well and we still have plenty to learn about. Our team did a great job of communicating, time management, and ensuring everyone’s ideas were heard. In our working agreement, we talked about not being afraid to ask questions or for help, which made it easier for us to make sure were on the right track and nobody was falling behind. Having in-person and discord meetings was helpful for us since everyone has a busy schedule and made it easier for us to show our work and any problems we were having. As a group of 5, we needed 13 different issues for a weight total of 25, we managed to do 12 out of the 13 so we had more than 75% of the sprint done. Most of us are used to using GitLab but we did have some trouble finding our work and navigating GitLab, it’s just how GitLab was set up and we just need some getting used to it. GitPod is something new we started using this semester. It works well and it’s similar to Visual Studio so we were able to use it with ease the only different thing was the commit message and merge request. We were just used to committing our work a different way, so it took a little getting used to. For the next sprint, we will make sure to keep communicating with each other, manage our time, and deal with any issues we are having. 

As a team an improvement that we can make is our time management, we didn’t get a go on our sprint until toward the end of our sprint. I think that’s what gave us a lot of issues because we were rushing to make sure we got most of our work done on time but would end up with errors like with our commit messages. If we start tackling the sprint as soon as our stuff is weighed and assigned to someone we can deal with these errors earlier rather than later and still have plenty of time to help and review work.

As an Individual some things that I can improve on is making sure that I’m not holding my team back and leaving them with a lot of work.  Also teach myself more about GitLab, so I can find my work with ease. The issue I worked on was moving from commands to bins in the inventory system in general. I made sure to rename commands to bin and that all the script paths were set to bin. The only problem I ended up having was my build and test pipeline because they were asking for specific files. I just ended up disabling those pipelines and everything ran smoothly. Next sprint I plan on assigning more issues to myself so my team members don’t have to do more work than they need to and make sure that I’m contributing as well. I also plan on making sure I get started on my work earlier in the week instead of waiting until the last minute, so if I have any issues or problems I can make sure to ask my team head-on to get it figured out and solved sooner rather than later.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Kaylene Noel's Blog by Kaylene Noel and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Code Reviews

Reviewing your code is important, it makes sure that the code is correct and functions the way you want it to. Code review helps cover so many areas of your code. You want to make sure that your code is understandable for anybody else who looks at it and that it’s clear, by reviewing your code you can go back and fix anything that could be making your code more complicated. Code reviewing is important when working with a team, your team should understand what your code is trying to execute without being confused. When it comes to coding so much of your work can change throughout the process which is normal but with so many changes happening it can get confusing. Code reviewing comes with so many different solutions when it comes to writing code it nitpicks what parts are important or not. It’s a helpful tool that helps coders make sure they have clean code and that when working with a team everyone’s comments are heard and changes are made.

Code reviews can be tough if the team isn’t together so questions and comments can’t be answered. Another thing is that the code could be overlapping, and missing a team meeting could affect the code and confuse team members about what they should be writing ending up in similar code. If that happens the next person reviewing the code will find duplicate code and will end up pushing the team’s work behind. Making sure your team communicates will help prevent more code from having to be fixed and reviewed even though you don’t want to add more work on top of what you already have. Code review makes sure your work is good quality and organized. Having sloppy issues and mistakes doesn’t look good for you, your team, and your job. Code review is about making sure your work is organized and clean, you want to make sure you put out good work without having a lot of issues. Especially as a team you want to meet those standards and follow them. Always make sure to review your code because there could be small errors or even confusing comments that will make your code more complicated than it needs to be.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Kaylene Noel's Blog by Kaylene Noel and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The White Belt

The White Belt pattern is about adopting a beginner’s mindset when approaching new challenges, even if you’re an expert in a particular field. It encourages setting aside previous knowledge to embrace learning opportunities fully. This mindset shift is crucial for personal and professional growth, allowing people to discover new perspectives, solutions, and approaches. The White Belt pattern offers insights into the process of continuous learning and personal development. It talks about the importance of humility, curiosity, and openness to new experiences, which are important qualities for success in any job. Encourage people to step out of their comfort zones and embrace the unknown.

Something I thought was interesting is the aspect of the pattern and its application beyond programming languages. It has many examples from the field of software development, the principles can be applied to any job or profession. The idea of challenging misconceptions and learning from diverse perspectives is interesting. Also, the emphasis on adopting new skills and approaches to problem-solving is relevant in today’s world since it’s rapidly changing. 

This pattern has caused me to reflect on my approach to learning and problem-solving in my job. It has strengthened the importance of staying adaptable and continuously seeking new knowledge and experiences. Also, it has challenged me to be more open-minded and willing to embrace anything I’m uncertain about and discomfort as part of the learning process. While the White Belt pattern is about adopting a beginner’s mindset, it may overlook the existing expertise in certain situations. While it’s important to go for new challenges with modesty, it’s also important to recognize the strengths and knowledge that come from previous experiences. Keeping a balance of openness to new ideas with confidence in one’s skills is essential for effective learning and growth. In conclusion, the White Belt pattern offers great insights into the process of continuous learning and personal development. By embracing a beginner’s mindset, people can unlock new opportunities for growth and change in their personal and professional lives. However, it’s important to strike a balance between modesty and confidence, recognizing the value of both new perspectives and existing expertise.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Kaylene Noel's Blog by Kaylene Noel and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.