Author Archives: ergonutt

api uses

Starting the Docker service also starts the Docker Daemon. However, if you receive the “Cannot connect to the Docker daemon” error, the daemon may have failed to initiate.

Use the following command to run the daemon manually:

From the blog CS@Worcester – Andres Ovalles by ergonutt and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

rest query

As a computer science student, my recent deep dive into REST filters and queries has been an exciting journey, and I’m eager to share my newfound knowledge on my blog. This educational adventure has been made all the more engaging by drawing inspiration from a renowned source, “The Web Developer’s Guide to REST APIs,” an authoritative guide known for its in-depth insights. By harnessing the capabilities of REST filters and queries, I can adeptly extract, manipulate, and interpret data from various real-world APIs, offering invaluable insights for my web development endeavors.

The power of REST filters and queries becomes abundantly clear when applied to an API or database. These tools empower me to refine, categorize, sort, and arrange data with utmost precision. A simple yet potent filter allows me to isolate a specific subset of data, such as products falling within the “Beverages” category, using a query like: /products?filter=category eq 'Beverages'. This not only trims down the dataset returned but also permits a laser focus on the data that is most pertinent to my objectives. Furthermore, I can apply the $orderby parameter to arrange the results in ascending or descending order, perhaps alphabetically or by price, for a comprehensive understanding of the data landscape. This degree of command over data proves instrumental, especially when dealing with voluminous datasets in real-world applications.

REST queries, in addition to their filtering and sorting prowess, offer the capability to conduct intricate data operations. Consider, for instance, the need to identify the top 5 customers who have placed the highest number of orders. By adroitly combining the $filter and $orderby parameters, I can craft a query like: /customers?$filter=orderCount gt 0&$orderby=orderCount desc&$top=5. This flexible and nuanced data manipulation capacity is a linchpin in my decision-making process as a developer and is a skill set crucial for me to master. Consequently, anticipate an insightful journey as I delve deeper into the realms of REST filters and queries, leveraging the wisdom from “The Web Developer’s Guide to REST APIs,” to enhance my data manipulation expertise.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Andres Ovalles by ergonutt and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

rest apis

REST stands for Representational State Transfer. This means that when a client requests a resource using a REST API, the server transfers back the current state of the resource in a standardized representation.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Andres Ovalles by ergonutt and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

about plant uml

One of the reason I like PlantUML is that it forces me to design leveraging a common and standardized framework. It adds a level of formality to the process, which ensures I am conceptualizing my architecture correctly and communicating it clearly with concepts that everyone agrees on. It is a value I learned from the Army: we practices a standard way of making decisions and writing orders. By leveraging a standard modeling language I am not reinventing the wheel every time.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Andres Ovalles by ergonutt and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

First Post

Hello World! This is the first of hopefully many posts here… As a CS student I was tasked on making a weekly blog regarding my progress throughout the semester as I learn more stuff about software design through the course lectures, podcasts, and articles I find across my stay at WSU. I think this journal is a great idea. One thing I remember from a previous psychology course is that writing things down is a great memory reinforcement tool so hopefully whatever I jot down here I will be able to recall when I need it the most, not only that but I think that making this blogging thing a weekly habit will help me be more consistent on my extracurricular projects, because I must admit that I tend to neglect past projects whenever I start a new one, which happens often on a whim. This is the main reason why I added an archive, and made public a list of personal projects, so that in essence I am hanging my work on the wall ready for everyone to see, regardless if anybody actually sees it or not, the peer pressure I get from posting unfinished ideas will entice me to put more effort and love into them so that they stop being merely just ideas and become a finished product instead. Even if the quality leaves more to be desired, I must learn to finish what I start! So, in a sense, if this blog helps me be more consistent with my schoolwork as well as my personal projects, I would consider it a huge success. But I don’t want to stop just there.

I aspire to be a software developer one day, doing what exactly I am not entirely sure, but if there is any constant among every respectable professional out there is they all have some sort of journal that they share and discuss their findings as they develop new tools and design features for their projects (just like this school project!). Collaboration is a big part of this career, programmers borrow and share code all the time, so I think it’s fair play that we also share concepts and anecdotes with each other too. My goal with this website therefore is to join the cool kids club and write stuff down not only for me but for anyone that’s following my steps, of course there is not much to tell right now but who knows when it might prove useful one day.

I’ll stop daydreaming for now and get started

From the blog CS@Worcester – Andres Ovalles by ergonutt and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.