Author Archives: ioplay


Encapsulation is a technique in programming where the programmer hides the internal behavior of the object from the user. Encapsulation hide the inside view of the object from the user such that it only implements the behavior of the object. Usually the client does not need to know the detail of the program and that is exactly what encapsulation does.

Encapsulation hide the data for object and makes the variables as private, and expose only the property to access the private data which would be public. So, when you access the property you can validate the data and set it.

For example, let take a Mobile Phone and Mobile Phone company. Suppose you are a Mobile Phone company and you designed and developed a Mobile Phone design(class), now by using machinery you are making a Mobile Phone(object) for selling, when you sell your Mobile Phone the user only learn how to use the Mobile Phone and not how the Mobile Phone works.

Again, let consider a TV operation for example, the manufacturers encapsulate it with cover and we can only operate it with the remote and have no need to open the TV and change the channel.

In this regard, everything is in private except remote; so anyone can access to operate and change channel and not the things in TV.




From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Exploration by ioplay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Code review process

From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Exploration by ioplay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Exploration by ioplay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Test case Evaluation

From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Exploration by ioplay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Exploration by ioplay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

behavioral vs Structural Testing


From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Exploration by ioplay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Static vs Dynamic Testing

From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Exploration by ioplay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Factory design pattern

Factory Design Pattern

To begin exploring Factory design pattern, first of all, we need to know what factories are. Factories are simply functions that create objects and return them. In most cases you can use factories to design to code instead of classes, and they are much simpler and more readable than classes.

Even though classes have a lot of better performance, it is a good idea to use factories unless otherwise you are in a situation that requires you to instantiates many objects.  For example, factories will take averagely 0.0004 milliseconds to create an object in most case while class will take 0.0002 milliseconds to create an object; classes will reduce the time to half way as compare to factories. This comes to matter when you are creating about thousands of classes but when your classes are not that much you will never notice the difference and hence, will not be necessary.

Why do we need factory design pattern?  Now let think of it this way; in our codes, we uses a lot of objects. We have classes that instantiate object from class and we use them in many difference ways. In a strategy pattern, we use dependency injection where we imagine ahead of time what the objects will be doing. But at some point in our programming, that imagination has to be constructed. That is we need to instantiate our objects and the question is, where do we do that? This is what factory pattern try to address. In this regards, we say, when you are about to instantiate, let encapsulate them such that it span uniformly across all places so that you can use factory whenever you want to instantiate and the factory is responsible for instantiating appropriately.

Factory pattern gives you the ability to create objects without specifying the exact class of object that will be created; a class is chosen at run time using polymorphism.

For the matter, one will want to use factory pattern design when a method returns one of several possible classes that share a common super class. It is also a good idea to use factory design pattern to design your code when you do not know ahead of time what class object you will need. It is again useful when all of the potential classes are in the same subclass hierarchy and when you do not want the user to have to know every subclass in your code.

I chose to explore this topic as because I was unable to understand it on the go when we were treating it in class and I also got confused as to which pattern to use for my upcoming project and I decided to write this blog on factory pattern because I am impressed how you can use factories instead of classes to provide a clear code. I am actually redesigning my previous code using the factory pattern and I can figure out that everything looks simple at this point.



From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Exploration by ioplay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.



Testing is very important to the development of a successful program. Without testing, there would not be any guarantee that a particular designed code would fulfill it design purpose. There are basically four level f testing namely Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing and Acceptance Testing. I chose to explore and elaborate on these because we have just starting treating those topics in class starting with the Unit Testing. Due to time constraint, I would be describing the four levels of testing in a briefly manner as follows;

Unit Testing: Unit testing is done by programmers on a particular functions or code modules. White-box testing method is used to achieve this task.  Considering a code as a bulk program, unit testing will deal with each pieces of the code that comes together to form the code and make sure that each section of the code passes the test.  In this regards, it is easy to figure out which part of your code have a problem and solutions to non-functioning section of the code can be easily resolved. Sections of code can be testing on the go as they are created rather than wait till the end which might give you hard time figuring problem. Unit testing requires the knowledge of the internal program design and code.

Integration Testing: Integration testing is done after unit testing and it is a testing of combined parts of an application to determine their functional correctness. Unlike the unit testing which test individual pieces of the code, Integration testing gives you the opportunity to gather all the pieces or sections and test them as a group. This will enable you to determine how efficiently all the unit of your code is working together or to technically verify proper interfaces between modules and sub systems.

System Testing: System testing ensures that the system is in line with all the requirements and has meets the quality standards as well the code design purposes. It is the first level of testing the whole code or program to make sure the entire program is working as one unit. System test is often done by an individual who is not part of the developing group and it is very necessary because it ensures the program or code is meets the technical, functional and business requirements that they were tasked to design.

Acceptance Testing: Acceptance testing is related to the user and is designed for the user to test the system to see if it meets their standard. In other words, it is to verify that the system meets the user requirements. In this stage of testing, if nothing changes and the software passes, the program will be delivered to the entity they that need it and the programmers work is done.

It is important for one to note that all these levels of testing are done progressively from unit testing to acceptance testing. I have come to note that I cannot jump to acceptance testing without first doing the unit, integration and system testing. This is going to have a great impact in my career as I have now known and understand clearly how the testing is done.




From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Exploration by ioplay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Software Design Patterns

Software Design Patterns

Depending on the type of project you are designing, there will always be a need to adopt a particular pattern that clearly represents your design. There are many design patterns that a programmer can rely on to present his or her project. For the purpose of studies, I will be exploring and discussion the three most useful design patterns categories. Thus creational design pattern, structural design pattern and Behavioral design pattern. Below is a brief description of each pattern.

Creational Design pattern: This type of design create object as needed within a code and allows for abstract factory which group objects of similar functionality. This also uses polymorphism to allow one object to inherit multiple behaviors within a method. In this pattern, you do not need to declare the exact class or type because polymorphism is used at the end to assign behavior. Usually, an abstract prototype is created and the base classes that inherit it are defined.

Structural Design pattern: Structural patterns deals largely with composition of classes and object by using inheritance and interfaces to enable objects to gives out new functionality. It often has an abstract class which uses method signatures and behaviors for the classes that will implement the interfaces. In structural patterns, objects are group according to their behavior and what they inherit. Also, modifications of object are done before finalizing your code.

Behavioral Design pattern: This is a type of pattern that allows for the behavior of a class to change base on it current state; even though, these states are always changed in the entire programming, implementation of each state is defined by a unique interface. It also allows for new operations to be added to an object without having to modify its original implementation structure.

In general, when you are talking about code responsibility, you really want to have your methods to your classes do one thing and do it well. Bringing it to real life example, it is like texting and driving; there is no way to achieve both effectively at the same time. You are either going to be driving off the road while texting well or driving well and not texting regularly. This implies, having your code do two or more things will make it do one thing well and do badly with the rest. Also, changing one thing on base class might have side effect on the other too. In this case, as a designer, you will want to extend your classes rather than modifying them. Even though you will have more classes created in order to have them do one thing, it is worth doing that because it will provide a clear presentation of your code. This is going to help me a lot in the future because I am going to adopt having classes of my code perform one task which will provides higher efficiency.



From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Exploration by ioplay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.