Author Archives: Trung Hiếu

Sprint-3 Retrospective Blog Post

Tasks/Issues that I worked on in Sprint-3:

1. Cleanup and Enhancement (Reporting Backend) (

Assigned alongside Isaac, Victor, and Andi, I undertook the task of consolidating enhancements made to the reporting backend during earlier sprints. My role involved conducting a thorough review to ensure clarity and accessibility for future developers. While I completed the task successfully, I acknowledged the need for additional time to refine code cleanliness further.

2. Documentation Review (Documentation Repository under Reporting System) (

Independently assigned, I reviewed the reportingsystem documentation repository to identify any inaccuracies. After a comprehensive review, I found the repository to be accurate and well-structured, requiring no immediate changes. However, I recognized the importance of ongoing documentation maintenance to keep information up-to-date.

3. ReportingIntegration Documentation Update (

In another individual task, I updated the reportingintegration documentation to reflect recent changes. This included updating the file to ensure proper linting functionality and modifying file paths for improved readability. Despite encountering an issue with dead links, which I consulted with our professor about, the documentation updates were otherwise successful.

4. Code Cleanup and Refactoring (Reporting Integration) (

Collaborating with Victor, I worked on cleaning up and refactoring code within the Reporting Integration module. This involved rewording, rephrasing, and highlighting phrases in documentation files to enhance readability. While completing this task without issues, I acknowledged the need to dedicate more time to code cleanliness for improved team collaboration and understanding.

Reflection on what worked well:

Improved Docker Pipeline Configuration: We successfully configured Docker pipelines, addressing path issues and ensuring smooth file copying into containers, enhancing our development workflow.
Effective Scripting: Our development efforts were streamlined with the implementation of scripts like bin build and, contributing to efficient Docker operations and backend development processes.
Communication and Task Management: Clear communication through GitLab issues and effective task management ensured that team members were aligned, contributing to productivity and progress tracking.

Reflection on what didn’t work well:

Linter Configuration Challenges: We faced difficulties in setting up linters, particularly with es.lint configuration files and syntax checking, impacting code quality validation.
Docker-compose Issues: Challenges arose in creating Docker Compose files that adequately handled starting MongoDB, RabbitMQ, and backend services, causing complexities in deployment.
Dependency Management: Struggles with dependency management led to inconsistencies in development environments across team members, hindering collaboration and code compatibility.

Reflection on changes to improve as a team:

Enhanced Teamwork and Collaboration: We aim to foster a stronger collaborative environment where team members assist each other with tasks and share knowledge effectively, improving productivity and problem-solving capabilities.
Improved Documentation and Knowledge Sharing: Documenting processes, configurations, and troubleshooting steps will facilitate smoother workflows, onboarding for new team members, and better understanding of project intricacies.
Streamlined Development Processes: Automating repetitive tasks like linting and formatting will reduce manual effort, enhance code quality, and ensure consistent development standards across the team.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Hieu Tran Blog by Trung Hiếu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Strength in In-Depth Exploration

Pattern Summary:

The “Dig Deeper” pattern from “Apprenticeship Patterns” advises aspiring software craftsmen to explore their craft beyond surface-level understanding. It emphasizes the importance of curiosity, continuous learning, and seeking deeper insights into software development concepts, tools, and techniques.

Reaction to the Pattern:

Upon reading about the “Dig Deeper” pattern, I was immediately struck by its relevance and applicability to my journey as a software enthusiast. What stood out to me as particularly intriguing and valuable was the idea of embracing curiosity as a driving force for growth. This pattern encourages us to go beyond mere familiarity with programming languages or frameworks and delve into the underlying principles, design patterns, and best practices that shape our craft. It has sparked a renewed sense of curiosity and passion for exploring the depths of software development.

Impact on Professional Perspective:

The “Dig Deeper” pattern has had a profound impact on how I view my intended profession and approach learning. It has shifted my focus from superficial knowledge acquisition to a more profound understanding of core concepts and foundational principles. By digging deeper into software development topics, I’ve gained a deeper appreciation for the intricacies and complexities of the craft. This pattern has reshaped my learning strategies, prompting me to prioritize depth over breadth and invest time in mastering fundamental concepts.

Disagreements and Critiques:

While I wholeheartedly embrace the essence of “Dig Deeper,” one potential challenge I’ve encountered is the overwhelming volume of information available in the software development realm. It can be daunting to decide which areas to delve deeper into and how to manage the depth of exploration effectively. However, I’ve found that setting specific learning goals, leveraging resources like documentation, tutorials, and mentorship, and focusing on practical application have helped overcome this challenge.

Overall Reflection:

Embracing the “Dig Deeper” pattern has been a transformative experience in my professional development journey. It has fueled my curiosity, expanded my knowledge horizon, and enriched my problem-solving capabilities. By diving deeper into software development concepts, I’ve gained confidence, resilience, and a deeper sense of fulfillment in my craft. This pattern has instilled in me a lifelong commitment to continuous learning and mastery, shaping the way I approach challenges, collaborate with peers, and contribute meaningfully to the software development community.

“Dig Deeper” serves as a guiding principle for aspiring software craftsmen, urging us to move beyond surface-level understanding and embrace the depths of our craft. By cultivating curiosity, seeking deeper insights, and mastering fundamental concepts, we pave the way for growth, innovation, and excellence in our profession.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Hieu Tran Blog by Trung Hiếu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Recording the Journey

Pattern Summary:
“Record What You Learn” from the book “Apprenticeship Patterns” emphasizes the importance of documenting and organizing your learning experiences as a software craftsman. It encourages apprentices to maintain a journal or log of their progress, insights, challenges, and solutions throughout their journey of learning and mastering software development.

Reaction to the Pattern:
This pattern resonated deeply with me as it highlights a crucial aspect of professional growth: continuous learning and reflection. What I found most interesting and useful about this pattern is its emphasis on active engagement with one’s learning process. By recording what we learn, whether it’s new programming techniques, problem-solving strategies, or insights from failures, we create a valuable resource for future reference and self-improvement. This pattern has significantly influenced my approach to learning and working in the software development field.

Impact on Professional Perspective:
“Record What You Learn” has caused a notable shift in how I perceive my intended profession and my approach to work. Previously, I often relied on memory or scattered notes to capture my learning experiences. However, this pattern has taught me the immense value of structured documentation. I now see my journal as a treasure trove of lessons learned, growth milestones, and areas for improvement. It has become a tool for self-assessment, goal-setting, and tracking progress, ultimately enhancing my effectiveness as a software craftsman.

Disagreements and Critiques:
While I wholeheartedly agree with the importance of recording what we learn, one potential challenge is maintaining consistency and discipline in documenting every learning experience. Balancing work responsibilities, learning endeavors, and documentation efforts can be demanding. However, I’ve found that integrating journaling into my daily or weekly routine has helped mitigate this challenge.

Overall Reflection:
Incorporating the “Record What You Learn” pattern into my professional journey has been transformative. It has instilled in me a sense of accountability and mindfulness in my learning process. I now approach challenges with a more structured mindset, knowing that each solution, mistake, or insight contributes to my growth. This pattern has reinforced the idea that true mastery in software development comes not just from technical skills but also from continuous learning, reflection, and adaptation.

“Record What You Learn” serves as a guiding principle for aspiring software craftsmen, reminding us that our learning journey is as valuable as the destination. By embracing the discipline of documenting our experiences, we pave the way for continuous improvement, innovation, and success in our profession.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Hieu Tran Blog by Trung Hiếu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint-2 Retrospective Blog – Team OL-2

As we conclude Sprint-2 and gather for our retrospective meeting, it’s crucial to delve into what went well and identify areas where we can enhance our performance moving forward. Here’s a detailed reflection on our observations and insights:

Reflection on what worked well:

During Sprint-2, our team made notable progress in several areas compared to the previous sprint, demonstrating our ability to adapt and improve:

  1. Enhanced Communication: Communication within the team showed significant improvement, with members actively engaging in discussions, sharing progress updates, and addressing challenges effectively. Our meetings were more focused, productive, and purposeful, leading to better collaboration and decision-making.
  2. Productive Meetings: Our meetings were more structured and goal-oriented, providing valuable opportunities for planning tasks, discussing issues, and aligning on project goals. This contributed to a clearer understanding of individual responsibilities and project progress.
  3. Improved Task Weighting: Adjusting task weights based on our learnings from Sprint-1 resulted in a more accurate reflection of task complexity. This led to a better-balanced workload distribution among team members, ensuring that tasks were appropriately scoped and assigned.
  4. Enhanced Understanding of Project Management Tools: Our team gained a better understanding of using GitLab, particularly the issues and epic boards. This improvement allowed for smoother task management, clearer progress tracking, and better coordination among team members.

Reflection on what didn’t work well:

Despite our progress, Sprint-2 also presented us with challenges and areas for improvement:

  1. Persistent Docker-compose Issues: We continued to face challenges with Docker-compose issues and documentation, impacting task completion and overall efficiency. Addressing these technical hurdles remains a priority for future sprints.
  2. Individual Workload: While collaboration improved, some team members still worked on tasks independently without seeking or receiving sufficient support from others. This hindered overall productivity and efficiency in task execution.
  3. Task Dependencies: Certain tasks were blocked due to dependencies on issues assigned to other teams. This led to delays in task completion and affected our overall task completion rate.

Reflection on changes to improve as a team:

To enhance our team’s performance and effectiveness, we have identified several key areas for improvement:

  1. Promoting Better Collaboration: We aim to foster even better teamwork by encouraging more collaboration, knowledge sharing, and mutual support among team members.
  2. Improving Code Cleanliness and Documentation: Clearer documentation, standardized coding practices, and a focus on code cleanliness will contribute to smoother development processes, easier collaboration, and improved project comprehension.
  3. Effective Task Prioritization and Dependency Management: We plan to prioritize tasks effectively, address dependencies proactively, and communicate any blockers or challenges promptly.
  4. Enhancing Communication Channels: We aim to enhance communication channels within the team, ensuring that information is shared transparently, decisions are communicated clearly, and feedback is provided constructively.

Reflection on changes to improve as an individual:

During Sprint-2, I successfully completed two assigned tasks. The first task involved checking linters and configuring them if necessary for the reporting integration with Victor. This task required running all linters and ensuring that the project passed all tests. I encountered errors related to disallowed words and had to decide whether to reword, add exceptions, or disable certain rules before the relevant code lines to pass the linter tests. Despite these challenges, we completed the task smoothly without any major issues.

The second task was updating documentation to reflect recent changes for reportingAPI and reportingbackend. This included addressing references to the “commands” folder instead of “bin,” adding information about GitPod to, and updating the outdated I successfully completed this task as well, ensuring that the documentation accurately reflected the project’s current state without encountering any obstacles.

As an individual team member, I have identified areas for personal improvement and growth:

  1. Attention to Detail: I recognize the importance of meticulous attention to detail in my work to avoid oversights and ensure thoroughness in task execution.
  2. Proactive Collaboration: I aim to offer more assistance to fellow team members, proactively collaborate on tasks, and share knowledge and expertise.
  3. Effective Time Management: Prioritizing tasks effectively, managing time efficiently, and communicating any challenges or delays promptly will contribute to smoother task execution and improved productivity.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Hieu Tran Blog by Trung Hiếu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Power of Consistent Practice


In the world of software development, the mantra of “Practice, Practice, Practice” resonates deeply with aspiring craftsmen. This pattern from the book Apprenticeship Patterns by Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye emphasizes the critical role of deliberate practice in mastering any skill, especially in the realm of programming.

My Reaction

The essence of this pattern is simple yet profound: improvement comes through consistent and focused practice. As I delved into this pattern, I couldn’t help but reflect on my own journey as a budding software developer. Often, I find myself oscillating between bouts of intense coding sessions and periods of procrastination. This pattern serves as a wake-up call, reminding me that true growth stems from disciplined and purposeful practice.

What struck me as particularly insightful about this pattern is its emphasis on deliberate practice. It’s not just about clocking in hours mindlessly; rather, it’s about setting specific goals, pushing oneself out of comfort zones, and seeking feedback to refine one’s skills. This approach resonates with the concept of “deep work” championed by Cal Newport, where undistracted focus on challenging tasks leads to substantial progress.

This pattern challenged my perception of talent and innate ability. The authors stress that talent is overrated and that mastery is achievable through dedicated practice. This perspective is empowering as it shifts the focus from fixed traits to actionable steps that anyone can take to improve.

However, I do have a slight disagreement with the notion that “talent doesn’t matter.” While I agree that hard work and practice are paramount, acknowledging individual differences in aptitude can also be valuable. Some may grasp concepts more quickly or possess a natural affinity for certain aspects of programming. Nonetheless, the core message of this pattern remains invaluable: consistent practice is the cornerstone of excellence.

As I reflect on how this pattern has influenced my approach to software development, I am inspired to adopt a more structured practice regimen. Setting aside dedicated time each day for deliberate practice, tackling challenging problems, seeking constructive feedback, and tracking progress are strategies I plan to implement rigorously.

The “Practice, Practice, Practice” pattern serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative impact of focused practice. It has reshaped my mindset, emphasizing the journey of improvement over notions of inherent talent. Through disciplined practice, I aim to embark on a path of continuous growth and mastery in software craftsmanship.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Hieu Tran Blog by Trung Hiếu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Being the Least Skilled: Good or Bad?

The “Be the Worst” pattern advises individuals to seek out environments where they are not the most skilled or knowledgeable. Instead of always aiming to be the best, this pattern encourages embracing discomfort and challenges that come with being the least skilled person in the room. By immersing oneself in such environments, individuals can experience accelerated growth, learning, and personal development.

The “Be the Worst” pattern has profoundly impacted my perspective on professional growth and skill development. It challenged me to rethink the notion of always striving to be the best and instead highlighted the immense value in stepping into situations where I may feel inadequate or outmatched.

What resonated with me the most about this pattern is its emphasis on humility, openness to learning, and the willingness to embrace discomfort. It acknowledges that growth often occurs outside of one’s comfort zone and that being the least skilled person in a group can be a powerful catalyst for improvement.

This pattern has caused a significant shift in how I approach my intended profession as a software developer. Instead of seeking validation from being the best, I now prioritize seeking environments where I can learn the most, even if it means initially feeling uncomfortable or challenged.

One aspect that I found particularly thought-provoking about this pattern is its recognition of the importance of humility in learning. It encourages individuals to set aside their ego and embrace the learning process fully, regardless of their current skill level.

While I wholeheartedly agree with the premise of the “Be the Worst” pattern, I also recognize the importance of finding a balance. It’s essential to have supportive environments where one can leverage their strengths while still being pushed to grow and improve.

“Be the Worst” pattern has inspired me to embrace challenges, seek out learning opportunities, and approach skill development with a mindset of continuous improvement. It has reshaped my perspective on professional growth, emphasizing the value of discomfort and humility in the journey towards mastery.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Hieu Tran Blog by Trung Hiếu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Craft Over Art: A Journey of Mastery

Summary of Craft Over Art:

The “Craft over Art” pattern delves into the distinction between craftsmanship and artistic expression within the realm of software development. It emphasizes the importance of prioritizing craftsmanship, which entails mastering the fundamental skills and techniques required to create high-quality software, over the pursuit of artistic flair.

My reaction:

Upon encountering the “Craft over Art” pattern, I found myself reflecting deeply on the essence of software development as a craft. What struck me most was the notion that craftsmanship transcends mere creativity or innovation—it embodies a dedication to continuous learning, refinement, and adherence to best practices. This perspective has profoundly influenced my perception of my intended profession as a software developer.

Initially, I was drawn to software development by the allure of innovation and the opportunity to unleash my creativity through code. However, this pattern prompted me to reconsider the significance of honing my technical skills and adopting disciplined practices. It made me realize that while creativity has its place in software development, it is craftsmanship that truly underpins the creation of reliable, maintainable, and scalable software solutions.

Moreover, the pattern’s emphasis on mastery resonated with me on a personal level. It sparked a realization that becoming a proficient software developer requires more than just technical prowess—it demands a commitment to continuous improvement and a willingness to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.

While I wholeheartedly agree with the premise of prioritizing craftsmanship over artistry in software development, I acknowledge that striking a balance between the two is essential. Creativity and innovation undoubtedly drive progress in our field, but without a solid foundation of craftsmanship, they risk being mere flashes in the pan. Therefore, I believe that the key lies in integrating artistic expression with the principles of craftsmanship, leveraging creativity to enhance the quality and elegance of our code.

“Craft over Art” pattern has been instrumental in shaping my understanding of software development as a craft. It has inspired me to prioritize mastery, discipline, and continuous learning in my journey as a software developer, ultimately guiding me towards the path of excellence in my profession.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Hieu Tran Blog by Trung Hiếu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint #1 Retrospective Blog

Upon completing our first sprint and gathering for our retrospective meeting, it’s essential to reflect on what went well and identify areas where we can improve moving forward. Here’s a breakdown of our observations:

Reflection on what worked well:

  • We successfully completed most of the small issues, achieving a completion rate of around 75%, which demonstrates our ability to tackle tasks effectively.
  • Our meetings, though limited in frequency, were productive and provided valuable opportunities for discussion and collaboration.
  • The quality of communication within the team was commendable, fostering a supportive and transparent environment for sharing progress and addressing challenges.

Reflection on what didn’t work well:

  • We encountered challenges with Docker-compose issues and documentation, which impacted our ability to complete tasks efficiently.
  • Despite aiming for a total weight of 20, we only managed to achieve 15, indicating a discrepancy between the assigned weights and the actual difficulty of the tasks.
  • Details for issues were not easily accessible, as they were only located within the epics, leading to confusion and inefficiency.
  • Issue distribution was uneven, with some team members shouldering heavier workloads than others.
  • All GitLab logistics were handled by one person, potentially causing bottlenecks and hindering collaboration.
  • Individuals tended to work on issues independently, lacking assistance or support from other group members.

What changes could be made to improve as a team:

Better teamwork should be our top priority if we want to grow as a group. To do this, we should encourage teammates to help one another out when necessary and promote cooperation and knowledge exchange. Furthermore, by more precisely allocating weights in light of the lessons we learned from the previous sprint, we can guarantee that activities are appropriately scoped and assigned, averting disparities in workload allocation. Cooperation and efficiency will be enhanced by improving our knowledge of using GitLab and proactively supporting team members when necessary. Furthermore, it can facilitate communication and task execution to make issue details directly accessible from the issue itself, as opposed to only from the epic. Lastly, delegating tasks to one another instead of having one person do them all helps spread responsibilities fairly and encourage a sense of ownership among team members.

Works that I was assigned for and what changes could be made to improve as an individual:
During the previous sprint, I tackled two tasks within the ReportingBackend and ReportingIntegration projects for our LibreFoodPantry endeavor. For the first task, I was assigned with renaming the “commands” folder to “bin” ( for both Reporting Backend and Reporting Integration. This involved not only simply renaming the folder but also ensuring that any references to “commands” within the codebase were updated to “bin” to maintain consistency. Although I successfully made the necessary changes to the scripts paths and ensured the projects ran smoothly, I overlooked updating all related documentation, which remained referencing the old paths.

For the second issue, I took on the challenge of integrating the AlexJS linter into the ReportingIntegration project’s pipelines ( While initially encountering difficulties due to missing scripts, I leveraged external resources provided by our professor to overcome these obstacles. However, my decision to ignore certain files in the AlexJS test led to later feedback about refining this approach.

Moving forward, I recognize the importance of meticulous attention to detail and thoroughness in my work to avoid similar oversights and prioritize spending ample time on each task.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Hieu Tran Blog by Trung Hiếu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Expose Your Ignorance – Embracing Vulnerability in Learning

So, before we dive into this week’s pattern, I realized I forgot to mention something in my last blog post. I previously wrote about “Confront Your Ignorance” but totally forgot to touch upon its counterpart, “Expose Your Ignorance.”

Summary of Expose Your Ignorance:

“Expose Your Ignorance” is all about embracing vulnerability and being open about what you don’t know. Instead of trying to hide our lack of knowledge, this pattern encourages us to shine a light on it, seeking help and guidance from others.

Key points of the pattern include:

  1. Be Honest About Your Limitations: It’s okay not to know everything. By admitting our ignorance, we create opportunities for learning and growth.
  2. Ask Questions Freely: Don’t be afraid to ask questions, even if they seem basic or obvious. Asking questions is a sign of curiosity and a willingness to learn.
  3. Seek Feedback: Actively seek feedback from peers and mentors. Constructive criticism is essential for improvement, and it’s important to be open to receiving it.
  4. Share Your Journey: Don’t keep your learning journey to yourself. Share your experiences, challenges, and successes with others. Not only does this help you connect with fellow learners, but it also creates a supportive community.

My Reaction:

So, here’s the thing: “Expose Your Ignorance” hits home for me in a big way. As someone who’s always been a bit shy about asking questions or admitting when I don’t know something, this pattern really challenged me to step out of my comfort zone.

One aspect of the pattern that I found particularly thought-provoking is the idea of asking questions freely. It’s easy to feel self-conscious about asking questions, especially when you’re surrounded by people who seem to know it all. However, this pattern reminded me that asking questions is not a sign of weakness but rather a sign of strength – it shows that you’re engaged and eager to learn.

On the flip side, I do have a bit of a disagreement with the pattern when it comes to seeking feedback. While I agree that feedback is important, I think it’s equally important to be discerning about whose feedback you seek. Not all feedback is created equal, and it’s important to seek out mentors and peers whose opinions you trust and respect.

In conclusion, “Expose Your Ignorance” has really shifted my perspective on learning and vulnerability. By embracing my ignorance and being open about what I don’t know, I’m creating opportunities for growth and connection in my journey as a software craftsman.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Hieu Tran Blog by Trung Hiếu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Concrete Skills – Building a Solid Foundation

Summary of Concrete Skills:

In the world of software development, it’s easy to get caught up in the latest technologies and trends. However, the Concrete Skills pattern reminds us of the importance of building a solid foundation of fundamental skills.

Key points of the pattern include:

  1. Mastering Fundamentals: Instead of chasing after every shiny new tool or framework, focus on mastering the fundamental skills that underpin software development. This includes things like algorithms, data structures, and design principles.
  2. Practical Application: Don’t just learn theory for the sake of it – apply your knowledge in practical ways. Whether it’s through coding exercises, personal projects, or internships, practical experience is essential for solidifying your skills.
  3. Continuous Improvement: Learning is a lifelong journey, and it’s important to continually strive for improvement. Seek out opportunities for learning and growth, and never become complacent with your current level of skill.
  4. Balanced Learning: While it’s important to focus on concrete skills, don’t neglect other aspects of your development, such as communication skills, teamwork, and domain knowledge.

My Reaction:

The Concrete Skills pattern really struck a chord with me because it reinforced something I’ve been realizing lately: the importance of mastering the basics. In a field that’s constantly evolving, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information out there. However, this pattern reminded me that by focusing on mastering fundamental skills, I can build a strong foundation that will serve me well throughout my career.

One aspect of the pattern that particularly resonated with me is the emphasis on practical application. I’ve always been a hands-on learner, so I appreciate the importance of applying theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. Whether it’s through coding challenges or personal projects, I’ve found that practical experience not only reinforces my understanding but also helps me discover new areas for growth.

That being said, I do have a slight disagreement with the pattern when it comes to balancing learning. While I agree that it’s important to focus on concrete skills, I also believe that soft skills such as communication and teamwork are equally important. In today’s collaborative work environment, being able to effectively communicate and collaborate with others is essential for success.

In conclusion, the Concrete Skills pattern has reinforced my belief in the importance of mastering the fundamentals and continually seeking opportunities for growth. By focusing on building a solid foundation of skills, I’m confident that I’ll be well-equipped to tackle whatever challenges come my way in my journey as a software craftsman.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Hieu Tran Blog by Trung Hiếu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.