Category Archives: TDD

Week 11

Deciding on a topic this week I decided to delve into Test Driven Development (TDD). I found an article with an engaging title “Test-Driven Development (TDD): A Time-Tested Recipe for Quality Software” by Ferdinando Santacroce. This would be very useful for me and the whole class because it’s fresh in our minds and we will continue to work with this concept. Getting a firmer grasp on this topic will help me with future assignments and homework. It’s always great to get an insider view with experience inside the field connecting it to what we learn in class.

This article begins with the history of TDD giving credit to Kent Beck one of the first “extreme programmers”. At the time nobody had ever reversed the idea of testing starting with a test instead of the actual code. The purpose of writing a test before the code would help programmers put them in the perspective of the maker making it easier to create the software. This would make more tunnel-focused code with much more simplicity because of just focusing on the test. Plus the codes get rapid feedback because all the tests have been made. TDD has the fastest feedback loop only surpassed by pair programing. Currently, TDD is widespread inside the field and several teams utilize it day to day. It’s hard to adapt to this type of coding scheme but with time it is proven to be a key to success. Minor grievances may also come up because this type of process can be too rigid or the lack of tools.  

After reading this article getting a glimpse into the history of how this came to be. It didn’t specifically specify when it started but I assume it was around the 90s because it mentions how common it is now. Understanding the benefits of doing this test answers my question why would you decide to do your coding process in reverse? What we have been learning is that it will be conventional to have code and then write the test connected to the already processed code. The benefits of cutting down time because of the faster feedback times and leading to less complicated code, I now understand its purpose. That is a recurring theme with code the simpler the better because you are never working alone. Maybe it is a self-contained project but your future self may not understand your complex code and updates to the code should be easy to do not a headache.

From the blog cs-wsu – DCO by dcastillo360 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Pairwise and Combinatorial Testing

The article “Combinatorial Testing” focuses on the insights of software testing methods. This article explores the evolution of combinatorial testing, talking about advancements in algorithm performance and constraint representation. The article also talks about the importance in detecting interaction failures within software systems. The article also demonstrates the effectiveness of t-way combinations fault detection across various domains. The article “Pairwise Testing” talks about pair testing as a permutation and combination technique aimed at testing each pair of input parameters to ensure that the system if functioning properly across all possible combinations. The article also addresses the many benefits of pairwise testing and it’s role in reducing test execution time and cost while maintaining test coverage. Also, it talks about the challenges associated with pairwise testing, including the limitations in detecting interactions beyond pairwise combinations.

Pairwise Testing

pairwise testing is a software testing method that aims to comprehensively validate the behavior of a system by testing all possible pairs of input parameters. This method is mainly used when many of the defects in software systems are triggered by interactions between pairs of input parameters, rather than by individual parameters in isolation.

Benefits & Challenges

some benefits that pairwise offers is, efficiency: by testing the combinations of two input parameters at a time. This reduce’s the number of test cases required compared to exhaustive testing. pairwise testing also offers effective defect detection: by effectively finding defects that are triggered by interactions between pairs of input parameters, pairwise testing also helps to identify certain scenarios by systematically exploring pairs of parameters. Some challenges that pairwise testing may face is when it comes to parameter selection. Selecting the right parameters is crucial and requires a lot of knowledge of the software and it’s potential interaction scenarios. If the wrong parameter is selected this can lead to incomplete test coverage and missed defects.

Combinatorial Testing

Combinatorial testing is a software testing technique that focuses on efficiently testing the interactions between different input parameters of a system. This test method involves generating a set of test cases that include various combinations of input values / specific parameter values.

Benefits & Challenges

Some benefits of combinational testing include improved software quality: by being able to identify and address the interaction failures early in the development process. This test method tests various combinations of input parameters, which can help find defects that could impact the systems performance. A challenge that combinational testing may face is the scalability. Combinatorial testing is effective for small to medium sized systems and when scaling it to large and complex systems with a high number of input parameters and values, you may run into some problems.

Why did I pick this Article?

I pick these two article that talk about pairwise and combinatorial testing because both these test methods stand at the forefront of software test methods. The article’s goes into details about how both of these test methods offer an efficient way to ensure comprehensive test coverage while minimizing redundancy. Both of these articles have taught me a lot about pairwise and combinational testing.


After reading both of these articles, I have gained a greater understanding of both these test cases. With the new found knowledge, I aspire to apply pairwise and combinatorial testing techniques in my future projects. Both these test methods offer practical solutions to common testing challenges, and by incorporating them into my future endeavors I aim to contribute to the development of reliable software systems.

Article link is here:

From the blog CS@Worcester – In's and Out's of Software Testing by Jaylon Brodie and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Understanding Test Driven Development in Software Engineering

Test Driven Development is a method in software development in which tests are created before the actual code. By writing test before hand, developers have a clear understanding of what will need to implemented, which can help avoid unnecessary errors. This approach will help to have the software behave as expected. This method is a structured and systematic approach. This test method is doesn’t just focus on testing, however it also focuses on quality and behavior. The main goal of this test method is to ensure that the code meets the specified requirements and behaves as expected. Test Driven Development helps with clarifying requirements, reducing defects, and improving the code maintainability.

How does it work?

Test Driven Development operates on a cycle like, first write a test, second make it run, third change the code to make it pass, and then repeat. Developers should first write a test that will analyze the behavior that they want implement. After running the test and writing and rewriting the code to make the test pass, developers will then need to continue reframing the code to improve it’s design and maintainability without changing it’s behavior. This process will make sure that that each piece of code is throughly tested and validate before moving on to the next.

Test Driven Development vs Traditional Testing

The difference between Test Drive Development and Traditional testing is that test driven development method has a different approach and objective. Traditional testing methods usually aim to find bugs or even defects in code, test driven development mainly focuses on making sure that the code meets the specific requirements. A failed test in test driven development method tells the developers to write new code to fulfill the requirement’s, and it also tends to make sure that the code will be lead to higher quality, with fewer defects.

There are also two levels of test driven development that focuses on different aspects of software development. Those two levels being Acceptance TDD and Developer TDD. Acceptance involves writing acceptance test that verify the overall behavior of the systems based on the users requirements. Development TDD, focuses on writing unit tests for individual components or modules of the system.

Why Did I pick this Article?

I chose this article because Test Driven Development is a very important concept in software engineering. This article has taught me a lot about test driven development , which include numerous benefits like improved quality of code, reduced bugs and fewer defects, and faster development cycle. These many advantages are valuable for any software development project.


After reading this article, i have learned a lot about Test Driven Development and it’s many advantages. One key take away for me was how in this method developers are to write test before actually writing the code, which can help in clarifying and ensuring that the code is correct and meets the required specifications. I also found how the article talks about the difference between test driven development and traditional testing methods. Learning about the Acceptance TDD framework helped me with my understanding of how test drive development can be scaled for larger projects and integrated into Acceptance methods.

Now that my understanding has been enlighten with this new found valuable knowledge and insights into test driven development methods, I can apply this in my future software development projects. I will also be able to writer better, cleaner, and more maintainable code when using this method.

Article link is Here:

From the blog CS@Worcester – In's and Out's of Software Testing by Jaylon Brodie and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Clean Coder: Chapter 7 & 8

This week in the Clean Coder I read chapters 7 and 8. These chapters covered a lot about testing. Acceptance testing and testing strategies to be specific. One of the more interesting topics that was talked about was estimates. This is an interesting topic to me because a few months back I listened to an interesting podcast on the same exact topic. Now Uncle Bob didn’t go into as much details here as did Steve McConnell on the podcast but he made the most important point:

Professional developers understand that estimates can, and should, be made
based on low precision requirements, and recognize that those estimates are

The later-half of that quote is the important part. The statement that estimates are estimates is important. A lot of the time estimates are taken as absolute fact in industry and unfortunately this has become poor practice. Once we remember that estimates are estimates then we start taking uncertainty back into account and everyone is happier for it.

In chapter 8 Uncle Bob began talking about testing strategies. The first point he decided to hit was actually a reiteration of something he said in an earlier chapter, “QA Should Find Nothing”. My understanding initially is that as a developer you should make sure QA has NO role. However, this is not the case. The issue here was my view on the role of the QA engineers. I assumed that their job was to catch the bugs I missed. This is wrong. According to Uncle Bob their role should consist of creating automated acceptance tests and characterizing the true  behavior of an application.

The rest of chapter 8 continues to talk about the different types or stages of automated testing. These are things like; unit testing, component testing, integration testing, system testing and exploratory testing. These are all things I’ve talked about in previous blog posts so I won’t spend too much time talking about them. I do however, want to note one thing Uncle Bob mentioned,

Unit tests provide as close to 100% coverage as is practical. Generally this
number should be somewhere in the 90s. And it should be true coverage as
opposed to false tests that execute code without asserting its behavior.

It’s interesting that when he talks about code coverage he makes it a point to say that our tests should assert something about >90% of the code we’ve written.

That’s all for this week. I look forward to the next week’s chapters which talk about Management and go into more depth about Estimations!!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tyler Lundstrom by CS@Worcester – Tyler Lundstrom and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Ugh! PHP Unit Testing

I tend to spend a lot of time programming in PHP in my free time. One of the things I have been looking at, since I am taking a software testing class, is PHPUnit and unit testing in PHP. I was getting discouraged with how odd PHPUnit seemed in comparison to the ease of use of something like JUnit. I stumbled upon this blog post that is a conversation between two people about PHPUnit.

The conversation starts with Ed explaining how he doesn’t like PHPUnit specifically:

Ed: I guess realistically my complaints are aimed at PHPUnit . It’s very powerful and very complete from what I can tell, but I think it’s difficult to pick up and I think that difficulty makes people less likely to use it. Because it’s by far the best known testing tool, I think that tends to limit the use of unit testing, period, in PHP.

He goes on to state how other languages have unit testing support that are far easier to use. Java and Python for example have extremely easy to use unit testing frameworks/built in features.

After a little while he continues to explain the reasons he believes PHPUnit is so intimidating:

Ed: I think boilerplate is part of the issue. I think that’s intimidating. Tools can mitigate that to some extent, but I don’t think it eliminates the problem entirely. I just don’t think writing a simple test should be anything more than a couple lines of code.

Previous to that quote the other host, Chris, gave a snippet of a simple unit test and it required 17 lines of code to simply write one assertion. That seems absurd!

At the end of the post Ed notes something that is very important and relates closely to TDD:

To write testable code, you really have to be thinking about testing when you write your code. It takes a bit of time to get used to that, but I think it’s very doable.

The number one reason that PHP developers have a tough time thinking in this manner is due to the fact that most of them are self taught. PHP has a really small learning curve which is great for people who want to get into web development, but in order for PHP unit testing to move forward and to better things, more developers have to get into the TDD mindset.


P.S. I find it amusing that in my WordPress (Mainly written in PHP) post editor, the acronym PHP isn’t included in the base dictionary.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tyler Lundstrom by CS@Worcester – Tyler Lundstrom and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Lessons to Learn from Kent Beck the father of TDD

In a podcast I listened to earlier this week from PythonTesting, Test & Code podcast, I was able to hear from the “father” of TDD himself Kent Beck. In this podcast, the host Brian took snippets from a Software Engineering radio podcast (Episode 167) that, what he thought, would have the most impact on the listener.

These are the 5 things Brian decided to look at:

  1. You’re tests should tell a story.

  2. Be careful of DRY, inheritance, and other software development practices that might get in the way of keeping your tests easy to understand.

  3. All test should help differentiate good programs from bad programs and not be redundant.

  4. Test at multiple levels and multiple scales where it makes sense.

  5. Differentiating between TDD, BDD, ATDD, etc. isn’t as important as testing your software to learn about it. Who cares what you call it.

One interesting thing I noted from this was point number 2. Being careful of writing test that align with common software design practices. This kind of went hand-in-hand with point 1 where he says your tests should tell a story. Each individual test should tell the person reading it, what was being accomplished at that given point. For example if you try to use the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) philosophy then you won’t be able to see that story as well in your tests because you’ve tried consolidating the repeats.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tyler Lundstrom by CS@Worcester – Tyler Lundstrom and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.